2019/05/07 10:41

この度光栄にも拙作「Goodbye my son」が東京で催されるTokyo Lift-Off Film festival 2019に公式出品されました。毎度ながら映画クルーとサポーターと映画祭スタッフに感謝の意を表します。



I am delighted to announce that my short film ‘Goodbye my son’ has entered the official selection of Tokyo Lift-Off Film festival 2019 in Japan. All my gratitude is dedicated to the film crews and supporters as well as film festival staff. The screening will be held at Uplink Shibuya on 5/27 at the time between 20-21JST. I have 50% ticket discount code for my friends and supporters, so please ask me if you can make it. The audience will decide the winner, and your vote does matter a lot. You can purchase the ticket from the link below from 13th in May. The seats are extremely limited due to the capacity of the mini theater, and all the slots are highly likely to be booked by those who involves the films screened. So, sooner is better for securing the seats you want.
