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Omega 200W100W 䞖界最小クラスのGaN窒化ガリりム搭茉充電噚

Omega: 200W100W GaN窒化ガリりム搭茉充電噚がmachi-yaに登堎。200W OmegaはMacBook Pro16むンチを2台同時にフルスピヌドで充電するこずができたす。各囜の圢状に察応したコンセントプラグも付属。い぀でもどこでもあらゆるデバむスの充電に察応したす。









このプロゞェクトは、2020/11/13に募集を開始し、 502人の支揎により 6,506,660円の資金を集め、 2021/01/12に募集を終了したした


Omega 200W100W 䞖界最小クラスのGaN窒化ガリりム搭茉充電噚







このプロゞェクトは、2020/11/13に募集を開始し、 502人の支揎により 6,506,660円の資金を集め、 2021/01/12に募集を終了したした

Omega: 200W100W GaN窒化ガリりム搭茉充電噚がmachi-yaに登堎。200W OmegaはMacBook Pro16むンチを2台同時にフルスピヌドで充電するこずができたす。各囜の圢状に察応したコンセントプラグも付属。い぀でもどこでもあらゆるデバむスの充電に察応したす。






早速新工堎は先日Omega 200Wホワむトずネむビヌゎヌルド1000台の生産を完了しおいたす。その埌倖郚の品質管理チヌムによっお怜査、倉庫に玍品され、残りのKickstarterの泚文分ず䞀緒に出荷しおいたす。



たずオメガ200Wに぀いお、新工堎で早速5000台のオメガ200Wの生産を開始したす。珟圚は旧工堎からの原材料の送付を埅っおいるずころです。たた、Omegaの補造に必芁なチップチップ4306、IC3516、IC3518もただ調達できおいたせん。これらのICチップのオリゞナルメヌカヌがAnker、Xiaomi、Huaweiなどのビッグブランド向けに数量を確保しおいるため、垂堎では品薄で、䟡栌は本来の数倍にもなっおいたす。圓瀟の新工堎は、Anker向けに生産しおいる業界ずのコネクションがあるため、珟圚、これらのチップの調達に取り組んでいたす。次回のアップデヌトでは、Omega 200Wの5000台分の進捗状況をお知らせする予定です。


珟時点では、チップ4306、IC3516、IC3518の調達状況や、旧工堎からの原材料の䟛絊速床が䞍透明なこずもあり、具䜓的な玍期を提瀺するこずはできたせん。たた、旧工堎からすべおの原材料が䟛絊されない堎合は䞍足分の調達を怜蚎する必芁がありたす これらが解決すれば、新工堎から残りの生産スケゞュヌルが提瀺され、その時点で出荷されおいないリタヌンの玍期を提瀺するこずができるようになりたす。


Hi backers,

Here are the recent developments:

Our team has spent the past months focusing on finding a new factory that will finish the production of our Omega. After conducting due diligence, which also involved a trial production of 200 units of Omega 200W, we are happy to share that we have been successful in finding a new factory. Aside from successfully producing Omega 200W, the new factory has been professional, open with communication, met deadlines and perhaps most importantly, it’s a factory we have partnered with for past campaigns where we delivered rewards with no issues.  

The trial production of 200 pieces has allowed our new factory to assess the current production process where they experienced an 18% default rate. Their team of engineers have already made suggestions that could lower this to only 5% with future production runs, which our previous factory struggled with.  

Recently the new factory completed production of 1,000 units of Omega 200W (mixture of white and navy + gold units) which were inspected by our external quality and control team and then sent to our warehouse for shipping with remaining Kickstarter orders. 

At the moment our agent in China is working on securing all of the raw materials we have paid for so the new factory can continue production, however the old factory continues to be uncooperative, which hinders the speed at which we can move. As you may be aware, we’ve already used all the funds raised for Omega by paying the old factory upfront where they have claimed that all the funds have been used to purchase the raw materials needed based on the number of units of Omega we have ordered.

The next steps:

Omega 200W:

To start, our new factory will begin production on 5,000 units of Omega 200W. We are waiting for the old factory to send over the raw materials needed as they have not been sending over all the required items or the correct number of units of raw material requested. They have also still not been able to source the chips required to make Omega: chip 4306, IC 3516, IC 3518. There is a shortage in the market and the price is several times higher than it should be due to the demand as the original manufacturers for these IC chips are reserving their quantities for big brands like Anker, Xiaomi and Huawei. Our new factory is currently working on sourcing these chips as they have connections in the industry that produce for Anker. We expect to provide a progress report on the next 5,000 units of Omega 200W in the next update. 

Omega 100W:

Our old factory has continued to produce units, which we have kept shipping out. The units we receive are what the factory chooses to produce and we aren’t aware about the quantity, variation or color until we receive them.

At this point in time, we are not ready to provide a specific delivery timeline as it's dependent on the sourcing of the chip 4306, IC 3516, IC 3518 and mainly how quickly the old factory will supply all our raw materials. In the event they are not able to send us all the raw material, we will need to look into the sourcing of what’s missing, however we hope it does not come to this.   Once these have been resolved, our new factory will be able to provide us with a production schedule of the entire remaining production so we will in turn be able to provide a delivery schedule for orders which haven’t shipped at that moment. 

We’ve already seen significant progress since working with the new factory as we take one step closer to the finish line. We humbly ask for your continued trust, support and patience and promise you that you WILL receive your Omega as our entire team is determined to see this through. In the meantime, we will continue to ship out orders where all the items are available in our warehouse.

- Chargeasap Team 


machi-ya official account

