美術家 山口和也との初対面した時のことです。
茶道家の守屋實智子さんから紹介された彼は、芸術作品を作るために火薬を使って絵を描くアーティストです。 適当にやっているように見えるかもしれませんが、彼は自分が望む結果を出すために、多大な時間を費やし描くことを計画的に進めています。
彼の作品にはとても感動しました。 彼は火薬の置き方を計画していますが、彼の仕事の最終結果は、爆発後にしか知ることができません。 私にとって、それは人生に似たパフォーマンスです。
First meeting with artist Kazuya Yamaguchi.
Introduced to me by the tea ceremony master Michiko Moriya, he is an artist who experiments with gun powder in order to create artwork. It might look random at first, but he takes a great amount of time to plan the kind of results he wants.
The day we met, he gave me and Mrs. Chiyo Nanye a private tour of Shinjuan in Daitokuji, Kyoto where the art work of popular artists and his own work were exhibited to the public just for a limited amount of time.
I was very touched with his work. Although he plans how to place the gunpowder, the end result of his work can only be known after the explosion. To me, it is a performance that resembles life.
What kind of work will he create during our performance?