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このプロジェクトは、2020/04/03に募集を開始し、 282人の支援により 1,253,000円の資金を集め、 2020/04/29に募集を終了しました









このプロジェクトは、2020/04/03に募集を開始し、 282人の支援により 1,253,000円の資金を集め、 2020/04/29に募集を終了しました




Dear Patrons,

About Post 2: (published on 2020/04/11 20:00)

Kuri-chan usually sleeps like this on my bed.

Kuri-chan's update:
Having got to take injections everyday for the last 70+ days since 31st
Jan, Kuri-chan's blood test result shows that he is doing well. Though,
his stress level may be reaching at the top. He has shown us he has
high endurance but it is somewhat weary nowadays. He often mistakes my
footsteps as my son's and tries to hide himself from going to the vet,
but despite his best effort, my son takes him to the vet at the same
hour everyday.

MUTIAN injection treatment is no easier for the vet as well. Due to the
many injections which Kuri-chan had so far over the last two months, he
is suffering from many ulcers formed all over his back, thus the vet
always strives to find the best spot on Kuri-chan's back where he can do
the injection.

But in particular, on Tuesday April 7, and it happened at this one time,
that Kuri-chan screamed and struggled like never before. The vet had to
try the injections three times, and at one time, the vet even stabbed
No one could tell why it was so painful for Kuri-chan that day compare
to any other day, but may be, the injection went in right on one of his
ulcers..... It is so heartbreaking and disheartening to see my
Kuri-chan bearing with the pain like this, nonetheless, before or after
this date, Kuri-chan has never ever attacks us back.

In terms of Kuri-chan's appetite, he eats only small amount at a time
but sadly he is no longer keen to be fed by my son. Kuri-chan demands
his a/d canned food every 1.5hrs-3hrs only when I am near him, and he
would eat more or less the whole can a day.
We are so grateful to Kuri-chan's god father that we received two cases
of a/d canned food from him.

Once a day, we allow the big sister, Maria (the GSD), and the younger
sister, Sayla (other orange tabby) to see Kuri-chan for about 5-60mins
so that they can play and unite as a family.

Maria has been suffering from some unknown cause of problem with her own
digestive system but when she is stable she plays a good sister (not
stealing Kuri-chan's food etc) and sleeps quietly at the back.

Kuri-chan is gaining his weight steadily back to his normal, and the
amount of MUTIAN he needs to take stays at double doses, which is about
3.4ml. As a 5ml bottle of MUTIAN costs $379, the three months worth of
MUTIAN, together with everyday's visits to the vet are tremendously

It is not good time for us Human neither as of the recent rage of
CODIV-19 everywhere around the world. Due to my health circumstances
and conditions, mainly with the dialysis and related problems, I have to
be extra cautious to stay alive, but I cannot help to feel so powerless
in supporting Kuri-chan, and keep asking myself, whether making the
decision back in January to give him a 84-days treatment to fight with
FIP was the right idea or not, just because of I wasn't ready to let him
go, wouldn't be this a torture on him?
13 more days till the end of the treatment programme, only 13 more days,
but yet, another 13 more long days for Kuri-chan and us.... etc....

But looking at the figures such as those 700 patrons who have supported
and backed us in the first project, those new patrons in this second
project, those 780 people subscribed to my YouTube channel, and those
who are helping to spread the words on Facebook & SNS, all I know is
that I have to be strong as Kuri-chan is, as he is the one doing so much
in this, we will somehow manage to live until your contributions and
donations reach us.

Thank you for your support.

Love from Maiko Kyougoku

Just to cheer up, it was my son's birthday yesterday (April 10), he
turned 19 years old, and we ate Cheesecake!
