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東日本大震災、津波や原発事故の影響を受けている福島の復興支援として来年8月に南相馬市立総合病院にピアノと音楽をお届けする本プロジェクトのプレ・イベントです。 今年8月31日大森で、来年の演奏家(独の歌劇場のヴィオラ奏者とウィーンに留学したピアニスト)がお届けする上質なクラシック音楽会です。









このプロジェクトは、2016/08/02に募集を開始し、 16人の支援により 68,000円の資金を集め、 2016/08/25に募集を終了しました









このプロジェクトは、2016/08/02に募集を開始し、 16人の支援により 68,000円の資金を集め、 2016/08/25に募集を終了しました

東日本大震災、津波や原発事故の影響を受けている福島の復興支援として来年8月に南相馬市立総合病院にピアノと音楽をお届けする本プロジェクトのプレ・イベントです。 今年8月31日大森で、来年の演奏家(独の歌劇場のヴィオラ奏者とウィーンに留学したピアニスト)がお届けする上質なクラシック音楽会です。



【福島の病院にピアノと音楽を届けたい】プロジェクト プレコンサート

出演者 松崎敦子(ヴィオラ)村田千佳(ピアノ)曲目は当日のお楽しみに…

ところ:さぽーとぴあ 5階 多目的室

〒143-0024 東京都大田区中央4-30-11 電話:03-5744-1111




問合わせ先:【福島の病院にピアノと音楽を届けたい】実行委員会 三木隆二郎

電話  090-5335-6258 e-mail

Outline of the Pre-concert

Pre-Concert in Tokyo : We want to give a Piano & Live Music to a Hospital nearby FUKUSHIMA Nuclear Plant

August next year, we want to make a gift of piano & live music to South Souma City Hospital, which is located nearby FUKUSHIMA Nuclear Plant. This pre-concert is a pre-event in which the same musicians are going to perform in Tokyo, August 31st this year. The violist, Atsuko Matsuzaki, plays in Kiel Opera House,whereas Chika Murata went to Wien to study. So this is a very high quality classical music concert. 

August 31st, 2016 from 3 - 4pm

@ Support-pia

4-30-11 Chuo, Ota-ku, Tokyo Tel:03-5744-1111 

Reference: Ryujiro Miki Tel:090-5335-6258,


2.来年のプロジェクトをやろうと思った背景 - Background


The leader of this project, Ryujiro Miki, has been working hard to re-unite those communities that have suffered from The Great East Japan Earthquake. In 2014, he coordinated a concert at Kamaishi Hospital in Iwate, by giving piano and live music. (cf photo1) 

In 2015, he himself played the cello as one of the members of the 1000 cello ensemble, as well as the cello quartet in Onagawa. (cf photo 2).

In 2016, he went to South Souma City to entertain senior people who were forced to displace because of either TSUNAMI or nuclear contamination (cf photo 3).

①  県立釜石病院での演奏会 – Performance in Kamaishi Hospital in 2014

② 女川町での演奏会と仙台1000チェロリハーサル風景 – Cello ensemble in Onagawa & Rehearsal of 1000 cellos in Sendai in 2015

③ 2016年南相馬市内の災害公営住宅集会室にて – Performance in South Souma City in 2016


④ 南相馬市立総合病院の下見 – Pre-check of South Souma City Hospital
Through these activities, he realized that the radiation contamination, generated by nuclear plants, is unsolved in addition to tsunami damage in comparison with the other two prefectures in Fukushima. Its decontamination has been processed so far, and inhabitants are finally able to come back. Therefore, if we can find a piano which we can donate to the hospital, we will be able to gather people when we hold a concert. It is a good opportunity for the inhabitants whose community was broken up, to regain spirit by music

3.来年の本プロジェクトで何を実現したいか?- What is the goal of the project next year?


The activity of this project next year, is to donate a piano to a hospital in Fukushima and to provide a live performance. The patients, doctors, nurses, and those people living nearby, will share a music experience of the viola & piano in the hospital in Fukushima]. We try to make it happen under the faith that the shared experience of the live music will bring the hope to live together, the good spirit, as well as the comfort.

 寄贈されたピアノで音楽家が演奏することを実現するために「Project Rising Sun」という震災復興支援団体がピアノ寄贈を担当し、大森室内楽愛好会が東京から奏者をお連れします。活動を協力して行い、資金はクラウドファンディングで広く個人からの寄付を募り調達することでコミュニティ再生のプロセスを広く社会にアピールし社会的意義あるものにします。

There are two sub-groups for this project: Project Rising Sun is in charge of finding a piano which we can donate to the hospital. Omori Chamber Music Society is in charge of bringing the musicians from Tokyo. The collaboration between these two groups, as well as the crowd funding from individuals from all over the world makes the value of the project more appealing to the society.

4.今年プレイベントをする背景 - Background of the pre-concert this year


The purchase type crowd funding is still new to the people who love the classical music. We are contemplating that we could provide a right of access to the live music video of a viola concerto of Telemann played by Yoshiko Kawamoto, who is one of the top viola players in Japan, as a return for the crowd funding next year. In order to make this crowd funding to succeed without a problem, we plan this occasion as a trial.

5.具体的になぜ資金が必要なのか?その資金はどう使われるか?上回ったらどうするのか?- Why do we need money? How do we use? What if we could raise more money than the goal?



Each of the two musicians is a splendid professional one, and naturally the reward must be paid to them who live by the performance. The money we raise by this pre-concert will be used as the guarantee for them. Because it is regarded as a pre-event for the next year, the amount after the commission of Campfire this time is relatively very small.

If we could raise more money than the goal of this year, it will be used as the expense to make this happen to other hospitals in Fukushima].

I use it for the fund of this project of the next year when I exceed it.


(1)今年のプレ・コンサート 資金調達目標額 ¥30,000

The goal of fund raising this year \30,000

2016.8.31 さぽーとぴあ

Support-pia Aug. 31st, 2016

(2)来年の本プロジェクト 資金調達目標額 ¥390,000

The goal of fund raising next year \390,000

①大森赤十字病院 Omori Red Cross Hospital

2017.6.24(土)午後2時開演@大森赤十字病院 心あたたまる ひびきのときVol.18


テレマン作曲ヴィオラ協奏曲演奏、独奏者 川本嘉子氏(ヴィオラ)


June 24th, 2017 Heart warming concert vol.18

Triton Chamber Ensemble

Solist: Yoshiko Kawamoto (Viola) 

 We could provide a right of access to the live music video of a viola concerto of Telemann played by Yoshiko Kawamoto, who is one of the top viola players in Japan, as a return for the crowd funding.

Yoshiko Kawamoto is the winner of the highest prize (2nd prize without 1st prize winner) at the renowned Geneva Competition in 1992. She was also awarded Muramatsu Award in 1996 and the Fresh Artists Prize at the 7th Nippon Steel Music Prized in 1997. After serving as the principal player at the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, Kawamoto is now active both in solo and chamber music activities. She is a member of the Kyoto Alti String Quartet and AOI residence quartet. Kawamoto started her violin lessons at the age of 3. She studied at the Toho Gakuen School of Music and started playing at concerts while in the school. She won the 1st prize at the 6th Tokyo International Competition (chamber music division) with Y quartet. She was then invited to the Tanglewood Music Festival in 1989 and 1990.

 ②南相馬市立総合病院 South Souma City Hospital





August 27th, 2017 South Souma City Hospital Concert

Musicians: Violist, Atsuko Matsuzaki, Pianist: Chika Murata


7.演奏者プロフィール - PROFILE


第11回国際ブラームスコンクールヴィオラ部門セミファイナリスト。これまでに、ヴィオラを菅沼準二、Wilfried Strehle、バロックヴィオラをPetra Muellejansの各氏に師事。

Name:Atsuko Matsuzaki

Musical Education:

1991-1994 The music high school attached to Tokyo National University
of Fine Arts and Music

1995-1999 Tokyo National University of Fine Arts und Music as a
musical instrument major,under Prof.Junji Suganuma(Bachelor degree)

2001-2004 Universitat der Kuenste Berlin under Prof.Wilfried

2006-2009 Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts under
Prof.Petra Muellejans(Baroqueviola)

Orchestra Experience:

1999-2001  Tokyo Geidai Philharmonia(Japan)

2001-2001  German Symphony Orchestra,Berlin(stipend player)

2003-2004  Radio Symphony Orchestra,Berlin(stipend player)

2006    Theater and Orchester Heidelberg(stipend player)

since 2007 Philharmonisches Orchester Kiel



東京藝術大学付属音楽高校、同大学卒業、同大学院修了。文化庁より奨学金を得てウィ ーン国立音楽大学大学院ピアノ科、ピアノ室内楽科(ハイドン研究所)修了。同室内楽科助 手を務めた。在籍中学内外において多数演奏会に出演、2004年にはウィーン・フィルハ ーモニー管弦楽団ヴィオラ 奏者ダニエラ・イバノバとのCDがレノヴァ・クラシックスよ り発売された。オーストリア トーマスティック・インフェルド賞受賞、国際シューベル ト・現代曲コンクールファイナリスト、国際ハイドン室内楽コンクール特別賞受賞。ベ ルリン・フィルハーモニーホールでのDas Sinfonie Orchestra Berlin定期演奏会協奏曲シ リーズでは好評を博し5回連続招聘となった。2012年より、ピアノ・アンサンブルシリー ズを開始。世界の第一線で活躍するアーティストとともに、数々の名曲を取り上げ、ピ アノ室内楽の魅力を紹介している。ライプツィヒSQ、アポロン・ミューザゲートSQ、 W・フォルヒャート、R・ホーネック、K・H・シュッツはじめ、国内外の共演者からの 信頼厚い。大桑文化奨励賞、和歌山市文化奨励賞、和歌山県文化奨励賞受賞。2016年よ り、ふきのとうホールレジデンストリオ。東京藝術大学、聖徳大学講師として後進の指 導にも携わる。

Chika Murata graduated and completed master's degrees at Tokyo University of the Arts and Music(Geidai) from 2003 to 2007 studied with Martin Hughes at Vienna National Uni. of music. Also she studied and worked with Avo Kouyoumdjian and Johannes Meissl at "the Haydn Institute Vienna" in the same University. In Austria, she received Tomastik-Infeld prize, special prize at the Int. Haydn chamber music competition and Int. Schubert-Moderne competition. She performed in Japan, Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Serbia, in particular, from 2012 her produced 2 years piano chamber music series in Tokyo with great artists who plays on the front lines  in the world were very unique and remarkable. 2016 just started the new series "The True Pleasure of Chamber Music" She is currently the residence artist of Fukinotoh Hall, dedicate to train for younger artists at Geidai and Seitoku University.


  • 皆さま、 お陰様で【福島の病院にピアノと音楽を届けたい】プロジェクトのプレ・コンサートについては調達目標額は3万円でしたが、16人のパトロンから68,000円も集まり、226%の達成率となりまし/た。誠にありがとうございました。 8/31のコンサート後にまたご報告します。ありがとうございました。 三木隆二郎 もっと見る



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    • 3,000

      実行委員会からのサンキューメール Thank you mail from executive committee



    • 5,000

      実行委員会からのサンキューメール プレイベントとして当日演奏している写真の提供 Thank you mail from executive committee Pictures taken on the day of the perfomance



    • 7,000

      実行委員会からのサンキューメール プレイベントとして当日演奏している写真の提供 当日プログラムへのパトロン名の表記 Thank you mail from executive committee Pictures taken on the day of the performance Representation of the patron name to the program

