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Quantum Solar System - いつもの部屋に本物の宇宙を










このプロジェクトは、2024/02/15に募集を開始し、 264人の支援により 29,847,795円の資金を集め、 2024/03/31に募集を終了しました

Quantum Solar System - いつもの部屋に本物の宇宙を







このプロジェクトは、2024/02/15に募集を開始し、 264人の支援により 29,847,795円の資金を集め、 2024/03/31に募集を終了しました


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  1. 2024/10/30 12:25

    2024年10月発送予定がまだですが 遅れますか?

    1. 2024/10/31 00:16

      Hi BB29! Please read the update. The production has been delayed to January due to the factory having scheduling issues. Thank you for your patience and support! ✨

  2. 2024/10/23 05:11

    Thank you for the progress report! I'm really looking forward to it. By the way, when shipments start, will each individual be notified by email? Also, will there be an explanation of the flow procedures such as going through customs? Should we just wait for an email notification or some other communication? Thank you in advance.

    1. 2024/10/23 23:53

      Hi Ranmarupapa, you will receive an email when it has been shipped. Each backer must deal with their own customs.

    2. 2024/10/24 05:00

      [PS] I just asked at the customs office. It seems that it depends on the method. If you use an international courier service like FedEx to ship it, I was told that the courier company will send a separate invoice for the tax to each recipient. Will you be using an international courier service?

    3. 2024/10/24 19:18

      Yes, we will use a international courier service. Regarding customs, you must follow the instructions of the courier company.

  3. 2024/10/18 06:21

    支援中の皆様、indiegogoで同プロジェクトのアップデートがありました。 Quantum Planetsさん、こちらでも同様に予定が12月~1月頃に遅れる場合、活動報告をお願い致します。

    1. 2024/10/19 04:34

      Yes, production has been delayed to January due to the factory having scheduling issues. Thank you for your patience and support! ✨

  4. 2024/03/27 04:34

    Quantum Solar System × 1が入ってるリターンと入ってないリターンがありますが、Quantum Solar System × 1と専用プラットフォーム(台) × 1は何が違うでしょうか?

    1. 2024/03/28 03:27

      The platforms are the same, some have light in the Sun and some have no light.

  5. 2024/03/12 16:30

    磁気浮遊技術ですが、強力な磁石が使われていますか? それはペースメーカーを入れた体に影響を与えたりしますか? この製品の周囲に磁石に反応するものを置けますか?

    1. 2024/03/13 03:51

      The electromagnetic force used in this product does not affect pacemakers, although it is still advisable to have a distance of at least 5 cm.

    2. 2024/03/14 05:44

      Congratulations on your incredible success!and good job!👏

    3. 2024/03/14 17:15

      Thank you!✨💖✨

  6. 2024/03/07 10:00

    支援検討中です。 プラットフォーム(台)は壁掛けできますか?

    1. 2024/03/07 15:58

      No, the position must be horizontal.

  7. 2024/03/02 15:00

    お疲れ様です。 各惑星は自転できるのでしょうか?

    1. 2024/03/02 17:44

      The planets orbit around the sun with precision (translation movement). The rotation on their axes is random.

  8. 2024/02/22 02:14

    Does this system have the plute?

    1. 2024/02/22 13:30

      Not at the moment. We do not evaluate whether Pluto is a planet or not, we simply follow the official version, it has not been "officially" considered a planet since 2006 by the International Astronomical Union ( IAU). However, if we receive a significant number of comments requesting to include Pluto, we commit to considering launching a version that includes Pluto.

  9. 2024/02/18 21:07


    1. 2024/02/19 20:02

      Its life expectancy is 50,000 hours. After that, you can replace the LED light.

  10. 2024/02/16 04:17

    初めまして。支援を検討しています。 Indiegogoでは2つのアディショナルゴールを達成しているようですが、CAMPFIREからの支援の場合はこちらでアディショナルゴール達成しないとアドオンの提供はないということですか? よろしくお願いいたします。

    1. 2024/02/19 20:02

      We will consider the objectives fulfilled even if the necessary money is not reached.