Together with you, towards a better Bauhaus
(Please scroll down for the English texts)
1st Stage 移転先の確保・引越費用【目標金額:1,800万円】
2nd Stage ステージ&設備工事【目標金額:2,700万円】
3rd Stage ホールレイアウト【目標金額:3,600万円】
2nd Stageでのステージ・設備工事に加えて、ホールレイアウトの工事として使わせていただきます。
4th Stage 室内音響の向上(プロによる防音及び音響対策)
5th Stage 究極のロックの殿堂【目標金額:5,400万円】
● 2nd Stageを達成できた場合
● 3rd Stageを達成できた場合
● 4th Stageを達成できた場合
バウハウスオンラインショップデジタルクーポン券500円分(有効期限:2022年6月30日)&バウハウス入場料デジタルクーポン券1000円分(有効期限: 2022年8月15日)をお届けします。
● 5th Stageを達成できた場合
「NO ROCK NO LIFE」を題材としたオリジナルソングを作曲・レコーディングし、皆様へお届けいたします。(デジタルオーディオデータでのお渡しとなります)
Thank you for visiting our crowdfunding page, and thank you again to everyone who has already supported us.
We’ve been truly amazed to have received over 18 million yen of funding in just 4 days. Thanks to this incredible support, Bauhaus is now able to move forward to its dreams.
With a budget of 18 million yen, Bauhaus is saved: we can relocate at minimal cost, and pay our bills for this year, until regular business resumes. However, with this budget, our capacity to invest time and money in interior construction, stage and seating layout, decoration and technical equipment of the new venue will be limited.
We will proceed with the construction no matter what, but we still need additional support to cover extra costs such as soundproofing, interior design, better stage and seating layout…We believe that to recover from the damage caused by coronavirus to the image of live music venues and to our business, we need to build the most attractive place we can. We need to make a Bauhaus that you will love even more than before, and that will be able to keep attracting new customers.
The crowdfunding campaign is not finished, so let’s use the time left that we have to advance towards this ultimate goal!
1st Stage (goal: 18 million yen)
New Venue Contract & Moving Cost
Thanks to your support, we have achieved this goal and signed a tenant agreement for the new location. We can move to our new venue, thank you!
2nd Stage (goal: 27 million yen)
Stage Construction & Basic Equipment
This funding amount will allow us to build the stage with a simple layout and the basic facilities - not including bar counter and permanent seating. The stage layout will be similar to the one we had in our previous location, Reine Building, with the seats surrounding the stage. We decided to use this layout as inspiration as it was still popular with our customers and staff, even after 3 years in our current location.
3rd Stage (goal: 39 million yen)
Hall Construction
With this amount, we can go further in the interior construction of our new venue. In addition to the stage and basic facilities, we can build a more elaborate seating layout, designed and constructed in a way that the audience will be able to enjoy the stage from any seat. We will bring back the seats right in front of the stage that we had in our previous location. We will raise the floor in the back of the venue to offer a view on the entire stage for the back seats. Wherever you will be seated in this new Bauhaus, we want you to feel the connection with the band.
4th Stage (45 million yen)
Better Sound Quality & Soundproofing
Until now, the soundproofing of our venues was done by our staff. This took a lot of our time, and we never could achieve the level of soundproofing we could have reached with a professional. If we reach this goal, we will have a professional do our soundproofing, using better techniques and equipment. We will be able to provide better sound quality for our live shows, while avoiding disturbing our neighbours even during late night performances. This will also allow us to reopen our business more rapidly.
5th Stage (54 million yen)
The Ultimate Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
If we reach this final goal, we will be able to offer you a more elaborate stage layout. It will have an extended Bauhaus-style runway, with a small round sub-stage at the end. This will allow the audience to enjoy the musicians' solo performances from up close. It will also be possible to move the drum stand back and forth, to offer different points of view on the drummer’s performances. We will equip our stage with live streaming equipment and a screen, to enable full-scale live streaming and to accommodate a variety of events.
Through these additional goals, we aim at creating a place that will be loved by fans of rock music for many more years. After 40 years of history, we want to give this back to the community, and for the legacy of rock. If the goals can’t be reached, we will work within the limits of the available budget, and do as much as we can by ourselves. We hope we can count on your support.
If we can reach these new goals, all supporters will automatically receive enhancements to their rewards.
If the 2nd Stage is achieved
Not only will we post your name on our website, but we will also create a large flag with your name on it and display it in the new Bauhaus for a certain period of time after we reopen.
If the 3rd Stage is achieved
You will receive one additional sticker exclusive to this campaign (sticker design: classic Bauhaus logo, as seen on our popular classic t-shirt).
If the 4th Stage is achieved
You will receive a 500 yen coupon for Bauhaus online shop (coupon issued by email, valid until 31st March 2022) and a 1000 yen discount coupon for one Bauhaus entry ticket (discount applied upon your first visit to Bauhaus after our reopening, valid until 30th June 2022).
If the 5th Stage is achieved
To express our gratitude to everyone, and to keep this memory forever, we will compose and record an original song based on the theme "No Rock No Life" and deliver(Digital audio file) it to you.