2018/11/04 11:21


I am delighted to announce that my short film ‘Goodbye my son’ is selected to the official selection of the 1st Hong Seong International Short Film Festival 2018 in Korea! All my gratitude is sent to the film crews, casts, and supporters as well as the selection team in the film festival. The official selection screenings are scheduled from November 5th to 7th 2018. Please go and watch the film to Korea!


拙作、「Goodbye my son」が韓国の第1回Hong Seong International Short Film Festival 2018にてオフィシャルセレクションに選出されました。映画クルー、キャスト、サポーターそして映画祭スタッフに感謝!コンペ作品の上映は11/5-7です。お時間ある方は韓国までどうぞ!

