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このプロジェクトは、2021/10/10に募集を開始し、 220人の支援により 3,140,500円の資金を集め、 2021/11/30に募集を終了しました









このプロジェクトは、2021/10/10に募集を開始し、 220人の支援により 3,140,500円の資金を集め、 2021/11/30に募集を終了しました




From the Committee for Promotion of the Artificial Lawn Field Project

Korean School playground in Mito city is turning into artificial lawn field. We hope not only arranging educational environment for students at the school, but also using the ground by various groups: Junior Sports Clubs, club teams, nursery schools, adults, high school students around the school so that we attain one of our goals to contribute to the region. Thus, we want as many people as possible to take part in this project.

Main Idea

1. Improving drainage of the school playground for children’s educational environment.

2. Making spot for regional contribution and interaction.


We all really appreciate to your access to the page.

The committee mainly consists of 30s members graduated from Ibaraki Korean school.

We now challenge the crowdfunding under the title of Korean School in Mito City / To Regional Contribution / Help Wanted for the Project

Today, we would like to tell you about our passion for this challenge to finalize the project of 3 years’ standing.

The Committee for the Promotion of the Artificial Lawn Field Project

The committee, which is comprised of 30s graduates living in Ibaraki prefecture, is managed by Ibaraki Korean Youth Commerce Community. (IKYC)
Running each own business, members of the committee make great efforts to move forward with the project.

 Members of the Project

Two Missions for the Project

The project to construct artificial lawn field at a total cost 30 million yen.

3-years’-standing big project starting from October 2018.

The targets for running the artificial lawn field project are

1. arranging educational environment for students attending to “Uri Hakkyo”

2. contributing to the region by effective utilization of time zone when no student use.

※ “Uri Hakkyo” means “Our School.”

Toward our targets, we ask your supports through the crowdfunding.

The sentences below write the process of this project in detail.

Stay with me, dear friends.

The Background of This Project: About Ibaraki Korean School

Our old school, Ibaraki Korean School, have been located on the center of Senba-cho, Mito-shi, Ibaraki, Japan since April 15th, 1953. It is the 68th anniversary.

Ibaraki Korean School

Today, 51 students spend enjoyable day at the school.

Of 60 Korean schools in Japan, the most characteristic point of our school is “combined school of wide-spread districts in East Japan.”

The Whole School

Not only the students in the prefecture, but also many of students from other areas such as Tochigi, Gunma, Niigata, Fukushima, Miyagi, Tokyo, Saitama have lived in the dormitory leaving home.

Students Living in the Dormitory

Moreover, all of students in the elementary and junior and high school study under the same roof, who get along with spontaneously. Also, students and school staffs are really friendly as well.

In the face of the reality that numbers of student reduce less than half of numbers our school days, after racking his brain, we invented the project for our juniors.

For Children / For Our School

Kyong Gwang Ho, leader of the project and graduates of this school and chairman of IKYC promote this artificial lawn field project.

Kyong Gwang Ho
(Project leader, manager of rehabilitation station. / Many of professional athlete having been supported.)

IKYC as management of the project, the community consisted of people in their 30s, share the information for their business and get used to give support to Ibaraki Korean School.

During the activities, we often discuss and practice what we can do for the future of Korean students and their smiles.

Mr. Kyong conceived of the project in autumn 2018, and he always says

“If the school playground turns into artificial lawn field, not only students will be happy but also circumstances of our school would become better besides regional contribution.”

Longstanding Problem: Radical Improvements on badly drained playground

As for “advantage for students,” it is obvious that all of them prefer artificial lawn field to bare ground.

Not only that, but bad drainage is also agelong task for our school.

Slurpy Playground

Draining by Students before an athletic meet

The pictures above are familiar scene for graduates from this school, aren’t they?

If it rains heavily, it takes over a week to completely drain.

In that case, the condition has negative influence on PE lesson and club activities.

Based on the situation, this construction is expected to solve the task.

1. Arranging the artificial lawn field with special drainage.

2. Macadamizing to Reinforce the drainage of rain on the outside the lawn range.

Spot for Interaction with Korean Residents in Japan through Regional Contribution

This project aims not only for student at the Korean school, but also spot of regional contribution and Interaction.

“Regional contribution” comes from Mr. Kyong’s experiences to solve various problem of the area by utilizing time zone no one use the ground.

One is the experience to send his son to regional soccer club.

The ground lies on outskirts of Mito city. He had a difficult time to see him off, in any case, rush hour in evening makes it more stressful thing. You can easily imagine it, right?

At the time, he realized critical idea that if the Korean school playground were turfed a lawn, the ground must be high demand.

The “hypothesis” was demonstrated during promotion process. Surprisingly, so many of local club teams and soccer clubs of high schools have inquired about the ground, and we anticipate to increasing the requests of loan contract after the construction.

Insufficient numbers of student Practice with Japanese High School Students

Annual year-end event “Year-End Soccer by IKYC” with Many Japanese friends

Another descend from the several nursery schools near at Korean school.

Many Korean students graduates form the nursery schools, and now, their younger brothers and sisters or children of the school staffs is attending to the kindergartens.

COVID-19 pandemic brought the schools a difficulty of their walking course than before.

Because of the resin chip on the artificial lawn field, which let the heat up and is so safe for their health that materials making babies’ toy are used, we expect to utilize such a walking course.

Taking advantage of the story, we decided to make a new spot for interaction in Mito city by diligently opening the school playground for not only kindergartens, but also the groups which want to use.

The Final Phase of the Project with Many Approvals

For achieving the project, we convey our passions to Korean school staffs including the chairperson and the principal of our school.

In the beginning, we concerned to security problems, for example, the playground would be rent in the time when the staffs clock out and the students out of Ibaraki prefecture spend a time in the dormitory; deep discussing and hard thinking each other, we have been promoting the project.

In financing for the big project, we don’t think we can’t meet the targets by ourselves, so we first asked Korean compatriots and friends in and out of Ibaraki prefecture.

Knowing their hard conditions due to declaration of emergency corona states, we felt the high anxiety.

In spite of our uneasiness, hosts of them encouraged the project and say,

“We have no reason to deny the project for the future.

We know it is hard, but cheer you up

Tell me what we can for you.”

Supports into Energy / To as Many People as Possible

We guess that many people can’t be aware of the project.

We hope as many people as possible will know and cooperate with us.

With such a passion, we now challenge the crowdfunding.

Outline of the Artificial Lawn Field Project

This project was invented in October 2018, and genuinely handled from 2019 after obtaining committee member’s approvals.

Through the project, we are going to construct the artificial lawn field (4,000m2) which official soccer game of primary school can be held.

As-Built Drawing

We will secure the other room of the playground for available parking on each event: athletic meeting, school bazaar.

[About the Field]

・ Area: 73m × 55m (4,015m2)

・ Surface: Long Pile Artificial Lawn

・ Chip: Resin Chip(Green)

・ Size: Junior Official Soccer Game

        Senior Penalty Area-Compliant

・ Room: Parking Space

[Expected Use]

School events and club activities of Korean school are given priority. The field can be rent in other free time.

・ Junior Official Soccer Game, Training Match, Practice

・ Soccer Practice for Junior and High School or Adults

・ Events for kids or sports etc.

※ Weekdays: Evening

   Weekend: Free Time as long as nothing prevent from the school activity


Address: 2846, Senba-cho, Mito-shi, Ibarkai

Place: Ibaraki Korean Elementary and Junior and High School Playground

Access: 10-Minute Drive from South Exit of Mito Station on the JR Line

       5-Minute Walk from Nagahori Bus Station

       20-Minute Drive from Jobando-Mito bypass / Kitakantodo-Mitominami bypass

Breakdown of Fund

◆ Breakdown of Fund

We are trying to turn our school playground into artificial lawn field for the purpose above.

Then, the fund from this crowdfunding will allot to a total cost 30 million yen.

Breakdown of a Total Cost

・ For Construction: 28 million yen

・ For Equipment: 1.1 million yen

・ For Parking: 900 thousand yen

・ Total: 30 million yen

※ The fund of this crowdfunding 2.5 million yen includes 15 thousand yen for return and 2.5 thousand yen for commission.

If we achieve our goal of the project, we are going to compensate with the fund for arranging other environments such as dressing room and so on.

◆ Schedule

October 10th, 2021   : Starting Crowdfunding

November 10th, 2021  : Starting Construction

November 30th, 2021 : Finishing Crowdfunding

Mid-December, 2021 : Completion of Construction

End-December, 2021 : Announcement Ceremony

Mid-January, 2022  : Sending Out Return

Introduction of Return

※ In addition, Now Planning Return of Limited Edition.(Updating Accordingly)


We really thank you for reading.

At the same time of the project beginning, unfortunate COVID-19 pandemic impeded promotion.

In such a terrible circumstance, “Hope” everyone has left to us encouraged us so that we could determine to achieve the project despite the cost.

During the 3 years, the more possible it was, the stronger our determination and resolution became.

“Never Give Up.” We patiently have gone on and we are finally just a few steps away achievement thanks to the supports and corporations.

To be approval by as many people as possible and engage in it are the truthful goals of this project.

This is why we determined to try the crowdfunding.

Acknowledging the project widely, we promise to push out Ibaraki Korean School toward becoming the best educational environment for Korean students and “New Pioneer Spot for Multicultural Coexistence in Mito City.”

Thank you for your heartful supports.
