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Welcoming and inclusive space that inspires individuals to enhance their physical, mental and spiritual well-being through yoga and dance.









このプロジェクトは、2023/04/13に募集を開始し、 21人の支援により 211,000円の資金を集め、 2023/05/15に募集を終了しました

YODA studio







このプロジェクトは、2023/04/13に募集を開始し、 21人の支援により 211,000円の資金を集め、 2023/05/15に募集を終了しました

Welcoming and inclusive space that inspires individuals to enhance their physical, mental and spiritual well-being through yoga and dance.


What is YODA studio / YODA studioとは

YODA is a yoga and dance studio that will open on April 15 in the center of Tsukuba. It will hold lessons in English for children and adults of all levels. Art master classes, handmade clubs, tea ceremonies, movie nights and science evenings will help to build a stimulating and inspiring environment. We aim to bring everyone the feeling of belonging, which can sometimes be lost in translation.


Access / 住所

Tsukuba, Takezono, 1-9-7, Hayashi Bld, 2F (Google Maps)

つくば市竹園1丁目9−7林ビル2F(Google Maps)

YODA Studio is situated on premises of DAYZTOWN. If you need to go shopping in DAYZTOWN you can use the parking lot for free!

YODA Studioはデイズタウンの敷地内にあります。デイズタウンでお買い物をすると、駐車場を無料でご利用いただけます!

Who we are / 私たちとは

YODA is a project established by three women living in Tsukuba.


Evgeniya G, also known as Zhenya, has been a resident of Tsukuba for over twenty years. Originally an English language teacher, she is practicing yoga for over fifteen years, with last six years sharing her knowledge at her yoga classes. Zhenya possesses 300h YTT yoga instructor certificates (USA) for teaching both adults and children. Her yoga style is a unique fusion of hatha yoga, with elements of yin and power yoga. You might have seen her Sunday yoga classes at Doho park! Zhenya's goal is to provide a welcoming and inclusive space where students of all levels can come to practice and find inner peace. Learn more...


Evgenia M, also known as Zhenya, is a PhD in physics and is passionate about dancing. She has taught contemporary dance, improvisation and high heels for over eight years and has choreographed and directed several dance performances. With years of experience and a passion for pushing boundaries, Zhenya is the perfect choice for anyone looking to explore the exciting world of contemporary dance. Zhenya's classes are a true reflection of her energy and creativity, with a focus on innovative choreography and dynamic movement. You'll be challenged to embrace your inner artist and express yourself in ways you never thought possible. Learn more...


Ekaterina G, also known as Katya, is a PhD in computer science working at NIMS (National Institute for Materials Science). She enjoys practicing yoga and dance, but above all Katya has a true talent for bringing people together, and she's always looking for ways to foster new friendships and collaborations. Her true passion lies in connecting people and witnessing the emergence of new ideas and projects. She knows that the power of connection can change the world, and YODA Studio is a place where those connections happen. 

エカテリナ・G(ニックネームは、カーチャ)は、コンピュータサイエンスの博士号を持つNIMS(物質・材料研究機構)の研究者です。趣味はヨガとダンスですが、何より、カーチャは人々を結びつける才能があり、新しい仲間やコラボレーションを生み出すためのヒントを常に探しています。彼女の心からの願いは、人々をつなぎ、新しいアイデアやプロジェクトが生まれる瞬間に立ち会い、形にすることです。そしてYODA Studioは、そのようなつながりが生まれる場所なのです。

Services / サービス

Yoga & Dance / ヨガ&ダンス

First of all, our activity focuses on yoga and dance. We provide 75-minute-long group lessons. We have a drop-in (single), a combo trial (pay-one-attend-two) options, and three plans for regular participants. You can attend any studio lesson, whether yoga or dance, with every plan. Learn more about our lessons on our page:


We also provide 60-minute-long individual lessons. Feel free to request one via email, contact form or with SetMore.


Studio rental / スタジオレンタル

We are open to renting our studio. Feel free to contact us via any convenient means to discuss the details!


Master-classes / マスタークラス

We plan to hold regular master classes. Follow us not to miss them out! Beads art, nail art, knitting, cross-stitching, and tea ceremonies are just the beginning of the list. Also, feel free to contact us to share your knowledge with others at our studio!


Clubs / クラブ紹介

Unlike master classes, clubs are regular activities aiming to gather like-minded people. So far, we plan to organise a weekly Handmade Club, a biweekly Science Evenings and regular movie nights. 


Pricelist / 料金表

Use of funds / 資金使途

We need to make basic studio repairs to make YODA studio comfortable for everyone. With this campaign, we raise money to buy and install the following items:


1. Floors. First and foremost, we need to upgrade our flooring. To create the best possible dance environment, we will be laying professional-grade linoleum. This will provide a smooth, slip-resistant surface that is perfect for dance classes of all types. At YODA, we will be using a Japanese manufactured P-lume.

1. 床材について


2. Mirrors. In addition to flooring, we need to purchase and install large wall mirrors in our dance studio. This is essential for our dance classes, as it will allow our clients to see their movements and improve their technique. We plan to invest in high-quality mirrors that are durable and provide clear reflections.

2. 鏡について


3. Air conditioning. Another crucial aspect of our plan is the installation of a high-powered air conditioning system. This is essential to ensure that our studio remains comfortable year-round, regardless of the weather outside. We will invest in a top-of-the-line air conditioner that can heat or cool our 50m2 studio quickly and efficiently.

3. エアコンについて


4. Changing room. Finally, we want to create a dedicated changing room for our clients. This will enable our clients to come straight from work or other activities and change into their workout clothes quickly and easily. We plan to install partitions to create a private and comfortable space for changing.

4. 更衣室について


All the remaining funds will be used for yoga and dance props and decoration.


Implementation schedule / 実施スケジュール

12 April 2023 Set-up the changing rooms
13 April 2023 Hang the mirrors
14 April 2023 Lay linoleum
15 April 2023 GRAND OPEN (lessons start)
May 2023: Air conditioner installation

5年4月12日 更衣室のセットアップ
5年4月13日 ミラーを吊るす
5年4月14日 リノリウムを敷く
5年4月15日 GRAND OPEN (レッスン開始)
5年5月 エアコンの取り付け

What do you get? ご協力くださった方は何を得るのでしょうか?

By contributing to our cause, you will play a crucial role in helping us create a truly special and professional space where everyone can feel comfortable and at ease. With your support, we can bring our vision to life and make Tsukuba a more connected and dynamic community.


Our project is not just about creating a physical space; it's about fostering a sense of community and belonging. By investing in our project, you are investing in the well-being of your community and helping to build a brighter future for everyone.


<About recruitment method>

This project will be implemented using an all-in method. Even if the target amount is not reached, we will execute the plan and deliver the return.





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  1. 2023/04/20 08:39

    Very nice and ambitious project that is so needed for community in Tsukuba!

