なかなか進まないが、少しずつ 粘り強く
栗原明子さん(97歳) 広島在住
当時19歳。 女学生 (広島女学院専門部 2年保健科) だった栗原さんは、勤労奉仕中の東洋工業
(安芸郡府中町 / 爆心地から4.9km) で被爆。 8月7日、 父を探す中で再会した上級生に誘われ、
広島文理科大学の校庭で野宿生活を始める。そこで6名の南方特別留学生と出会い、 7日間を共に
過ごす。 8日からは再会した母・ 兼子さんも加わり、 兼子さんを 「お母さん」と慕い、紳士的な振舞いの
留学生らに、 留学生と口をきいてはいけないと言っていた兼子さんもすっかり心を許すようになった。
一週間の共同生活だったが、 何年も共に過ごしたようで8月14日の別れはとても辛かったと語る。
Towards a solo exhibition in February
Portrait of the 36th hibakusha
Mr Kurihara paints for the fourth time on cloth canvas
It's not easy to make progress, but little by little, she perseveres.
Akiko Kurihara (97), Hiroshima resident
19 years old at the time. She was a female student (2nd year health course at Hiroshima Jogakuin College) when she was exposed to the atomic bombing at Toyo Kogyo (Fuchu-cho, Aki-gun, 4.9km from the hypocentre) while serving her employer.
(Fuchu-cho, Aki-gun / 4.9 km from the hypocentre). On 7 August, she was invited by a senior student whom she met again while searching for her father,
On 7 August, he was invited by a senior student, whom he met while searching for his father, to live in the open on the grounds of the Hiroshima University of Letters, Arts and Sciences. There he meets six other students from the South and spends seven days with them.
From the 8th, he met and spent seven days with them. From the 8th, his mother, Kaneko, whom he had met again, joined him.
Kaneko-san, who had told the international students not to speak to them, came to completely open up to them.
Although they lived together for a week, they seemed to have spent many years together, and Kaneko said that it was very painful to say goodbye on 14 August.
The starry sky she gazed at with the international students on the roof of the Hiroshima University of Letters, Arts and Sciences on the night of 7 August remains firmly in Kurihara's memory to this da