2024/06/01 17:26



近年、個人主義や個人の自由がより重視されてきていることで、人々が孤立してしまうことに繋がってしまっているかもしれません。好きなことを仕事にすることが主流になってきていますが、  仕事とは本来、社会に貢献するために働くことであるという人もいました。自分がやりたいことをするのではなく、人のために行動をすることで、充実感を感じることができるのではないでしょうか。



The other day I attended a group discussion. The topic was “What is the opposite of Loneliness?”

We started talking about the “forest”. Each tree seems to be standing on their own, but the trees in the forest coexist closely with each other and other plants and organisms. When we remember we are a part of something bigger, we don’t feel so alone.

In recent years, the concept of individualism and freedom are valued more and more, but this has led to more isolation. We are encouraged to choose jobs based on our passion, but jobs are essentially about what you can do to contribute to the society. When we do things to help others, we feel more fulfilled and connected to others.

Another argument was saying “yes” leads to more closeness, saying “no” leads to  more isolation, therefore loneliness. Not to say, saying “no” is a bad thing. Because when we say “no”, we do it to protect ourselves. To protect our time, lifestyle, value, identity, etc. And when we say “yes”, we are opening ourselves up to new adventures. So time and time we should try to be a little brave and say “yes” to people, and be open to connect.

Through our discussion, it seemed that the strongest loneliness are felt when struggling to connect with your own family. I think not being heard or understood by the closest ones affect one’s self-esteem a lot. And with low self-esteem, it becomes harder to connect with other people and the society. More isolated you feel, it gets harder to find the courage to seek out connection and believe in love. Then we could go down the down-ward spiral of loneliness.