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このプロジェクトは、2021/02/10に募集を開始し、 62人の支援により 613,000円の資金を集め、 2021/03/14に募集を終了しました









このプロジェクトは、2021/02/10に募集を開始し、 62人の支援により 613,000円の資金を集め、 2021/03/14に募集を終了しました



(English is bellow)
















① 新しい技術を取り入れやすい若い農家
② りんごを運ぶ際に特に丁寧に扱う必要のない加工用りんごを栽培している
③ ロボットが稼働しやすい矮化栽培 or 高密度栽培をしている所




① ロボットはSLAM技術で自己位置推定し、収穫場と収集場を自動で往復運搬する
② りんご収穫に使うカゴ10個、20kgコンテナを4つ、合計80kgを積載できる
③ りんご農園内の情報をカメラで認識し、データを収集する
④ AIを活用して、データ分析をする




リーダー Tamir Blum (タミル ブルム)



Tesshin Wudom(テッシンウードム)





2020年11月に東北地域のスタートアップ支援事業である東北グロースアクセラレータ(TGA)に採択されました。その際にNEDO賞を受賞し、技術シーズを事業化する前段階であるNEDO Technology Commercialization Program に参加しました。

 2021年1月30日に、世界的なビジネスコンテストであるHult Prizeの東北大学校内選抜で優勝しました。そして東北大学を代表として、次の日本選抜戦に出場します。、ドイツのブレーメン地方選抜に出場することになりました。開催は2021年4月18日です。


Hult prize on Campus Winner

東北グロースアクセラレータ NEDO賞

仙台スタートアップフェスティバルTGAピッチ KDDI賞


プロジェクトで集められた資金は、輝翠TECHのコンセプトプロトタイプ開発に当てます。この開発を通して、りんご農家が抱えている問題を解決しながら、プロトタイプのデザインを最適化していきます。そして次の資金調達を容易にし、私達のビジネスを持続可能にしていきます。この資金は、資材や設備の購入、フィールドテストの実施、その他の事業関連費用に使用していきます。 全額を調達しなかった場合は、実行可能なプロトタイプを作成するために最善を尽くします。 目標額を超えて調達すれば、プロトタイプの改良回数を増やし、より高品質のプロトタイプを作成できるようになり、私達のビジョンをより早く実現できるようになります。


2021年4月 ロボットプロトタイプ製作開始
2021年8月 製作完了
2021年9月 実証実験




メディア掲載 Media




<All-in 方式>





Hello, we are a Tohoku University startup, KISUI TECH. KISUI TECH seeks to bring automation to farms, using unique space exploration robotics technology and research experience from the founders, Tamir Blum and Wudom Tesshin, Tohoku University graduate students. Both of us are currently living in Sendai, and during our time here have frequently visited nature spots and the outdoors, meeting farmers along the way and learning about the farming conditions in the area. Through these experiences, we fell in love with Tohoku's nature and experiences the generosity and hospitality of the farmers. Thus, we decided that they wanted to try to help the difficulties that these farmers were facing. 

When we traveled throughout Tohoku, we saw an elderly farmer tending to his orchard in a beautiful, secluded area in the countryside. We saw this farmer exerting himself physically and could tell that the work was difficult. At this point, we pondered whether perhaps our research into AI and robotics could be used to help farmers like this one. 

From this experience, KISUI TECH was founded with an important vision for the future.

Our vision is a future where farms take care of themselves, with happy farmers and healthy people.

Our mission is to utilize AI and robotics technology in an ethical way, to increase the quality and quantity of produce while decreasing the work required. We seek to empower people, not to replace them. 

Japanese Agriculture

We believe that farmers are sincere and generous people, the backbone of society. Every day, they provide for the 3 meals we eat and provide us with nutrition. However, currently, the youth in the countryside are all moving to the big cities which has created a shortage of workers and the situation in rural areas is worsening. This makes the already laborious work of farming even more difficult.

In the meantime there is a declining birthrate and an aging population, with the average age of Japanese farmers rising to 67 years old. We want to use Ai and robotics to reduce the work of these farmers, while at the same time increasing the yields and making farming cool for the younger generation. We seek to make jobs not only in farming, but in engineering and in science/data analytics in order to revitalize these communities and attract more youth there. We hope this will bring both economic and social relief to these communities. 

Japan is Lagging in Technology Advancements for Orchards

We decided to start with fruit tree farms because the required manual labor on these farms is very high. Most orchards in Japan are in mountainous areas, which inceases the workload associated with farming these areas. Concurrently, there has been a lack of application of labor-saving techniques almost for 50 years for many farms. By comparison, countries such as China and the US have a big advantage when it comes to farming due to their large scale, adoption of newer labor-saving techniques, and access to cheaper labor. 

Our Solution

 We believe robotics and AI are the solutions to this problem, having these technologies act in place of human labor. We first are starting local, focusing on the Tohoku region and want to target apple orchards, as it is the biggest produce here. We have interviewed many apple farmers during the past few months in order to understand their lives and their needs.

During our talks with farmers, we learned about what problems farmers want robots to helpthem with around the farm. Using this, we developed our list of services. We will start with transport robots, which are necessary during the harvest season, the busiest and most important season on the orchard. From a technological standpoint, automated transport around the farm is simple, and so we can develop a solution quickly and get it on farms to help the farmers. Thus, humans can focus on harvesting the apples, and robots will move them around, increasing efficiency on the farm. 

Once we have a working prototype, we will begin conducting demonstration experiments right away with partner apple farmers. These partners will meet 3 conditions:

① Younger farmers who can easily use new technology

② Uses apples for processing so that they are not so delicate

③ A place utilizes newer techniques such as dwarf cultivation and high-density cultivation

In order to continue to meet the demand for fruits, farmers will require a new management system for operating a farm with few employees. The number of farmers is increasing as older farmers retire, are younger people are showing little interest in the profession. So, we would like to start by focusing on apple farmers who can easily adopt this newer technology in order to advance the robotic and AI capabilities. We seek the cooperation of local communities and JA, the farming cooperatives, in order to make this possible and increase trust in our technology. 

Prototype Concept

The first prototype will demonstrate automated transportation capabilities. While it is not needed for this work, the robot will be able to patrol the farm to gather data and identify pestsand diseases.

Robot Specifications:

① Use SLAM technology and be able to identify its own location and move autonomously between the harvest and sorting locations
② Be able to carry 80kg of apples, either 10 baskets or 4 containers
③ Recognize information via computer vision to collect data
④ Use AI to analyze data in real-time to alert the farmer

The robot will not be used for solely transportation but will be able to patrol the farm to gather data and provide insights to the farmer, such as tree health, and possible infections of diseases or pests. It is hard to constantly patrol the farm, and problems can quickly spread if not discovered. Thus, the robot can quickly discover problems and alert the farmer before they become serious. 

In order to minimize downtime, we will utilize mutli-robot technology so that robots can work in conjunction and maximize the efficiency of the farm, such as during the transportation of apples to make sure there is always a robot to collect apples. 

Our R&D team

Leader Tamir Blum 

Tamir was born in Israel and grew up in the United States. He has loved the outdoors since he was a kid, often going hiking in nature. Growing up, he was on the soccer and swimming team at high school, as still continues to workout in his spare time. He grew up in the countryside where he could see directly some of the negative effects of a mass migration to cities, and a lack of jobs in the local communities. His father once lived on a kibbutz, which was an communal farm living community in Israel.

Tamir is well suited to lead this project. He is a UCLA alumni, at which time he became familiar with the startup culture in California. During this time he also did some work at SpaceX as an associate engineer and at a defense company on drones. He is currently researching AI for lunar surface robots at the Space Robotics Lab at Tohoku University.

 Tesshin Wudom

Wudom was born in Inner Mongolia, China, and moved to Fukuoka, Japan at the age of 13. After graduating from the Kyushu Institute of Technology, he continued his research on space robots at Tohoku University and earned his master's degree. He is currently a PhD student at Tohoku University, studying the control of space robots and the development of grippers for asteroid exploration robots. He is a labmate of Tamir's and wants to help empower farmers through the introduction of agricultural robotics, proving to the world that robots can exist outside of the research labs. 

Impact from the Tohoku University Space Robotics Lab

We, the two co-founders, met at the Space Robotics Lab of Tohoku University and have been conducting research on space robots, AI, and controls. We are aiming to utilize robotics and AI technology for agriculture to support apple orchards, tree fruits and the agricultural industry as a whole. We seek to change the agricultural industry from Tohoku, and to make farming easy. 

Activities until February 10th, 2021

In November 2020, we were selected to join the Tohoku Growth Accelerator, a startup support program in the Tohoku region. During the opening, we received the NEDO award and participated in the NEDO Technology Commercialization Program, a program for pre-seed stage startups with high potential.

On January 30, 2021, we won the UN OPS HultPrize on Campus competition at Tohoku University. The HULT prize is a global business contest focused on social-businesses, with this year's focus being "Food for Good". We will go on to represent the university at regionals in Bremen Germany, held on April 28th, 2021.

On February 10th, 2021, we took the stage at a Sendai startup festival, the TGA (Tohoku Growth Accelerator) Festival, and were selected to win the ultimate KDDI award. 

Hult prize on Campus Winner 

Tohoku Growth Accelerator NEDO award

Sendai Startup Festival TGA pitch KDDI award
Use of Money

The funds raised in the project will be used to develop KISUI TECH's prototype. Through this process, we will optimize our solution to the needs of the farmers through direct feedback. This will be critical when we seek further financing and help make our business sustainable and in a good position to grow and deliver real change to these farmers. The funds will be used to purchase materials and equipment, conduct field tests and other business-related expenses. If we do not raise the full amount, we will do our best to build a viable prototype. If we raise more than the target, we will do our best to speed up the timeline to when we can get the robot out on farms, and be able to build a higher quality prototype with more iterations. 


April  2021   Start building the prototype
August 2021 Finish building the prototype
September 2021 Start field tests


We appreciate your support! There are various modest returns starting from the site-required minimum of ¥500.

All those who support 1500 yen or more will receive an e-mail with a letter of appreciation with their name included.

Social Media

We have several SNS accounts. Please follow us and give us "LIKE" to our activities. We appreciate your support and sharing our post. We are showing our real time activities on each SNS. So be free to contact us when you have any questions.



<All-in Mothed>

Our project is executed with All-in method. We will do this project and give you reward even if it doesn't reach our goal. 

Message from our supporters

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Together, we will Change Farming from Tohoku and Make Farming Easy!


  • こんにちは、輝翠テックのテッシンウードムです。この度は、皆様のおかげで、61万3千円もの資金をご支援いただけました。本当にありがとうございました。私達の活動は去年の秋頃から初めており、最初は農業にどんなロボットを使うべきかわかりませんでした。しかし、TGAプログラムを通して周りからの協力や、仙台市からのご支援のおかげで、りんご農家の課題を見つけ出すことができました。AIとロボット技術はすでにたくさんの分野に活用されてきており、これからもっと成長する技術です。機械化、情報化などが進んでいないりんご農業、果樹農業はもっともっとこれらの技術を取り入れて、テクノロジーを使った省力化した農業で高品質な農産物を作れると信じています。日本は高い技術を持っているのです。それを農業に応用する人がまだまだ少ないのです。私達は皆様にこれからお願いしたいのは、農業にはもっともっと可能性があって、いろんな分野の人たちが必要だということを周りの人たちに伝えてほしいです。その分野で使われている技術が農業に使われたら、面白いことがあるかもしれない。このようなところで新しいことを発見することできるのです。最後に、今回集めたお金を私達はロボットのプロトタイプ製作に使っていきます。残念ながら、目標金額になりませんでしたが、それでも事業化へ向けて、他の方に見せれるものを作れると信じています。今後の活動もこちらに共有させていただきますので、よろしくお願いします。これからも皆様、応援よろしくお願いします。 もっと見る

  • Hi everyone,Thank you all for your continued support. We wanted to send out an update today because we have two pieces of exciting news! 
The first piece of news is that we have reached an important milestone today: ¥300,000 in total donations, 20% of our overall initial goal of ¥1,500,000! This would not be possible without each and everyone one of you and bolsters our conviction and ability to help farmers.The second piece of news is that we have been expanding our team and have had two wonderful individuals join the team. The first individual is a brilliant Tohoku University alumnus with robotics industry experience who is aiding us in software development as an outside advisor! The second individual, Kay, is an amazing student at Tohoku University who studies human-machine interactions and will help us make sure our robots are designed around the farmers as an intern! Both these individuals are incredibly intelligent, hardworking, and passionate about the vision of 輝翠TECH and will help us immensely in our mission.We are quite excited about the recent progress and hope you all are too. Our next big milestone is reaching 33% of our overall goal, which means there is ¥200,000 to go! If we can reach this, we can build a well-equipped robot prototype with more of the features we are hoping to demonstrate!We believe this is doable and ask for your help in sharing our message and our vision with your friends, neighbors, and colleagues in this final 10 day push!We will continue to share updates as time goes on but wanted to once again close this report by expressing our profound thanks for the support you all have shown us in making this crucial step possible. With your help, we will bring into reality our vision of AI-robotics and space technology used in an ethical way to help empower farmers and change farming from Tohoku!Lets make farming easy! 輝翠TECH もっと見る

  • Crowdfunding Update

    2021/02/24 20:48

    Hi everyone,Thank you all for your support up until now. It's been 2 weeks since we launched the crowdfunding campaign and have gotten 37 amazing people to donate and countless messages of support and encouragement!While there is still a ways to go, we are excited to announce we have already raised over ¥250,000 towards our goal of ¥1,500,000. With this amount, we can already start to build a bare-bones model of the prototype. While it will not be completely equipped with all the sensors and specs of a full model, it will be enough to allow us to start to develop some of the important software we need to do field tests and start helping farmers as soon as possible.In this effort, we are excited to announce that we have started to buy some of the initial supplies for the first prototype!  There are 18 days left in the crowdfunding campaign. Please help us by sharing the word! We will be sharing more updates as time goes on, but wanted to close this report by expressing our profound thanks for the support you all have shown us in making this crucial step possible. With your help, we will bring into reality our vision of AI-robotics and space technology used in an ethical way to help farmers and change farming from Tohoku! Lets make farming easy! 輝翠TECH もっと見る



投稿するには ログイン が必要です。




    • リターン画像


      Eメールで感謝メッセージを送りさせていただけます。 進捗レポートを随時発信、支援したくれた方に共有します。 4月から9月まで月1回配信、計6回 We will send you a thank you email, along with monthly reports of our progress from April-September! Thank you so much for your support!



    • リターン画像


      感謝メッセージを添えた、名前入りの特別な感謝状をメールでお送りさせていただきます。 We will send you a thank you certificate with your name on it via email! Thank you so much for your support!



    • リターン画像


      輝翠TECHステッカー 3種類のステッカーから1枚を選んでいただき、支援者に贈りさせていただけます。 One of our Kisui TECH stickers! You can choose from one of the 3 options. 写真はイメージです *Photos are just for reference, final design might be tweaked*



    • リターン画像


      (学生限定)zoomで1時間のお話会 英語、海外の話題、私達の活動などを話題にお話することが出来ます。 この機会を是非活用してください。 ※有効期限:2021年4月〜2021年8月(土日祝を除く) ※備考欄に学校名と学年を入れてください。 ※学生以外の方はもう一つの10000円リターンへご支援お願いします。 1 hour session with a student on Zoom (limited to students). Can be in either English or Japanese and we can discuss anything from AI robotics and space to our mission at Kisui tech or more. Thank you for your support! ※Use between:April 2021 and August 2021 (with appointment) ※In the column please write the name of your school and year ※For non students we also offer a 10000円 support option. Thank you!



    • リターン画像


      二種類ステッカーを送れさせていただきます。 3種類から2つを選べます。 Two of our Kisui TECH stickers! You can choose from two of the 3 options. *写真はイメージです *Photos are just for reference, final design might be tweaked*



    • リターン画像


      3種類ステッカー全部お届けします。 ①Make farming Easy! ②東北から農業を変える! ③輝翠TECH LOGO ステッカーを持つ支援者は我々の同志である証です。ぜひとも、一緒に日本の農業を盛り上げていきましょう! One of each of our 3 Kisui TECH stickers! Thank you for your support! *写真はイメージです *Photos are just for reference, final design might be tweaked*



    • リターン画像


      (学生以外)zoomでのお話会(1時間) 私達の活動やロボットに関する話など、何でもお話できます。 ※有効期限2021年4月〜2021年8月(土日祝を除く) 1 hour zoom session. We can talk about robotics-AI-space tech as well as our mission at Kisui tech, and our progress and future plans. Thank you for your support! ※Please use between April 2021 - August 2021 (with appointment)



    • 15,000

      ロボット見学チケット(家族含む) 私達の活動拠点にて、1時間程度実際に私達が作ったロボットをお見せします。 そして、実際に操作したりも出来ますので、ロボット体験に良い機会だと思います。 5月、6月はまだ製作時期ですが、訪問は可能です。8月、9月には完成予定です。 スケジュールなどはメールにて調整して行う予定です。 ※有効期限:2021年5月~2021年9月 Ticket to visit us, see our activities, our progress and the robot. If we are in the field stage test you can also see us perform a field test depending on the day (probably form August). Visits will be roughly 1 hour. Thank you for your incredible support! ※Please use between May and September 2021, with appointment



    • リターン画像


      ロボットに支援者の名前を入れます。これによって、支援者の名前がロボットにあれば、いつでも私達にエールを送っていることを感じられます! そして、Eメールで感謝メッセージも送りさせていただきます。 ※支援時、必ず備考欄にご希望の名前をご記入ください。 ※写真はイメージです。 You are going a long way in helping us in our mission! We will display your name on the robot, so that we will constantly feel your support! We will also send you a thank you email. ※Please write your name in the column. Must be appropriate. ※Photo just for reference.



    • 200,000


      2名限定、ロボットの個体名をあなたが名付ける! プロトタイプロボットが一つを完成するごとに、先着順でロボットの個体名をつけてもらいます。 ※公序良俗に反する内容、法令に違反する内容などはお受けできません。 Limited to two people、you can name the prototype robot and go down as part of Kisui TECH history!Naming will be done in order of who donates first. ※Name has to be appropriate, we hold the right to refuse inappropriate or immoral names.

