Starting our crowd-funding site, we didn’t expect anything near the support we have gotten thus far. With your support we are able to keep our mission alive for the foreseeable future!
With this money, we have started by increasing the working time for our staff member. In turn this has enabled them to work of a various different number of projects that we want to push forth in the future.
For example, we have just finished creating our activity board which we will be releasing in the next week for locals, guests, and half day travelers alike to experience a bit of the surrounding nature with these fun and exciting activities.
Furthermore, we are currently creating a gate that will be intertwined with drift wood to welcome any donators to our lodge! This will set a certain mood as our walk into our Lodge feeling like you are walking into a new world.
We are grateful to anyone who has donated in return for one of our many packages and are excited to either message or see you when you get here! Again, thank you very much for you support and we hope that you will continue to support our journey to making Bungo Ono a household name!