2019/01/14 00:32

I am delighted to announce that my short film ’Goodbye my son’ was selected in official selection at 1st International Short Film Festival Dombivli. All my gratitude is sent to the film crews and supporters as well as film festival staff. The film will be screened at Dombivli between 1/14 and 1/15. Please come and watch if you are in India

拙作「Goodbye my son」が1st International Short Film Festival Dombivliに正式出品されされました。映画クルーとサポーターそして映画祭スタッフに毎度ながら感謝の意を捧げます。上映はにてDombivli市内にて1/14~1/15の期間中に上映されます。インドにお住まいの方はぜひとも足をお運びください。
