2021/03/16 12:42

山北さんは、自身が代表を務めるIkiCompanyにて、舞台「KATANA SWORD」ロサンゼルス公演を企画する際に、義一さんの工房を訪ね取材をさせて貰った経緯があります。
DVDは、日本語・英語のナレーションが入っております。 WEB配信は、事前に選択が必要なため、ご支援の言語にて自動的に選択します。 ご希望がございましたら、備考欄にお書きいただけたら幸いです。

Ryuji Yamakita as the president of the production company,
IKI COMPANY is making English version with his team in Hollywood now on.
When he visited and interviewed Yoshikazu Yoshihara for his own projects, he was impressed as time went by today, he also supports this project from the bottom of his heart.

* DVD contents Japanese version and English Version.

* Online Distribution needs to be chosen either Japanese version or English version before purchase. Please mention either one on remarks column.