山形県は庄内地方、酒田市に住むフランス人と日本人夫婦のガンバリーニ ピエール・杏子と申します。
このたび、庄内エリアでは初となるボードゲームカフェ&バー「Chez Pierre(シェ・ピエール)」を6月下旬~7月上旬にオープンします!
We are a French and Japanese couple living in Sakata city in the Shonai area of the Yamagata Prefecture and from the end of June we will open “Chez Pierre” the first Boardgame café & bar in Shonai!
We lived in Sakata for 3 years and until now we didn’t have any roots in the region.
In fact we both come from different places in the world. Kyoko is from Kamakura in the Kanagawa prefecture and Pierre from Menton in the south of France.
Our turning point was in 2015 when we first came in contact with Sakata and after being fascinated by the region and the people living here, we chose to leave Tokyo and move there in 2018.
We started by living in a rented place but while living there, an old dream came back to us and we started talking about buying our own place and opening a Boardgame café.
So last year we bought a place in the city center and started this project. We would like to make our city better by giving people more opportunities to interact with each other.
We see it as a just return to the city that welcomed us so warmly.
ガンバリーニ ピエール【画像内左】
Gambarini Pierre
Born in Menton (France) in 1982. He has been a fan of Asian culture from childhood since when he first watched the Japanese animation series “Astro Boy” on TV. Lived in Japan since 2012 and in Sakata since 2018. His favorite Japanese singer is Momoe Yamaguchi.
2019年秋頃 読売新聞山形版「ひと・とき」より
1981年神奈川県鎌倉市生まれ。大学卒業、就職を経て数年後に留学。2012年に帰国するまでスイスとフランスに住む。帰国後は東京のゲーム企業に就職。 2018年に夫ピエールと共に酒田に移住し、フリーランスライターとして活動を始める。現在は酒田でスローライフを満喫中。
Gambarini Kyoko
Born in Kanagawa prefecture in 1981. Lived in Switzerland and France before moving back to Japan in 2012 and worked in the video game industry since then. She started working as a freelance writer and moved to Sakata in 2018. She now enjoys her slow life in Sakata.
▽▽▽▽山形県酒田市移住ポータルサイト『at sakata』インタビュー記事▽▽▽▽
◆ボードゲームカフェ&バー「Chez Pierre(シェ・ピエール)」とは
お店のタイトルである「Chez Pierre(シェ・ピエール)」は、フランス語で「ピエールの家」。
“Chez Pierre”, which is the name of the shop, means “At Pierre’s house” in French. We are aiming to create a place with a welcoming atmosphere where you can easily visit, like you are visiting a friend’s house.
▼ボードゲームカフェ&バー「Chez Pierre(シェ・ピエール)」の3つのポイント
1 : Board games from all around the world
We collected more than 200 games so far, games from Japan and all around the world.
Our collection goes all the way from games you can play in just in a few minutes to huge campaign games that take multiple sessions to complete.
Some of the games we have are quite rare and really hard to find, coming from some of the countries we visited in the past like Estonia or India.
We already have a lineup that can accommodate anyone from a new player who wants to discover board games to veteran boardgamers who want to try something new.
2: It’s also a cafe and bar
Outside of the large collection of games, Chez Pierre is also a café and bar and has counter and table seats where you can enjoy some tea or drinks even if you don’t play.
3 : A place for international exchange
Pierre is probably the only French guy living in Sakata city, and he can speak not only French but also English and Japanese, as well as a little bit of Italian and Thai.
We would be very happy if Chez Pierre could become a place where people from all over the world can come to enjoy international exchanges together.
We will also hold regular events related to foreign countries such as “ Communication in French”, “Introduction to French culture”, “Board games in English” and others…
We will use the remaining funds (after the 17% CAMPFIRE commission fee) to purchase the last materials and equipment needed to open the store, and to pay for some renovation costs and to fund some corona countermeasures such as disposable gloves and face masks so that everyone can play with peace of mind. If possible, we also want to increase the number of games available.
Rewards are not limited to drinks and game tickets that can be used at the store. We also have some other rewards such as a guided introduction to Sakata center by Pierre or Kyoko (both are qualified guide interpreters for the north shonai area) and language lessons.
* Drinks tickets and game tickets can be used by anyone even if you did not purchase it yourself.
* Drinks ticket can be exchanged for any drinks on the menu, including the alcoholic ones.
* French/English lessons will be held at the store by Pierre who is a native French speaker but not an English one. Please contact us with your desired schedule.
* Sakata center guiding return does not include facility entrance fees and transportation costs. Please contact us with your desired schedule.
* The expiration date of all rewards is the end of March 2021.
ありがとうメール Thank you email
Thank you email / Game ticket (2 hours) x 1 / Drink ticket x 1
Thank you email / Game ticket (1DAY) x 1 / Drink ticket x 3
Thank you email / Pierre's French or English lesson (90 minutes) / drink ticket x 1
Thank you email / Game ticket (1DAY) x 2 / Drink ticket x 5
Thank you email / Game ticket (1DAY) x 5 / Drink ticket x 10
Thank you email / Guiding around Sakata center area by Pierre or Kyoko (5 hours)
Thank you email / Pierre's French or English lesson (90 minutes) x 3 times / Drink ticket x 3
Thank you email / Game ticket (1DAY) x 20 / Drink ticket x 30
◆スケジュール Schedule
Until now early June 2020 : Property acquired, Renovation works in progress
End of June 2020 until July 18 : Pre-opening
July 17, 2020 : End of the crowdfunding campaign, pledge return shipping start.
July 18, 2020 : Grand opening
「Chez Pierre(シェ・ピエール)」がオープンするのは、酒田市の中心市街地にある「中通り商店街」の一角。
Sakata city has a population of about 100,000 peoples and is located in the north of the Yamagata prefecture on the seaside of the Sea of Japan.
It has a rich history as a merchant city, developed thanks to the kitamae ships that carried goods and rice from the north of Japan all the way to Osaka and Edo (Tokyo).
It is also a place blessed by a wonderful nature such as Mt. Chokai, the tallest mountain in Tohoku culminating at 2,236m. , as well as the Tobishima island a paradise for rare plants and migrating birds.
And this wonderful nature produce delicious food. Sakata is a city where "everything you eat casually is delicious” including the local rice, vegetables, fruits and of course the Japanese Sake.
“Chez Pierre” will open in the corner of the “Nakadori shopping street” in the center area of Sakata city.
It used to be a busy and lively shopping street but nowadays many shops are closed. It may be difficult to regain the greatness of the past but we hope that our shop will contribute to raise up the local spirit.
ボードゲームカフェ&バー「Chez Pierre(シェ・ピエール)」へのご支援、何卒よろしくお願いいたします。
ガンバリーニ ピエール
ガンバリーニ 杏子
In fact we wanted to open the shop for the “Sakata Festival” that is held every year from May 19 to 21.
However, This year the festival was canceled due to the Corona virus and our project also suffered delays and unexpected cost because of it.
But we still want to open a place where everyone can be brought together through boardgames and international exchanges and by doing this, help, even if it’s just a little, to revitalize Sakata city.
We look forward and thank you in advance for your support for this Boardgame café and Bar project “ Chez Pierre”.
Gambarini Pierre
Gambarini Kyoko
This project is using the All-in method. Even if we can’t get to the target amount, we will still carry out our plan and deliver rewards.
もっと見るChez Pierreクラウドファンディングリターン期限再延長のお知らせ
2021/04/29 13:44昨年のクラウドファンディングでChez Pierreをご支援くださった皆様へ。いつもChez Pierreをご愛顧くださりありがとうございます。先だって、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響により、クラウドファンディングリターンのチケットの使用期限を3月末から4月末に延長するというお知らせを掲載いたしました。その後も感染拡大はあまり収まることなく、お店があるここ庄内地方にも感染者が少しずつ増えている状況となってしまいました。つきましては、クラウドファンディングリターンのチケット使用期限を【2021年5月末日】まで再延長いたします。ご不明点等ありましたらお気軽にお問合せください。今後ともシェ・ピエールをよろしくお願いいたします。2021年4月29日(木)Chez Pierre もっと見る
Chez Pierreクラウドファンディングリターン期限延長のお知らせ
2021/03/23 20:31昨年のクラウドファンディングでChez Pierreをご支援くださった皆様へ。こんにちは、山形県酒田市のボードゲームカフェ&バー「Chez Pierre(シェ・ピエール)」です。開店からあっという間に半年が経とうとしていますが、皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか。コロナ禍での開店だったとはいえ、おかげ様で現在も営業を続けております。クラウドファンディングでご支援くださった皆様、お店に足を運んでくださった皆様、本当にありがとうございます。さて、クラウドファンディングでご支援いただいた皆様へお知らせです。昨日2021年3月22日、山形県は、山形市へ向けて独自の緊急事態宣言を発出いたしました。私たちのお店がある酒田市は対象外とはいえ、県内で新型コロナウイルス再拡大の懸念が高まっております。つきましては、クラウドファンディングリターンのチケット使用期限を【2021年4月末日】まで延長いたします。※山形県独自の緊急事態宣言が延長された場合には、チケット使用期限につきましても再考予定です。ご不明点等ありましたらお気軽にお問合せください。今後ともシェ・ピエールをよろしくお願いいたします。2021年3月23日(火)Chez Pierre もっと見る
2020/07/30 12:54本日7月30日、CAMPFIREでご支援くださった皆様への全てのリターンの発送が完了いたしました。今日発送を行ったのは以下のリターン内容です。・5,000円:ピエールのフランス語or英語レッスン(90分)×1、1ドリンクチケット×1・10,000円:ピエールor杏子による酒田中心エリアご案内・10,000円:ピエールのフランス語or英語レッスン(90分)×3、1ドリンクチケット×1※おまとめ支援でゲーム&ドリンクチケットと共に上記のリターンを設定してくださった方の分も本日発送しました。お手元に届くまでもう少々お待ちください。また、来週になっても届かないという場合、CAMPFIRE上のメッセージ機能、Chez PierreのメールアドレスやTwitterDM等でご連絡ください。ご不明点等がある場合もお気軽にお問合せください。改めまして、ご支援くださった皆様、プロジェクトの拡散をしてくださった皆様、本当にありがとうございました。 もっと見る