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キリマンジャロのツアー・プロジェクト(Summit 2 Sand Safaris by David Livingstone)が新型コロナの影響で運営継続が困難な状況です。過去に安全にキリマンジャロ登山に挑めた方、今後挑む予定の方、ミッションに共感いただける方、など、皆様のご協力をお願いします









このプロジェクトは、2020/04/30に募集を開始し、 38人の支援により 317,000円の資金を集め、 2020/05/31に募集を終了しました









このプロジェクトは、2020/04/30に募集を開始し、 38人の支援により 317,000円の資金を集め、 2020/05/31に募集を終了しました

キリマンジャロのツアー・プロジェクト(Summit 2 Sand Safaris by David Livingstone)が新型コロナの影響で運営継続が困難な状況です。過去に安全にキリマンジャロ登山に挑めた方、今後挑む予定の方、ミッションに共感いただける方、など、皆様のご協力をお願いします


Message from David
2020/05/17 01:58

Hi my friendsI hope all of you and your family are well in this hard situation. Thank you very much for all your support. I am impressed with all the messages from you. And thank you for your advice. I made a more detailed plan so more people will join us. I will make sure to make the most use of the funding from you. Below is my idea-Food for guides and porters and donation for orphanage for living at this moment: $2000-Rent of the office and other operations fees including the conduct of our COVID-19 risk management plans $1000-Rent of the land from the government, Initiation for agriculture for living in the long term: $4000I have made our COVID-19 strategies and risk management plans for our future tours have been seeking the land that we can use, and I will let you know when I find one and start farming.I appreciate all your idea and advice to our plans continuously.We made Facebook page of "Summit 2 Sand Safaris by David Livingstone Group Co., Ltd". I appreciate if you "follow" our page and invite your friends. We will continually update our activities here. Sugaya-san made the page of this crowdfunding project in Japanese so that many more Japanese people can take a look. I appreciate if you click “like” and share with your friends. This will give us more chances to pop out in Facebook, just like other advertisement during the funding period.キリマンジャロプロジェクト-109463080755805/This is our Twitter. is our Youtube channel. is our Instagram appreciate if you follow those and introduce to your friends and people who like nature and wildlife. All of our staffs are still trying hard to make the best tour in Tanzania! We will be ready to welcome you in the future.I will give a report time to time.Again, thank you for your help!RegardsDavid

Message from David
2020/05/03 12:14

Hi my friendsI hope all of you and your family are well in this hard situation.Thank you very much for all your support.The funding will be used for the daily bread for guides, porters and local community, including the support for the initiation of agriculture so all of us can continuously have food in this hard situation.I will send a report on how the project goes here in Tanzania.Stay safe and stay in touchDavid