Check our Terms and Privacy Policy.











このプロジェクトは、2021/06/26に募集を開始し、 599人の支援により 30,389,000円の資金を集め、 2021/08/14に募集を終了しました


手数料0円から実施可能。 企画からリターン配送まで、すべてお任せのプランもあります!









このプロジェクトは、2021/06/26に募集を開始し、 599人の支援により 30,389,000円の資金を集め、 2021/08/14に募集を終了しました






 バンドメンバー自らがレジや照明、バーテンを務めてお客様にドリンクを提供したり、さらにはお客様にゲストパフォーマーとしてステージ演奏していただいたりと、 ロックへの愛を通じてお客様と共に繋がっていく、そんな特別な場所が、バウハウスです。













Together with you, towards a better Bauhaus  







1st Stage 移転先の確保・引越費用【目標金額:1,800万円】


2nd Stage ステージ&設備工事【目標金額:2,700万円】



3rd Stage ホールレイアウト【目標金額:3,600万円】

 2nd Stageでのステージ・設備工事に加えて、ホールレイアウトの工事として使わせていただきます。

4th Stage 室内音響の向上(プロによる防音及び音響対策)


5th Stage 究極のロックの殿堂【目標金額:5,400万円】





● 2nd Stageを達成できた場合


● 3rd Stageを達成できた場合


● 4th Stageを達成できた場合

バウハウスオンラインショップデジタルクーポン券500円分(有効期限:2022年6月30日)&バウハウス入場料デジタルクーポン券1000円分(有効期限: 2022年8月15日)をお届けします。

● 5th Stageを達成できた場合

「NO ROCK NO LIFE」を題材としたオリジナルソングを作曲・レコーディングし、皆様へお届けいたします。(デジタルオーディオデータでのお渡しとなります)

●山本恭司さん(BowWow/ Vow Wow/ Wildfrag)/ Kyoji Yamamoto










●高崎晃さん(LOUDNESS) / Akira Takasaki 





●Mr. Shane Gaalaas(B'z,Cosmosquad,Michael Schenker Group etc)













新生BAUHAUSを楽しみにしながら・・・。PANTA ☆彡

●宮脇Joe知史さん(44MAGNUM、hide with SpredBeaver 、RIDER CHIPS etc..)/ Satoshi Joe Miyawaki





●石原”SHARA”愼一郎さん(EARTHSHAKER)/ Shinichiro SHARA Ishihara



●ヤガミトールさん(BUCK-TICK) / Toru Yagami




●生沢佑一さん(TWINZER )/ Yuichi Ikuzawa





Yuichi Ikuzawa Official Web Site

●五十嵐公太さん(JUDY AND MARY etc)/ Kohta Igarashi


Kohta Igarashi Official Web Site

●寺沢功一さん(BLIZARD,RIDER CHIPS,SLY,etc)/ Koichi Terasawa


Dancing Finger - Terasawa Koichi official website

●増田隆宣さん(B’z,浜田麻里etc)/ Takanobu Masuda




●山口PON昌人さん/ Masato PON Yamaguchi





●満園庄太郎さん(WILD FLAG, KATAMALI, ATOMIC POODLE, B'zサポート)/ Shotaro Mitsuzono

六本木にミュージシャンの集うBAUHAUS有り!!1990年に山本恭司さんと出逢いWILD FLAGを結成して日々リハーサルに曲作りとスタジオに通いました。そして仕事の後はミーティングと称して街に繰り出しました。

最近ではWILD FLAGで何度もやらせてもらっています。

●赤松芳朋さん(SOPHIA)/ Yoshitomo Akamatsu


●伊丹谷良介さん/ Ryosuke Itamiya


●下山武徳さん(SABER TIGER)/ Takenori Shimoyama

バウハウス 六本木の老舗‼️
ミュージシャンにとっては あっては 当たり前の店
新しい店になって さらに進化を

●田中 Machine 康治さん(SABER TIGER)/ Yasuharu Machine Tanaka







最高な音楽と仲間で。ROCK AND ROLL!!!


【 資 金 の 使 い 道】


【 実 施 ス ケ ジ ュ ー ル 】 

支援受付開始:2021年6月26日(土)/ 26th June, 2021
支援受付締切:2021年8月14日(土)/ 14th August, 2021

【リターン発送について 】





【最後に 】



【よくあるご質問 】

Q1. バウハウスの新店舗での営業再開はいつですか?


Q2. 入場チケットは高くなりますか?


Q3. なぜ、今の建物のままではいけないのですか?引っ越すよりもコストがかからないのでは?


Q4. 以前購入したドリンクチケット、前売り券やホールレンタルチケットは新店舗でも利用できますか?


Q5. 住所欄は入力しなくていいの?


Q6. もう1曲増やしてほしいな?


Q7. ところで、オープンしたのはいつですか?


Q8. ジャズクラブになるのですか?


Dear fans of rock from the world, dear friends of Bauhaus, dear future visitors of our rock bar,

We made sure that you can join this campaign to also bring your valuable support to our survival project, as introduced below. Since Campfire, the crowdfunding platform that we are using, is available only in Japanese, we have prepared on our website a guide in English to make it easier for you to know how to navigate, from choosing your support level (and rewards!) to providing your payment information. You can access it here: Campfire guide for international backers. As a sign of our gratitude for the support of Bauhaus fans and friends worldwide, international shipping is included in the cost for all support levels.

Bauhaus: the oldest live rock bar in Tokyo, established in 1981

Founded in 1981, Bauhaus is the longest operating live rock bar in Tokyo. For 40 years, our establishment has kept the flame of rock music burning in the heart of Roppongi, the vibrant nightlife district of the Japanese capital.

Every night, our band has been performing the best of American and British rock from the last decades, from Led Zeppelin to the Foo Fighters, from Queen to Red Hot Chili Peppers. We welcomed thousands of lovers of rock music - including several Japanese and international rock stars.

In our unique bar, our musicians are also the barmaids and barmen, serving drinks and chatting with customers during the breaks between music sets. Customers can join the band on stage, showcasing their guitar hero skills or powerful voice to their friends, colleagues, and everyone present. Year after year, decade after decade, we built a community, united by one passion: rock music. 

That was until February 2020, and the beginning of a long closure period for the safety of everyone in the global pandemic.

2021: after one year of forced closure, Bauhaus is in danger

June 2021. It’s now been more than one year since Bauhaus has been closed. Without revenues during this period, our financial situation is becoming critical. 

But we have a mission: keep rocking, to bring smiles on the faces of our customers, to hear them sing with us, and to transmit the legacy of rock to future generations. Our music bar is a place of entertainment. But it’s also a place of culture, where we keep alive a catalogue of more than 200 songs from the greatest rock artists of all times.

From Bohemian Rhapsody to Sweet Child O’Mine, from Don’t Stop Believin’ to Smells Like Teen Spirit, Bauhaus is today the last surviving live music bar in Tokyo performing every day the legacy of more than 50 years of rock history.

We are in a difficult situation, but we have decided to fight for our survival. For entertainment and for culture. For you, for us, for rock. For our past customers, and for the future ones.

The global pandemic has already caused many casualties in bars, music venues, theaters and other places of culture, entertainment and happy gatherings, in all cities around the world. We can’t accept that Bauhaus is added to the sad list of victims of coronavirus.

To survive, we need to relocate. To relocate, we need your help. Help us rebuild a better and more resilient Bauhaus.

To survive, we have to move to another venue. The financial conditions for our current venue are not compatible anymore with our current revenues and available funds. We have already found a new location. Thanks to a unique favor from the owner, a fan of rock music, we will be able to use this new place with advantageous conditions for one year. This will help us recover.

But moving to this new location has a significant cost that we unfortunately can’t bear alone, considering our current financial situation after more than one year without revenue.

The new building used to host an izakaya (Japanese pub). Transforming it into a live music venue and bar represents an important cost. We will have to pay for interior construction work, soundproofing, stage infrastructure and equipment, labor costs, and relocation.

We see this forced relocation as an opportunity. While we move to this new venue, we have new decisions to make. How will the stage be positioned? How will customers be able to interact with our musicians and staff? What additional services could we offer to make Bauhaus even better? What atmosphere do we want to create?

If you liked the old Bauhaus, be reassured: we will keep all the ingredients you loved. Our immortal rock music catalogue. Our beloved musicians-bartenders. Our deep sense of community. Our unique atmosphere, out of time and space, where nothing else than rock matters for a night - every night. Our pricing system.

We are working with an architectural designer who volunteered to help us create the best venue we ever occupied, since our opening in 1981 and already three relocations. This designer is a fan of Bauhaus. He knows our current venue. He also knows the previous one. With him, we are making sure that the layout and interior atmosphere of the new Bauhaus will be the perfect mix of everything you loved in our previous places.

We will also introduce new ideas, to make the new Bauhaus more resilient to future crises. We will make sure that our new setup makes it easier for us to organize livestream shows, for instance.

We can’t wait to reopen in this fourth venue in Bauhaus history, to welcome you again, and, like we did until February 2020, make you smile with rock music and drinks, every night, whether you’re a regular customer, or an occasional visitor, from Japan or from overseas, young or older. Bauhaus is for everyone.

To achieve this goal, we need your help. With this crowdfunding campaign, we are happy to offer a large range of support options, to allow everyone to participate. We know that the coronavirus crisis harmed the financial capacity of many of you. But any support you can bring will help, even the lowest amounts. Thanks to the sum of everyone’s contributions, the show will go on on our stage!

We of course prepared some unique rewards to thank you for your support - most of them are available only through this campaign. Here are a few examples that we hope you will like. You can see all support levels and rewards on the right side of this page (on computer) or at the bottom (on smartphone).

What you can see above are just 4 examples of our 17 support levels, ranging from 2.000 to 2.000.000 yen. To know more about the support levels and their attached rewards, please have a look at the rewards menu on your right (computer) or below (smartphone). Click "もっと見る" to display the full description of a support level, and click the red button "このリターンを選択する" if you would like to select this level. For the following steps of the procedure, if you need help with the Japanese interface, please have a look at the visual guide that we have prepared to help you.

We’ve been truly amazed to have received over 18 million yen of funding in just 4 days. Thanks to this incredible support, Bauhaus is now able to move forward to its dreams.

With a budget of 18 million yen, Bauhaus is saved: we can relocate at minimal cost, and pay our bills for this year, until regular business resumes. However, with this budget, our capacity to invest time and money in interior construction, stage and seating layout, decoration and technical equipment of the new venue will be limited.

We will proceed with the construction no matter what, but we still need additional support to cover extra costs such as soundproofing, interior design, better stage and seating layout…We believe that to recover from the damage caused by coronavirus to the image of live music venues and to our business, we need to build the most attractive place we can. We need to make a Bauhaus that you will love even more than before, and that will be able to keep attracting new customers.

The crowdfunding campaign is not finished, so let’s use the time left that we have to advance towards this ultimate goal!

1st Stage (goal: 18 million yen)
New Venue Contract & Moving Cost

Thanks to your support, we have achieved this goal and signed a tenant agreement for the new location. We can move to our new venue, thank you!

2nd Stage (goal: 27 million yen)
Stage Construction & Basic Equipment

Thanks to your support, we have achieved this goal!
This funding amount will allow us to build the stage with a simple layout and the basic facilities - not including bar counter and permanent seating. The stage layout will be similar to the one we had in our previous location, Reine Building, with the seats surrounding the stage. We decided to use this layout as inspiration as it was still popular with our customers and staff, even after 3 years in our current location.

3rd Stage (goal: 39 million yen)
Hall Construction

With this amount, we can go further in the interior construction of our new venue. In addition to the stage and basic facilities, we can build a more elaborate seating layout, designed and constructed in a way that the audience will be able to enjoy the stage from any seat. We will bring back the seats right in front of the stage that we had in our previous location. We will raise the floor in the back of the venue to offer a view on the entire stage for the back seats. Wherever you will be seated in this new Bauhaus, we want you to feel the connection with the band.

4th Stage (45 million yen)
Better Sound Quality & Soundproofing

Until now, the soundproofing of our venues was done by our staff. This took a lot of our time, and we never could achieve the level of soundproofing we could have reached with a professional. If we reach this goal, we will have a professional do our soundproofing, using better techniques and equipment. We will be able to provide better sound quality for our live shows, while avoiding disturbing our neighbors even during late night performances. This will also allow us to reopen our business more rapidly.

5th Stage (54 million yen)
The Ultimate Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

If we reach this final goal, we will be able to offer you a more elaborate stage layout. It will have an extended Bauhaus-style runway, with a small round sub-stage at the end. This will allow the audience to enjoy the musicians' solo performances from up close. It will also be possible to move the drum stand back and forth, to offer different points of view on the drummer’s performances. We will equip our stage with live streaming equipment and a screen, to enable full-scale live streaming and to accommodate a variety of events.

Through these additional goals, we aim at creating a place that will be loved by fans of rock music for many more years. After 40 years of history, we want to give this back to the community, and for the legacy of rock. If the goals can’t be reached, we will work within the limits of the available budget, and do as much as we can by ourselves. We hope we can count on your support.

If we can reach these new goals, all supporters will automatically receive enhancements to their rewards.

If the 2nd Stage is achieved

Not only will we post your name on our website, but we will also create a large flag with your name on it and display it in the new Bauhaus for a certain period of time after we reopen.

If the 3rd Stage is achieved

You will receive one additional sticker exclusive to this campaign (sticker design: classic Bauhaus logo, as seen on our popular classic t-shirt).

If the 4th Stage is achieved

You will receive a 500 yen coupon for Bauhaus online shop (coupon issued by email, valid until 31st March 2022) and a 1000 yen discount coupon for one Bauhaus entry ticket (discount applied upon your first visit to Bauhaus after our reopening, valid until 30th June 2022).

If the 5th Stage is achieved

To express our gratitude to everyone, and to keep this memory forever, we will compose and record an original song based on the theme "No Rock No Life" and deliver(Digital audio file) it to you.

Thank you for your support messages!

Since we announced that Bauhaus was in danger on our social media, we received many support messages, from celebrities and past customers. Here are a few of them!

Kyoji Yamamoto (Bow Wow/Wildflag)

Bow Wow is one of the most famous Japanese hard rock and heavy metal band.

“Bauhaus is loved by musicians from Japan and the world. I’ve been going there since around 1990. One night, I was drinking in a hotel room with the members of Metallica touring Japan, and I suggested we go visit Bauhaus. I went there with Lars and Robert, and the late night impromptu rock session began. A unique session, with musicians in their everyday clothes. Something that you can only experience at Bauhaus. But this amazing place is now in danger. If Bauhaus disappears, a lot of people will have nowhere else to go... Help us keep the light of rock shining in Tokyo Roppongi!”

Shane Gaalaas (B'z/Cosmosquad/Michael Schenker Group)

"It’s been 15 months or so since the Corona Virus Pandemic started. During this challenging time, the entire music/entertainment industry has been deeply affected on every level. Nowhere has this been more evident than in the establishments that cater to live music. From the musicians playing on stage to the club managers and employees, everything basically shut completely down due to Covid-19, with little or no income in most cases. As a result, we run the risk of losing these landmark venues forever as the bills have to get paid or they ultimately shut down. One of my fave places to play and hang in Tokyo is on the brink of this very fate. We have to do whatever we can to keep this scene alive for musicians and patrons alike. So, if you could find it in your heart to lend a hand, however small of a donation it may be, we could save this from happening to our beloved Bauhaus. Please check the links below to find out where you can help. I look forward to jam there again soon! - Love, Shane"

Comments from fans and customers on social media

"I have been to Bauhaus for several times, almost every Tokyo trip. I will support you guys. Rock from Indonesia!" - @pinnrockx

"Awesome! Please survive, we need your Rock n Roll!" - @okinawa.nuspi

"Last year I was going to travel to Japan and I couldn't due to Covid. You guys were part of the plan in Tokyo... so I hope you survive these difficult times so I can visit you next time. Cheers from Colombia!" - @jukka_12

"Completely support your cause and I would be devastated if you guys decide to stop...will be there and support any way I can!" - @samratr

"I think you guys need a national treasure designation! The government should support you as an institution. It doesn't get any cooler or authentic!" - @yogahotdish

"I love all of you guys and the great times and great music you give. You're a truly inspiring group of musicians. The bauhaus MUST live on. I dream about coming back to Japan and going to see you guys play and hang out at the bar. One of the highlights of my entire life!!! I will support you guys as much as I can I tell anyone who goes to Tokyo to go to the Bauhaus!! I hope rock lives on in Tokyo for hundreds of years at the bauhaus." - @nate_matthews110

"You have been our stage and home for so many years, we will do whatever we can to support, and we have faith you will rock on!" - @doggytandthelds

Technical information

The money collected through the campaign will be used to cover the following expenses:
- Interior construction of the new venue, equipments, relocation
- Rent, utilities and labor expenses during the period of closure
- Operational costs immediately after reopening, until we reestablish a steady income
- Crowdfunding campaign rewards and Campfire fee
Please be sure that we will use the funds with the utmost care.

This Campfire project is “all-in”. The target amount that we set is the one we consider as the minimum to use this relocation opportunity to build the new, resilient, awesome Bauhaus that we want to offer you. If the target amount is not met, we will still carry out the plan, by downgrading the project but still making sure that we offer you the best experience we can, with the resources that we have. The rewards will be delivered in any case.

International Shipping

All supporters will be contacted after the end of the campaign. We will send you a form, at least to let you confirm what name you want to be displayed on Bauhaus website (reward included in all support levels, from 1 to 17). 

If you select a support level with physical items as rewards (stickers, towel, t-shirt, polo...), we will also ask you your shipping address, after the end of the campaign. You will receive from us, via Campfire message, a request to fill in a form. 

As a sign of our gratitude for the support of Bauhaus fans and friends worldwide, international shipping is included in the cost for all support levels. You will not be charged anything else than the indicated price. However, if you would like to support Bauhaus a little bit more and participate in covering your shipping cost, please feel free to adjust your support level at checkout. For your information, shipping an item such as a t-shirt will cost us between 500 and 1000 yen depending on your country, while shipping stickers will be around 200 yen.


Q1. When will Bauhaus reopen in the new venue?

The construction work and relocation will require about 8 weeks. If the coronavirus restrictions are lifted in September, we should be able to reopen our regular business in October/November We will do our best to reopen as soon as possible, given the circumstances. Please stay tuned on our website and social media this summer for updates about this.

Q2. Will the entrance ticket be more expensive?

If we can reach our funding goal, the new Bauhaus will not be more expensive. We want to remain a place where everyone can enjoy the best of live rock music. We may introduce additional optional services, including VIP services, but we will make sure that the base service, similar to the service you could enjoy until February 2020, stays at the same price as before.

Q3. Why can’t you stay in your current building? Wouldn’t it be less expensive than moving?

We won’t be able to reach the end of 2021 with the monthly rent and contract renewal cost we  have to pay for our current venue. We have obtained advantageous conditions for the new building, this will allow us to recover from one year without revenue, and secure again a steady flow of revenue to make our business sustainable again in the long term.

Q4. Will I be able to use in the new Bauhaus venue the drink tickets, advance tickets, and stage rental tickets that I bought on the online shop in 2020/2021 ?

Yes, all previously sold tickets will still be valid to use in our new venue after reopening. If you have bought such ticket and haven't used it yet, you will receive information from us before our reopening.

Q5. Why isn't my address collected at checkout on Campfire?

In order to allow international shipping and to avoid a long time between address collection and shipping, we will collect the addresses (for supporters entitled to physical rewards) after the end of the campaign. You will receive a message from us (via Campfire, to the email that you have registered here), including a request to fill in a form to enter your address. If you haven't received this message with 7 days after the end of the campaign, please contact us using Campfire messenging system, or via our official website. 

In this message, we will indicate the deadline to fill in this form (it will be approximately 2 weeks). If you fail in filling in the form before the deadline, we will send you a reminder to make sure that you have time to submit your address. In case you do not submit your address after the reminder and before 30th November 2021, we will not be able to ship your physical rewards. 

Q6. Can you play one more song please?

If we can reach our funding goal, we will play A LOT more songs for you all!

Q7. When did you open, by the way?

Maybe we didn’t mention it enough in this page: we are 40 years old this year, Bauhaus opened in 1981. Let’s not let a 4-decades rock adventure end because of a virus!

Q8. Will you become a jazz club?

No. We will bring our rock catalogue with us in the new location :-)

Photo credits: Noriko Suzuki, Kei Fukuda, Yumi Hirose


  • リターングッズ・配送準備整いました!| Ready to ship your rewards!

    2021/10/15 12:12


  • 【ご報告とお礼】クラウドファンディング終了いたしました。| Many thanks for your support!

    2021/08/16 00:07


  • バウハウスを応援してくださる皆さまへ沢山のご支援、そして応援コメント、本当にありがとうございます。40年間沢山の方に愛していただいたこの店を無くしたくない!という一心で立ち上げたこのクラウドファンディングも、残すところ1週間となりました。皆様の温かいご支援のお陰で、2nd Stageゴール:ステージ&設備工事【目標金額:2,700万円】の達成が間近となっていますことに、心より感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。バウハウスは、2021年7月31日をもって現店舗に別れを告げ、新店舗への移転に向けた引越し作業に取り組んでいます。1日も早く営業を再開して皆さんにご来店いただけるよう、そしてより楽しんで頂ける店となるよう、全力で取り組んでまいります。ご存じの方も多いかと思いますが、今までバウハウスは、バンドメンバーのDIY工事でステージを作ったり、防音対策を実施したりしていました。ですが経営者としては、バンドメンバー達の大事な指を、ケガさせてしまう危険を何とか、少しでも避けたいのです。バンドメンバーを守るためにも、そして輝ける場所をずっと守っていくためにも、クラウドファンディングでのご支援をいただくことで、出来る限り工事をプロの方にお願いしたいと思っております。2nd Stageゴールが達成できました場合は、バウハウスは次の目標の3rd Stage ゴール: ホール内装工事【目標金額:3,600万円】の達成を目指していく予定です。 キャンペーンは残り1週間となりましたが、どうか一人でも多くの方にこのプロジェクトの情報をシェア・拡散していただけましたら幸いです。引き続き、どうかご協力いただきますよう、何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。バウハウス代表 各務 亨Dear friends and supporters of Bauhaus,We launched this crowdfunding campaign on 26th June with one goal: save our establishment, a place full of memories for everyone who visited it over the last 40 years. We now have one week left in the campaign.Thanks to your support, after having rapidly reached the base goal of 18 million yen, we are very close to achieving the second level of funding for our project - 27 million yen. This amount will allow us to have our stage and basic facilities built by professionals.We have now said goodbye to our previous venue, that we had to leave on 31st July. We’d like to thank everyone who joined our special livestream show on this occasion. If you missed it, you can view the recording here!We are now moving to the new location that we could secure thanks to you. We will do our best to reopen our business as soon as possible - we can’t wait to rock with you again!As many of you may know, Bauhaus previous relocations have always been DIY projects, where our staff and band members did everything, from building the stage to soundproofing the venue.However, in this new project for our survival and relocation, I want to avoid risks of injuries for our staff, and I want professionals to take care of the construction. With your further help in the crowdfunding campaign, we can have professionals do as much work as possible - stage, bar, seating, soundproofing… And let our artists focus on music.I am confident that we can reach the second goal soon, thanks to you. After that, we will aim for the third level. At 36 millions yen, this budget will allow us to hire professionals for the interior construction of the hall.We have only one week left. Even if you already supported us, you can still help by spreading the information around you. We need the support of more friends of rock music to achieve our dream and build for you the best Bauhaus ever!Toru Kagami, Director of Bauhaus もっと見る



投稿するには ログイン が必要です。




    • リターン画像


      【シンプル応援/Cheering support】 ・お礼カード/Thank you e-card ・バウハウスwebサイト上にお名前掲載/Your name on Bauhaus website - バウハウスチームのサイン入り特製お礼カード(デジタル画像)をお届けします。 - バウハウスウェブサイト上の「Bauhausを救ってくださった方々 in 2021」の常設ページにお名前を掲載いたします。 お名前と併せて、個人のウェブサイト又はSNSアカウントを1つ掲載することも可能です。 Your rewards for this level: ・Special thank you digital card signed by the Bauhaus team ・Your name on a special permanent page on our website, and one optional URL (personal website, social media). We will contact you after the campaign to collect the info you want to display. If you'd like to support more than 2000 yen, you can adjust the amount on the next page :-) ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※ウェブサイトに掲載するお名前とリンクについては、クラウドファンディング終了後、メールにて改めてお伺いいたします。 ※Name will be collected after the campaign



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      ・クラウドファンディング協力者限定・生配信ライブ視聴チケット/Livestream ticket ・新店舗にバラの花1輪をお届け/A rose from you to Bauhaus +支援レベル①のリターンが付属となります。 ・お礼カード ・バウハウスwebサイト上にお名前掲載 (詳細は各リターン内容をご参照ください) - クラウドファンディング支援者限定の生配信ライブを、新店舗にて開催いたします! 配信ライブの曲目は、支援者の皆さまの投票(後日実施)の結果に基づいて決定いたします。 - 新店舗でのリニューアルオープン時に飾らせていただく赤いバラを1本、お贈りいただけます。 是非、お店いっぱいお花を飾れるようご協力いただければ嬉しいです。 共にコロナの影響で苦しんでいる、六本木の小さなお花屋さん“フラワーマーケットフォーシーズン”さんともコラボレーションしておりますので、是非ご協力をお願いいたします。 Your rewards for this level: -E-ticket for exclusive livestream show from new Bauhaus venue. The songlist for this show will be chosen by your votes. -One red rose sent in your name to decorate Bauhaus for the grand reopening night. And all rewards from level 1: -Name on website -E-card Please refer to level 1 description for details. ※If you'd like to support more than 3000 yen, you can adjust the amount :-) ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※ウェブサイトに掲載するお名前については、クラウドファンディング終了後、メールにて改めてお伺いいたします。 ※Name and delivery information will be collected after the campaign



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      ・40周年記念ステッカー/40th Anniversary Sticker ・SaveTheMusicステッカー/Save The Music Sticker +支援レベル①・②のリターン ・クラウドファンディング協力者限定・生配信ライブ視聴チケット ・新店舗にバラの花1輪をお届け ・お礼カード ・バウハウスwebサイト上にお名前掲載 (詳細は各リターン内容をご参照ください) - 本キャンペーン限定「40周年記念ステッカー」と「Save the Music」2020年スペシャルステッカーの2種類のステッカーをお届けします。 Your rewards for this level: ・”40th Anniversary” exclusive sticker ・”Save the Music” sticker And all rewards from level 1&2: ・Livestream ticket ・A rose from you to Bauhaus ・Name on website ・E-card Please refer to other levels’ description for details. ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※グッズ発送先住所については、クラウドファンディング終了後、改めてメールでお伺いします。 ※Name and delivery information will be collected after the campaign



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      ・バウハウス特製ミニタオル/Bauhaus Mini-towel ・ステッカー×2/Stickers x2 +支援レベル①・②のリターン ・クラウドファンディング協力者限定・生配信ライブ視聴チケット ・新店舗にバラの花1輪をお届け ・お礼カード ・バウハウスwebサイト上にお名前掲載 (詳細は各リターン内容をご参照ください) - バウハウスのロゴとバンドメンバー全員のサイン(プリント)が入ったミニタオルをお届けします。 Your rewards for this level: ・Mini-towel with printed Bauhaus logo and signatures ・”40th Anniversary” exclusive sticker ・”Save the Music” sticker And all rewards from level 1&2: ・Livestream ticket ・A rose from you to Bauhaus ・Name on website ・E-card Please refer to other levels’ description for details. ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※グッズ発送先住所については、クラウドファンディング終了後、改めてメールでお伺いします。 ※Name and delivery information will be collected after the campaign



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      ・新店舗前売り入場チケット / Entry Ticket ・ドリンクチケット(2杯分)/ 2 Drinks +支援レベル①②③のリターン ・40周年記念ステッカー ・SaveTheMusicステッカー ・クラウドファンディング協力者限定・生配信ライブ視聴チケット ・新店舗にバラの花1輪をお届け ・お礼カード ・バウハウスwebサイト上にお名前掲載 (詳細は各リターン内容をご参照ください) - 新店舗でのバウハウス入場チケットと、ドリンクチケット2枚をメールにてお届けします。(有効期限:2022.6.30/日祝、貸切日、イベント日は除く) Your rewards for this level: ・Entry ticket for new Bauhaus, incl.2 drinks (valid until 30/6/2022) And all rewards from level 1,2&3: ・Stickers x2 ・Livestream ticket ・A rose from you to Bauhaus ・Name on website ・E-card Please refer to other levels’ description for details. ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※グッズ発送先住所については、クラウドファンディング終了後、改めてメールでお伺いします。 ※Name and delivery information will be collected after the campaign



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      ・40周年記念Tシャツ/ 40th Anniversary T-shirt +支援レベル①②③のリターン ・40周年記念ステッカー ・SaveTheMusicステッカー ・クラウドファンディング協力者限定・生配信ライブ視聴チケット ・新店舗にバラの花1輪をお届け ・お礼カード ・バウハウスwebサイト上にお名前掲載 (詳細は各リターン内容をご参照ください) - バウハウス創立40周年記念限定Tシャツ(黒又は白、サイズS-XL)をお届けします。 Your rewards for this level: ・Exclusive t-shirt “40th Anniversary” (black/white, S/M/L/XL) And all rewards from level 1,2&3: ・Stickers x2 ・Livestream ticket ・A rose from you to Bauhaus ・Name on website ・E-card Please refer to other levels’ description for details. ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※グッズ発送先住所については、クラウドファンディング終了後、改めてメールでお伺いします。 ※Name and delivery information will be collected after the campaign



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      ・40周年記念ポロシャツ / Bauhaus 40th Anniversary polo-shirt +支援レベル①②③のリターン ・40周年記念ステッカー ・SaveTheMusicステッカー ・クラウドファンディング協力者限定・生配信ライブ視聴チケット ・新店舗にバラの花1輪をお届け ・お礼カード ・バウハウスwebサイト上にお名前掲載 - バウハウス創立40周年記念限定ポロシャツ(黒、サイズS~XL)をお届けします。 30年前からバウハウスに通ってくださっている、ロック大好き三代目社長が営む老舗刺繍加工会社「マツブン」さんに刺繍をしていただきます。 Your rewards for this level: ・Exclusive polo shirt “40th Anniversary” (black, S/M/L/XL) And all rewards from level 1,2&3: ・Stickers x2 ・Livestream ticket ・A rose from you to Bauhaus ・Name on website ・E-card Please refer to other levels’ description for details. ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※グッズ発送先住所については、クラウドファンディング終了後、改めてメールでお伺いします。 ※Name and delivery information will be collected after the campaign



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      ・平日入場フリーパス(月~水曜、3か月間使用可能)/ 3-month weekday pass +支援レベル①②③のリターン ・40周年記念ステッカー ・SaveTheMusicステッカー ・クラウドファンディング協力者限定・生配信ライブ視聴チケット ・新店舗にバラの花1輪をお届け ・お礼カード ・バウハウスwebサイト上にお名前掲載 (詳細は各リターン内容をご参照ください) - 平日(月~水)の夜、バウハウスに何度でも無料でご入場いただけるパス(3か月間有効)をお届けします。 Your rewards for this level: ・Free access pass to Bauhaus on Mon/Tue/Wed for 3 months And all rewards from level 1,2&3: ・Stickers x2 ・Livestream ticket ・A rose from you to Bauhaus ・Name on website ・E-card Please refer to other levels’ description for details. ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※グッズ発送先住所については、クラウドファンディング終了後、改めてメールでお伺いします。 ※Name and delivery information will be collected after the campaign



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      ・メタルプレートにお名前刻印 / Your metal nameplate at Bauhaus +支援レベル①②③⑥のリターン ・40周年記念Tシャツ ・40周年記念ステッカー ・SaveTheMusicステッカー ・クラウドファンディング協力者限定・生配信ライブ視聴チケット ・新店舗にバラの花1輪をお届け ・お礼カード ・バウハウスwebサイト上にお名前掲載 (詳細は各リターン内容をご参照ください) - バウハウス新店舗の壁に飾る「Bauhaus in 2021」のメタルプレートにお名前を刻印いたします。 このプレートは、今後また再び移転したとしても、バウハウスに永遠に飾らせていただきます。 Your rewards for this level: ・Your metal nameplate on Bauhaus wall, forever And all rewards from level 1,2,3&6: ・T-Shirt ・Stickers x2 ・Livestream ticket ・A rose from you to Bauhaus ・Name on website ・E-card Please refer to other levels’ description for details. ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※グッズ発送先住所については、クラウドファンディング終了後、改めてメールでお伺いします。 ※Name and delivery information will be collected after the campaign



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      ・新店舗入場チケット(x2)/ Entry ticket x2 ・シャンパン飲み放題(2名分)/ All-you-can-drink champagne x2 ・お名前入り特別ラベル・シャンパン1本お渡し / Champagne bottle +支援レベル①②③⑥のリターン ・40周年記念Tシャツ ・ステッカー(x2) ・クラウドファンディング協力者限定・生配信ライブ視聴チケット ・新店舗にバラの花1輪をお届け ・お礼カード ・バウハウスwebサイト上にお名前掲載 (詳細は各リターン内容をご参照ください) - バウハウス新店舗でご利用いただける入場チケット(2名分)をお渡しします。 (有効期限:2022.6.30/日祝、貸切日、イベント日は除く) - シャンパンを飲み放題(2名様分)に加え、お名前入り記念シャンパンボトルを1本お渡します - ご来店時、3曲分リクエスト可能(演奏曲は当日のバンドメンバーによって変わります) Your rewards for this level: ・Entry ticket for new Bauhaus x2 (valid until 30/6/2022) ・One night of all-you-can-drink champagne for 2 (+3 song requests) ・One bottle of champagne at your name And all rewards from level 1,2,3,6,10: ・Nameplate at Bauhaus ・T-Shirt ・Stickers x2 ・Livestream ticket ・A rose from you to Bauhaus ・Name on website ・E-card Please refer to other levels’ description for details. ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※グッズ発送先住所については、クラウドファンディング終了後、改めてメールでお伺いします。 ※Name and delivery information will be collected after the campaign



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      【25名様限定】 ・スタジオレンタル/貸切パーティー(3時間分)/ Stage rental, Private party for 3 hours ・ビデオ撮影録画付き / Video recording +支援レベル①②③のリターン ・40周年記念ステッカー ・SaveTheMusicステッカー ・クラウドファンディング協力者限定・生配信ライブ視聴チケット ・新店舗にバラの花1輪をお届け ・お礼カード ・バウハウスwebサイト上にお名前掲載 (詳細は各リターン内容をご参照ください) - バンド演奏、ご友人とのパーティー等にご利用可能! - 固定カメラと音響資材を使ったイベントライブ配信も可能です。 - 日程は別途ご相談させていただきます。有効期間は3年間です。 - 時間延長をご希望の場合は、別途延長料金をいただきます。 Your rewards for this level: ・Bauhaus stage/hall rental for 3 hours (use before Sept.2024) ・Video recording of your event/party (1 camera, pro audio) ・Optional: livestream of your event/party And all rewards from level 1,2,3: ・Stickers x2 ・Livestream ticket ・A rose from you to Bauhaus ・Name on website ・E-card Please refer to other levels’ description for details. ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※グッズ発送先住所については、クラウドファンディング終了後、改めてメールでお伺いします。 ※Name and delivery information will be collected after the campaign



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      【10名様限定】 ・バックステージ体験 / Backstage experience ・バウハウススタッフ1日体験 / Staff experience ・特製スタッフTシャツ / Staff T-shirt +支援レベル①②③⑥⑩のリターン ・メタルプレートにお名前刻印 ・40周年記念Tシャツ ・ステッカー(x2) ・クラウドファンディング協力者限定・生配信ライブ視聴チケット ・新店舗にバラの花1輪をお届け ・お礼カード ・バウハウスwebサイト上にお名前掲載 (詳細は各リターン内容をご参照ください) - バックステージ体験:一晩バックステージにご招待!ステージ前のメンバーとお話いただけます。 - スタッフ体験:バーカウンターや照明の操作卓をお手伝いいただきます。 - バンドマスター体験:当店のソングリストより、演奏曲を3曲お選びいただきます。 - お名前入りスタッフTシャツと、記念バックステージパスを差し上げます。 Your rewards for this level: ・One night of exclusive Bauhaus experience: backstage access, bar & light operation, music selection (3 songs) ・Bauhaus Staff t-shirt & backstage pass at your name And all rewards from level 1,2,3,6,10: ・Nameplate at Bauhaus ・T-Shirt ・Stickers x2 ・Livestream ticket ・A rose from you to Bauhaus ・Name on website ・E-card Please refer to other levels’ description for details. ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※グッズ発送先住所については、クラウドファンディング終了後、改めてメールでお伺いします。 ※Name and delivery information will be collected after the campaign



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      【25名様限定】 ・Rockレッスン / Rock lessons ・レッスン最終日にステージ演奏撮影 / Your video with the band +支援レベル①②③⑥⑩のリターン ・メタルプレートにお名前刻印 ・40周年記念Tシャツ ・40周年記念ステッカー ・SaveTheMusicステッカー ・クラウドファンディング協力者限定・生配信ライブ視聴チケット ・新店舗にバラの花1輪をお届け ・お礼カード ・バウハウスwebサイト上にお名前掲載 (詳細は各リターン内容をご参照ください) - バウハウスのバンドメンバーが、楽器/ボーカルレッスンを60分×10回行います。 - 場所はバウハウスで、主に月〜土曜の18時~20時実施予定です。日程や講師は別途ご相談させていただきます。 - レッスン最終日、バウハウスの曲目から1曲、バンドと一緒にステージ上で演奏&録画していただけます。 Your rewards for this level: ・10x60min music lessons with a Bauhaus musician/singer, at Bauhaus (schedule TBC with you, outside of Bauhaus opening hours) ・Video recording: 1 song by you + Bauhaus band And all rewards from level 1,2,3,6,10: ・Nameplate at Bauhaus ・T-Shirt ・Stickers x2 ・Livestream ticket ・A rose from you to Bauhaus ・Name on website ・E-card Please refer to other levels’ description for details. ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※グッズ発送先住所については、クラウドファンディング終了後、改めてメールでお伺いします。 ※Name and delivery information will be collected after the campaign



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      【15名様限定】 ・バックステージ・バウハウススタッフ1日体験 ・新店舗入場チケット(x2) ・シャンパン飲み放題(2名分) ・特別ラベルシャンパン1本お渡し ・メタルプレートにお名前刻印 ・40周年記念Tシャツ ・特製ミニタオル ・40周年記念&SaveTheMusicステッカー ・限定生配信ライブ視聴チケット ・新店舗にバラの花1輪をお届け ・お礼カード ・webサイト上にお名前掲載 (詳細は各リターン内容をご参照ください) どれを選ぼうか迷っちゃう、そんな方のためにメガパックをご用意しました!支援レベル①~⑥、⑩、⑪、⑬のリターンをお受け取りいただけます。 詳細は、各支援レベルの説明欄をご参照ください。 All rewards from level 1,2,3,4,5,6,10,11,13: ・Backstage/staff experience ・Champagne party for 2 ・Nameplate at Bauhaus ・T-Shirt ・Stickers x2 ・Livestream ticket ・A rose from you to Bauhaus ・Name on website ・E-card Please refer to other levels’ description for details. ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※グッズ発送先住所については、クラウドファンディング終了後、改めてメールでお伺いします。 ※Name and delivery information will be collected after the campaign



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      【5名様限定】 ・バウハウス永年入場無料パスx2(ドリンク代別) ・特別演奏ステージ(招待客入場無料、ドリンク代別) ・ご希望の新曲を追加 (ソングリストには「(お名前)からの寄付」と記載いたします) ・1日バンドマスター体験 (選曲のご留意点は事前案内あり) +支援レベル①②③⑥⑩⑪のリターン ・新店舗入場チケット(x2) ・シャンパン飲み放題(2名分) ・特別ラベルシャンパン1本 ・メタルプレートにお名前刻印 ・40周年記念Tシャツ ・ステッカー(x2) ・限定生配信ライブ視聴チケット ・新店舗にバラの花1輪 ・お礼カード ・バウハウスwebサイト上にお名前掲載 (詳細は各リターン内容をご参照ください) Your rewards for this level: ・Lifetime free pass for Bauhaus (2 people) ・Add 1 popular US/UK rock song to Bauhaus catalogue, at your name ・1 private party with Bauhaus band for you ・Decide the song list for 1 night at Bauhaus (regular opening day) ・Access to 1 rehearsal session And all rewards from level 1,2,3,6,10,11: ・Champagne party for 2 ・Nameplate at Bauhaus ・T-Shirt ・Stickers x2 ・Livestream ticket ・A rose from you to Bauhaus ・Name on website ・E-card Please refer to other levels’ description for details. ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※グッズ発送先住所については、クラウドファンディング終了後、改めてメールでお伺いします。 ※Name&delivery information will be collected after the campaign



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      【50名様限定!】 新店舗プレオープンイベント入場チケット / Pre-opening event ticket +支援レベル①②③のリターン ・40周年記念ステッカー ・SaveTheMusicステッカー ・クラウドファンディング協力者限定・生配信ライブ視聴チケット ・新店舗にバラの花1輪をお届け ・お礼カード ・バウハウスwebサイト上にお名前掲載 (詳細は各リターン内容をご参照ください) - 50名様限定で、新店舗でのプレオープンイベントにご招待いたします。新店舗でのバウハウスを一足早くお楽しみいただけます! - 当日は、シャンパン1杯と、バウハウスのバンドメンバーとの記念写真(データ)を1枚お渡しします。 Your rewards for this level: ・Ticket for pre-opening event, incl. 1 champagne glass + 1 digital photo with band And all rewards from level 1,2&3: ・Stickers x2 ・Livestream ticket ・A rose from you to Bauhaus ・Name on website ・E-card Please refer to other levels’ description for details. ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※グッズ発送先住所については、クラウドファンディング終了後、改めてメールでお伺いします。 ※Name and delivery information will be collected after the campaign



    • リターン画像



      【10名様限定】 ・一生バウハウスを楽しみ放題!永年入場無料パス/ Lifetime pass ・バウハウス・1日バンドマスター体験 / Band master experience +支援レベル①②③⑥⑩のリターン ・メタルプレートにお名前刻印 ・40周年記念Tシャツ ・40周年記念ステッカー ・SaveTheMusicステッカー ・クラウドファンディング協力者限定・生配信ライブ視聴チケット ・新店舗にバラの花1輪をお届け ・お礼カード ・バウハウスwebサイト上にお名前掲載 (詳細は各リターン内容をご参照ください) - 永年入場無料パス(ドリンク代別)を差し上げます。 - 店舗営業日に一晩だけ、バンドマスターとして演奏曲をお選びいただけます。(選曲のご留意点は事前にご案内させていただきます。)また、リハーサルを見ていただくことも可能です。 Your rewards for this level: ・Lifetime free pass for Bauhaus ・Decide the song list for 1 night at Bauhaus (regular opening day) ・Access to 1 rehearsal session And all rewards from level 1,2,3,6,10,11: ・Champagne party for 2 ・Nameplate at Bauhaus ・T-Shirt ・Stickers x2 ・Livestream ticket ・A rose from you to Bauhaus ・Name on website ・E-card Please refer to other levels’ description for details. ※支援金額は、申し込み時に「上乗せ支援」が可能です。 ※グッズ発送先住所については、クラウドファンディング終了後、改めてメールでお伺いします。 ※Name and delivery information will be collected after the campaign

