

また、静岡県ではこの台風によって最大76,039戸が断水し、いまだ32,494戸の断水が続いています。(2022年9月28日時点 内閣府まとめ)さらに、鉄道にも影響が出ています。大井川鉄道によると、大井川本線では大規模な土砂崩落・複数箇所での土砂流入や倒木等の被害が発生しており、復旧のめどは立っていないようです。





(More information in English is provided below)

Typhoon Talas lashed central Japan with torrential rain and fierce winds on late September. The city of Shizuoka, southwest of the capital, Tokyo, was hit especially hard by the arrival of Talas. 

In response, GoodMorning and CAMPFIRE have decided to collect donations to support the people and their livelihoods in the affected areas. The money collected will be donated through the Japanese Red Cross Society to local governments to be distributed to those affected by this disaster.

We offer our deepest condolences to the victims and their families, and to all those who were affected by this disaster. 

We are grateful for all your support. 















Details of the Emergency Donation for Typhoon No.15 (September 2022)

■ How your donations will be used

Your donations will be delivered through the Japanese Red Cross Society to local governments that were affected by this disaster.

The donation will be transferred according to our operation flow and we will report the completion of the payment in the "activity report" on our page in December.

■ Fees on your donations

・GoodMorning and CAMPFIRE will not take any commission for this donation other than the payment fee (5%).

・The system use fee(※) will be charged for each transaction.
 ※If the support amount is less than 10,000 yen, 250 yen will be charged.
  If the support amount is 10,000 yen or more, 2.5% of the support amount will be charged.

■ How to donate

The minimum amount of donation accepted is 1,000 yen.

■ Rewards

GoodMorning will send a thank you message and a report on how your donation has been used.
