2nd Stageゴール:ステージ&設備工事【目標金額:2,700万円】の達成が間近となっていますことに、心より感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。
2nd Stageゴールが達成できました場合は、バウハウスは次の目標の
3rd Stage ゴール: ホール内装工事【目標金額:3,600万円】の達成を目指していく予定です。
代表 各務 亨
Dear friends and supporters of Bauhaus,
We launched this crowdfunding campaign on 26th June with one goal: save our establishment, a place full of memories for everyone who visited it over the last 40 years. We now have one week left in the campaign.
Thanks to your support, after having rapidly reached the base goal of 18 million yen, we are very close to achieving the second level of funding for our project - 27 million yen. This amount will allow us to have our stage and basic facilities built by professionals.
We have now said goodbye to our previous venue, that we had to leave on 31st July. We’d like to thank everyone who joined our special livestream show on this occasion. If you missed it, you can view the recording here!
We are now moving to the new location that we could secure thanks to you. We will do our best to reopen our business as soon as possible - we can’t wait to rock with you again!
As many of you may know, Bauhaus previous relocations have always been DIY projects, where our staff and band members did everything, from building the stage to soundproofing the venue.
However, in this new project for our survival and relocation, I want to avoid risks of injuries for our staff, and I want professionals to take care of the construction. With your further help in the crowdfunding campaign, we can have professionals do as much work as possible - stage, bar, seating, soundproofing… And let our artists focus on music.
I am confident that we can reach the second goal soon, thanks to you. After that, we will aim for the third level. At 36 millions yen, this budget will allow us to hire professionals for the interior construction of the hall.
We have only one week left. Even if you already supported us, you can still help by spreading the information around you. We need the support of more friends of rock music to achieve our dream and build for you the best Bauhaus ever!
Toru Kagami, Director of Bauhaus