2022/02/06 11:30

写真はその時のコンサートの様子です。当然ですが、みんなノリノリで 立っていますね。

===== 利用者の感想 ======




I bought this to take to Mexico for 4 days of beach concerts. This thing was awesome. I recently had a total hip replacement and standing for hours is not an option. This little seat was truly a lifesaver. I was able to take the pressure off of my hip (and knee) when I needed to. It is not a seat you can sit on for hours, but it was a great relief when I needed a break from standing. I am 5'5" and heavy. This was never an issue. A friend tried it and he is 6'4" and both of us could easily adjust it to comfortably sit. NOTE: this is not for anyone with balance issues. I used it on the beach - on hard packed sand and it was perfect. When I returned home, I cleaned it thoroughly and gave it a little WD40 because the sand made it a bit rough to adjust. Easy to travel with and easy to bring into the concert venue.