2019/04/09 18:44




I met Kashima-san a few years ago through the regular beer circles and was stunned not just by his passion for beer, but for his ability to get things done. Getting a beer license, getting financed, buying the equipment, making recipes, etc., is a monumental task, but somehow he was able to pull it all off in record time while making sure to involve as many people as possible and still keep things fun.

His whole philosophy behind Diamond Brewing is that he wants beer-lovers in the community to come and help make beer with him, to use his equipment and try out new things, no matter how weird. Thanks to this, me and my buddy Laci have been able to make a couple pretty strange but quite tasty brews that most breweries would never let happen.

Kumamoto really has potential to become something unique with regard to beer and drinking culture, and having a main location downtown to get people interested in good beer and meet other people who share the same interests. I think the World Beer Terminal can be this place and really look forward to it becoming a reality.

Jason Morgan, co-proprietor of Voyager Bar & co-owner of Adastra Co., Ltd.


Diamond Brewingの背景にある彼の哲学は、周りのビール愛好家と一緒にビールを作り、自分の醸造設備を使って新しいことに挑戦していくことです。このおかげで、私と私の仲間のLaciは、他の醸造所ではできないであろう非常にユニークで美味しいビールを作ることができました。

World Beer Terminalはそのような場になると思います。



現支援額:3,895,000円 (公開より6日経過現在、129%)
