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このプロジェクトは、2020/02/08に募集を開始し、 39人の支援により 341,000円の資金を集め、 2020/03/05に募集を終了しました









このプロジェクトは、2020/02/08に募集を開始し、 39人の支援により 341,000円の資金を集め、 2020/03/05に募集を終了しました



*English Below


10年後の未来に繋がる若者たちの行動を変える一大ムーブメントを作ることを夢見ています。SCUADはSocial(社会的) Cultural(文化的) Action(行動) for Development(発展のための)の頭文字と、“強い絆で結ばれた仲間”を指す若者言葉であるSQUADとをかけた造語です。



Social Cultural meet Entertainmentを合言葉に人々の楽しむ気持ちに働きかけながら、グローバル規模でのソーシャルムーブメント創出を目指すのがSCUADです。






最終日のFinal Stageはただのプレゼン発表の場ではなく現地の人気芸能人によるパフォーマンスや参加者による文化ファッションショーなどを盛り込んだエンターテインメントステージでとして開催し、会場動員は若者中心に1500人規模を想定しています。




”バンドンの社会課題を解決し、より良い魅力的なまちにかえていくCity Creative”アイディアです。






SCUADを運営するソーシャルプロジェクト、proud story代表の知夏七未です。ここは私を主語に書かせていただきます。

proud storyのフィロソフィーは”かわいそうだね..からすごいね!へ”。これは私が幼少期に社会的支援を受けて育つなかで感じた、”かわいそう”だからではなく”すごい”からという理由で人の目を浴びたいというもやもや感から生まれました。




SCUADにはスラムやゴミ山に住む若者も参加予定ですが、それはSCUAD の要素のひとつであり全てではありません。





2013 Uniqueco (Philippines)




2014 Glamour in Trash(Philippines)



2016 LOOB turns 15! (Philippines )
*Fast Retiling Philippines 協賛, Miss Heritage Philippines協力



2017   JAPAN-SWAZILAND Culture&Heritage exchange (Swaziland)
*YKK Southern Africa協賛, スワジランド文化庁後援, Miss Swaziland Organization協力



2019 JAPAN DAY by proud story (eSwatini )
*YKK Southern Africa協賛 在エスワティニ青年海外協力隊、 Miss Swaziland Organization協力

Management Team


Budget List

ステージプロデュース不足分 :55万円


プロダクト製作費:15万円 (プロダクトは現地での配布のほかリターンとなります)







“FUN” – ワクワクする気持ちは人を動かす何よりも強い原動力です。




SCUAD is “social entertainment program” to change the world.

We are to produce "social action star" in 10days in certain host city, 
to offer "social / cultural action" as an entartainment contents,
and to drive many following youth into the social action
so that it can be the big movement for young generation to change the future of their world. 

It's named as an abbreviation for:Social CUltural Action for Development, 
as well as homage for young word “SQUAD” (meaning bonded friends).

We are to host our first event in Bandung city, Indonesia, and we launched crowdfunding .

SCUAD is “social entertainment program” to change the world.
We produce "social action star" in 10days,
We drive youth to take action for society, and
We give impact on community to change the future of the world.
With our slogan "Social Cultural meet Entertainment", SCUAD is designed to inspire young people to bring social movement on global level.

Producing social action star

①making a squad of youth with influencer and people with social issue  and
②producing them as "must- follow -icon"
to show them as a social infulencer to the youth in host community

SCUAD is a team competition-based program 16 young participants with various backgrounds will team up and compete to create social and cultural innovation. In each team is youth with different nationality, age range, gender, and social/economic status. 

We invited some young influencers already popluar in host city, and with their influence SCUAD 16 will act as a team influencer. We also invited massive influencers as a guest, and total follower in Indonesian market is over 5M currently.  
This gives influence to each one in 16, and being SCUAD becomes a new "status" among youth.
We are also inviting people living with social issue, with lower social status, but we show them not as the object to be solved, but as the subject to solve the issue by producing them as a one of the powerful star group, SCUAD.
We are aiming that the status as being SCUAD can go beyong the current social / economic status and makes a game-change, giving voice of youth to reach the world as the voice of the next leaders.

Driving youth to take action for society

③producing entertainment with social /cultural action
to reach young generation and change their mindset/action to the society and to the world

SCUAD will offer the entertainment contents with social /cultural action, so that young people can watch it just as they wantch their favorite Youtube or the concert . 

We will air our activities on SNS, along with infuluencers popluar in Indonesia.
On the final day is the stage to showcase social action ideas, but also music live by famous artists and fashionshow, and we expect 1500 youth to come watch the show.
By designing social cultural action full of entertainment, we are sure to attract a lot of young audience including those who are NOT interested in issues in society and in the world. 
As the first door to connect society and its next generation, SCUAD expands the reaching range of social action and drive them to act for their own future.

Giving impact on community

④Connecting youth and its innovative idea with minicipalities /corporates
to give actual impact on community

In March 2020, the very first SCUAD will be held in Bandung, Indonesia, the host city of the First Asian-African Conference in 1955.
With the official collaboration with the city, the first SCUAD set its theme as ”City Creative”, to recreate Bandung city better and more attractive and combat its social issue that are Poverty / Economic Gap and Traffic.

As well as many young audience, city and national governmental people are to come watch SCUAD stage.
SCUAD is being not just an event, but the platform for the voices of youth and supported people to reach and change the community.
Winning idea by SCUAD team will be implemented to actual governmental policy of Bandung city.

SCUAD way may not be making a quick impact to sociaty.


producing "social action star" in 10days,
driving youth to take action for society, and
giving impact on community to change the future of the world.

Can surely change the world in 10years, and in future. 

Hi, I am Nanami Chinatsu, a director of SCUAD and its managiment project "proud story".
Let me talk about my own story here.

The philosophy of proud story is "Support as a friend, not as a savior". This came from my own experience as a supported child, when I wished to be supported but also be treated as equal friend, wish to receive people' eye not because I am (my situation is ) bad, but because I am good.
I've been into stage entertainment since childhood and luckily I got chance to be Miss Japan for international pageant and got positive attention. As the next lifework I started organizing stage event for supported children, where they get attention not because they are poor but because they are great.
The first place was in Philippines, where I've been working as a volunteer more than 10years, and I've done this type of stage for years.

The inspirartion I switch these stage for children to SCUAD for youth was from young people in Philippines dumpsite.

The small kids are now active youth, knowing the social issue surrounding themselves and having powerful opinion towards it. I believe they can be the game-changer of their own community and I wished to deliver their voice to politicians, corporates in the community, and also to the young people in the same community.
When I hoped for the stage to realize it, I felt that the concept of the stage should be changed from "stage that supported children can shine", otherwise people won't take the voice serious. Plus, maybe because of its serious image, those who are not interested in social issue is out of the reaching range of those voice, not even coming to the site of social action. And we have to say that social -oriented people are still minority among youth.
Without reforming the concept and image, without making the event able to attract audience not interested in social issue, it would be just something that looks social friendly but can not make the actual impact to society. I felt I need to redesign the event.The inspiration for the program design is pageant that I joined.The participants for pageant is ordinary girl, some are not with sufficient watar and electricity access in home, but once we are called as "Miss" we are somehow regarded almost as celebrity. Children get excited seeing us, medias and even politicians ask us comment.
Also, there are so many audience coming to pageant final stage. Most of them come to see our entertainment, but as pageant stage is with speech competition and it often goes with social issue, regardless the reason that brings people to the stage, many audience listen to social speech.
Magic 1 -People see the same girl totally different and got voice when shown different.
Magic 2 -Audience just interested in girls in dress are at least on the site of difficult social speech.
I would say that was a bit strange but that was like magic, and I started designing social pageant inspired by beauty pageant.

The difference is that SCUAD is team competition while beauty pageant is individual competition. Makin teams with diverse members will cause collision, but I thought that also bring innovative ideas and also friendship bond.

What we copy is how we show participating people to bring pageant magic.
Among SCUAD participants are those from slum or dumpsite, but it's just one of the aspect and not all.
Audience won't tell who is from slum, who is from wealthy family or who is SNS influencer, as they are all mingled and are shown as the next leaders to change the world, the stars to bring joy to the stage.
The first door for many youth to know social issue and action.
The stage that can inspire young audience that social action is cool and fun.
The first step to create innovative idea for social action and to create SQUAD(bonded friends) beyond border of nationality or social category to change the world in future.
That's the goal of SCUAD.

When I was looking for the host city that I can launch new program SCUAD, I met Bandung city, the third biggest and the best academic city in Indonesia.
Bandung is the host city of Asian-African Conference in 1955. It's the city where Asian and African countries after colonization adopted peace and parnership for development, the city with many young people and UNESCO creative city, and the country is with high intsrest to pageant and also to Japan.
I thought Bandung is ideal city to host the first edition of SCUAD, and our idea was warmly welcomed.
Here's the link to West Java newspaper. 

We'll start our journey from Bandung, and our dream is to keep doing SCUAD in Bandung as our hub and also expand it to the world aswell. 

Our journey started as a small event in the Philippines- where former Miss Japan/dancer Nanami has been working as a volunteer for the local children, and the very first event was really a handmade one in the beachhouse of the city.

2013 Uniqueco (Philippines)



Since then, thanks to her supporters and friends, she has done several events in Asia and Africa featuring local children under the support and has expanded the project.

2014 Glamour in Trash(Philippines)
*Special Supported by Iloilo City Government     



2016 LOOB turns 15! (Philippines )
*Sponsored by Fast Retiling Philippines, Supported by Miss Heritage Philippines



2017   JAPAN-SWAZILAND Culture&Heritage exchange (Swaziland)
* Sponsored by YKK Southern Africa,  Supported by Art and Culture Ministry of Swaziland , Miss Swaziland Organization



2019 JAPAN DAY by proud story (eSwatini )
*Sponsored by YKK Southern Africa, Supported by JOCV in eSwatini, Miss Swaziland Organization

Management Team

Now  reborn as SCUAD, the team is with 5 core members and we are now in official collaboration with the Tourism Ministry of Bandung City.

Budget List

Stage Production Additional Cost: 550k JPY
-system (sound, lighting, Stage set etc) , enginner labor cost, expenses for engineers

Product Cost : 150k JPY  *product is distributed at the site, and used as return gift for this crowdfunding
ーphotographer/engineer labor cost, manufacturing , expected shipping cost for return gifts

Crowdfunding system fee : 100k JPY

*further fund will be used to invite additional guest/media, and improve stage/product quality


Each one of us may not be able to do much.
But if many of us work together, united and hand in hand, nothing is impossible.
And that’s the key for the social issues we are now facing, such as environmental issue or economic gap.

On the other hand, we have to admit the actions for these social issues are now only by limited leaders, and the cry from those action leaders cannot effectively reach the majority of public.

“FUN” – The excitement is the strongest power to drive people.
SCUAD is designed to highlight entertaining wonders instead of serious problems.
It will move young people that are not interested in social issues,
and can be the first door to connect social action and many future generations.

Cool, fun, entertaining social program will bring excitement, will change the action of many youth,
and eventually change the world.



  • こんにちは。とっても間が空きましたが、SCUADチームよりご報告です。ご支援頂いた皆さまには昨年末にご案内させて頂いたかと思いますが、コロナによって延期となっていたSCUAD Bandungは本年2021年3月に、約1年の延期を経てインドネシア人留学生協会関東支部(PPI Kanto)との共催という形で 完全オンライン開催いたしました。バーチャルバンドンなるVRでの都市空間を作ったりと新しいエンターテイメント性を出すことにもチャレンジしつつ、本来とは大幅に違う形での開催に苦戦もしましたがインドネシアの方を中心に1600人の方にバーチャルバンドンでのイベントに”ご来場”いただけました。ここでのご報告が遅くなりましたが是非上記のReelご覧いただけましたら幸いです。日本とインドネシアのSCUADers,結局チームメンバーと会えないままとなってしまいましたがオンライン上のチームとしてすごした数カ月を経、コンテストの最後には優勝チームメンバーが泣きあう姿をみて同じ目標に向かう”SQUAD”として国を越えた友情を作れたのではと感じました。バンドンの街をより素敵にするという目的に関しては、バンドン市観光局から実現化のお話もいただきつつコロナ禍の今での特殊性も感じている現在です。そして、この春の経験を良かった部分も難しかった部分も共に踏まえ、現在日本とインドネシアをオンラインで繋ぐSocial & Cultural Actionの次のイベントを企画中です。近日中に発表いたしますのでどうぞ新しいイベントも見守り、また応援くだされば幸いです。改めてSCUADの活動を応援くださりありがとうございます!SCUAD team もっと見る

  • *English belowたいへん久しぶりの投稿です。コロナ禍が続いておりますがこの投稿を読んでくださる皆様はお元気でいらっしゃいますでしょうか。先ほどご支援くださった皆様にはメッセージをさせて頂きましたが、SCUADはオンラインでのメンバーセッションを始めました。以前ご報告した通り、新型コロナウィルスの影響を受けSCUADはインドネシアでの実施が叶わないまま延期の状態にあります。また、延期先の実施時期について延期を決定した当初(2月末)の時点では夏ごろの開催を願っていたのですが、現在の世界各国の状況および日本からの団体渡航と現地合宿を経て1000人集客規模でのライブイベント式ステージを行うというプログラムの特性から、実プログラムの実施が叶うまでには相当な時間がかかると現時点では考えています。実は延期決定をしたのはSCUADの核となる“16人の若者”、 “SCUADメンバー” のお披露目予定日の3月1日の3日前でした。出演者という側面も担う彼ら、インドネシアの若者に発信力のあるインフルエンサーも含めた個性豊かな16人が集まったご縁をたとえデジタルの世界であっても繋ぎ交流してほしい、また延期への”待ち”が長期化する中でこの時期だからこそできることを進めたいとチームでの判断に至り、インドネシアの試験期間がひと段落した昨日よりオンラインセッションの実施に至った次第です。初回内容としては自己紹介、アイスブレイクとしてScavenger Hunt(いわゆる借り物競争・あなたの国旗の色のものを持ってきて!など)、そして“What is the biggest problem our society have in this COVID-19 situation and how we (as youth) can help to solve the problem(コロナ禍において社会の一番の問題はなにか、そして若者としてその解決になにができるか)?"というテーマへのグループディスカッション(日本インドネシアミックスの数人ずつのグループとその発表)を行いました。Update with SCUADHi, this is team SCUAD, we hope you’ve been staying safe and strong in this tough situation.After some pose we are virtually taking a step forward. As you can understand, we needed to postpone our actual event and we are assuming that our wait may take long.Thus we started online session with “SCUADer”, the talented and passionate 16 youth from Japan and Indonesia that were to join SCUAD.  What we did was Self-Introduction, Ice-break game( scavenger Hunt), and group discussion with the theme “What is the biggest problem our society have in this COVID-19 situation and how we (as youth) can help to solve the problem?” and its presentation.Scavenger Hunt・国旗の色 日本もインドネシアもおなじ色です!残念ながらこの間に就職など環境の変化により参加を辞退されたメンバーもおり16人の勢ぞろいは叶いませんでしたが、それぞれ少し探り合い緊張した様子もありながらも楽しい“はじめまして”となり、またディスカッションもそれぞれお互いの国の状況を把握したり言語の壁で時間は足りなかったものの今それぞれが考えていることを真摯にぶつけ合う時間になりました。この初回をふまえ今後は2週間に1回を目途に、SCUADの由来Social Cultural Action for Developmentをおうちで、をコンセプトにSocial DiscussionとCultural Actionを行うオンラインセッションを実施する見込みです。Though we couldn’t have all 16, it was really a great first contact with full of inspiration.We will keep doing online session with “Social Cultural Action for Development at HOME”.How we fight with Covid19 コロナとの戦い方このオンラインセッションがどれほど続くことになるかわかりませんが、この期間にメンバーが仲を深めあい、いつか実プログラム実施となったさいにはやっと出会えたね!とハグができるような関係を築いてもらえたらと願っています。ピンチをチャンスに、楽しくて社会を仲良く素敵なものにできるようなことを作り出していけるよう進んでまいりますのでどうぞ今後とも見守り応援していただけましたら幸いです。どうぞ今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。そしてなにより、皆さまどうぞ心身ともにご自愛くださいね!SCUAD代表 知夏七未 / チーム一同We don’t know how long this session will be, but we hope that this can connect the SCUADers on the virtual world and when we can physically get together their friendship is already built and make the actual event more exciting and meaningful.Even in this situation that keep us physically away to each other, we are to keep creating a new way for Social Cultural Action to make the world better one and this is our first step to try.Thank you so much for your continuous support, and please stay safe and strong until the day we can meet in the beautiful real world.The SCUAD teamSending Love 愛をこめて もっと見る

  • *English below先日活動記録にて投稿をしたとおりコロナウイルスの影響によりSCUADは予定していた3月からの延期を決定いたしております。(またこれに伴い、ご支援を頂いた皆様には大変申し訳ございませんが、各種リターンの発送等も予定していた時期での実行が出来ない状況です。中止ではなくコロナウィルス終息後への延期という形を予定していますが実施およびそれに伴うリターンのご送付時期が読めないことなどもあり、本クラウドファンディングに関しては担当いただいているCAMPFIREさんにご相談し下記の通りに対応をさせて頂きます。①このクラウドファンディングの中止・一時停止はできないようなのでこのまま終了まで公開は続けます。ただし新しいご支援などはお願いしておらず、皆さまのシェアなどもご遠慮いただければと思います。新しい日程が定まりましたらまた改めてクラウドファンディングを立ち上げる可能性がありますので、その時にはシェアなどもお願いできましたら幸いです。最初から1か月に満たない募集期間だった上、この1週間ほど周りの皆さまにはご支援見合わせをお願いしていたこともありとても短い期間でしたが、その期間でたくさんの皆様に応援していただけましたこと本当に嬉しく思っております。本当に応援をありがとうございました!また、ご連絡が行き届かなかった皆様には改めてお詫びいたします。②ご支援者の方にはメッセージを送らせて頂きましたので、返金をご希望されるかたなどはご確認の上ご連絡をいただければ幸いです。残念ながら一昨日インドネシアでも初の感染者が確認され、事態の終息にはまだ時間がかかると感じています。しかし、SCUADチームとしては世界的な状況を心配しつつもプロジェクトにとってはより良いプログラムに向けた準備期間が長くとれるのだと前向きにとらえています。どうぞ開催の日を楽しみに、応援を続けていただけましたら幸いです。皆様も心身ともにご健康にお気を付けながらお過ごしください。改めて、この度はご支援を頂きありがとうございます。そしてどうぞ今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。SCUAD代表知夏七未Thank you so much for your kind support to SCUAD on this crowdfunding project.However, we are very sorry but as is announced before (, SCUAD is postponed due to cprona virus outbreak.We also apologize that our sending return for your support will be delayed accordingly.As we can't expect when we can do SCUAD, we can pay you back if you wish so, but as this crowdfunding system can't do that please contact us and we will separarely do refund through bank transfer.Please be noted though, that the crowdfunding fee(20%) will be deducted anyways so paying back cost us more than support, and we'd appreciate it if you can kindly wait until the day we can realize SCUAD.Though we are worrying about the current situation, we are sure that we can prepare more and make the program better while we wait for the day.We really appreciate all the supports and kindness you have been giving to make this happen,and we hope your continuous support on us.Please stay safe and well, we SCUAD wish your healthy and safe life above everything.Thank you so much for your kind support and love.Best regardsNanami Chinatsu もっと見る



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