◆ はじめに ◆ 

English translation follows.


Due to the Noto Peninsula earthquake, my house was completely destroyed, my boat was washed away, and I cannot go out fishing with my fisherman son anymore. Since I have lived my life as a fisherman, I want to fish again in my beloved Sea of Noto and Suzu.  I want to again bring the tasty seafood to many people.  Please help us get back on our feet and revive the fishing industry of Noto peninsula.

I, Hiroki Kaniya, 60 year-old, have lived as a fisherman for 43 years in Suzu City, Ishikawa Prefecture. The Sea of Noto is my home and my life. Now that I cannot go out to sea, I feel as if I have lost myself. The Sea of Noto is blessed with abundant seafood. I hope to get a new boat as soon as possible, resume fishing, and deliver the seafood of this region to everyone.

◆ 失ったものと守りたいもの ◆




What we lost in this disaster is immeasurable. The tsunami destroyed my home and my boat. But please let it not take the sea away from me!  The time I have spent with the sea and what it has given me is of immeasurable value to my life. This sea, where I have lived with my family and nurtured my pride as a fisherman, is the source of my life.

■新潟県上越市で見つかった「吉祥丸」の解体と引き上げが始まりました (2024年3月18日更新)

◆ プロジェクトの目的 ◆



The main objective of this project is to raise funds to purchase a new fishing boat and the necessary fishing tools and machines. Although I have insurance, it is far from enough to cover the full costs. With the funds, I will be able to return to the sea and contribute to the local economy and preserve our traditions through the fishing industry. 

◆ リターンについて ◆




・5,000円     お礼のカード

・10,000円     オリジナル手ぬぐい1枚

・10,000円     名入れ(文字サイズ30pt)

・30,000円     名入れ(文字サイズ60pt)+オリジナル手ぬぐい1枚

・50,000円     名入れ(文字サイズ80pt)+オリジナル手ぬぐい2枚

・100,000円   名入れ(文字サイズ150pt)+オリジナル手ぬぐい5枚

・300,000円   名入れ(文字サイズ250pt)+オリジナル手ぬぐい10枚

・500,000円   名入れ(文字サイズ350pt)+オリジナル手ぬぐい20枚


We will send a thank you message card to everyone who supports our project. Also your name will be displayed on the fisherman’s flag, a large colorful flag with traditional motifs to pray and signify a large catch of fish.  When the fishing resumes, we set sail with this fishing flag flying. We will also send you an originally designed hand towel.  We will report on the project in the "Activity Report" section of the project page too.

We would like to express our gratitude to all those who support our lives.

◆ 地域コミュニティへの貢献 ◆





Our role as fishermen is more than just catching fish and shellfish. We also play an important role in preserving the culture and traditions of Suzu City. In particular, our community has continued to hold traditional festivals led by fishermen. These festivals are an important part of our culture, as they are a spiritual center for the local people and strongly bind the community together.

However, if the fishing industry cannot resume, these traditions will also be lost. Our role as fishermen is not only to provide seafood, but also to pass on these valuable cultural traditions to the next generation.

Your support for our crowdfunding project will help us contribute to the local community through our fishing industry. Your support will help us preserve local culture and traditions.

◆ スケジュールと実施時期 ◆


As soon as funds are raised, we will begin purchasing a fishing boat. Our lives are closely tied to the sea, and  it is important that we reopen the fishery as soon as possible; we aim to return to the sea by the end of 2024.

◆ 最後に ◆



I would like to ask for your support to help us get through this difficult time and return to the sea.


絵画教室アトリエ・エビス 代表 佐藤裕子

今回のクラウドファンドを立ち上げるにあたり、【絵画教室アトリエ・エビス(東京 恵比寿・表参道・三鷹)】様より、ご協力を頂きました。







I would like to thank Atelier Ebisu for their cooperation in setting up this crowdfund.Atelier Ebisu has been donating proceeds from exhibitions and workshops to support reconstruction efforts in the affected areas since 2011.Atelier Ebisu also donated to festival reconstruction efforts, including the restoration of a Kiriko festival in the Teraya district, Suzu City, which was hardest hit by the Noto earthquake that occurred in May 2023.

The atelier's owner, Yuko Sato, says

“Our encounter with Hiroki Kanya, a fisherman and district leader with a passion for the "Kiriko Festival”the local festival was intense. We had never seen anyone who truly loved the people of his town and was so passionate about the festival.

Since the Noto earthquake, he has been repairing roads without a break, installing baths in the community center, and taking care of the victims of the disaster. If Mr. Kanya, who is devoted to the people of the town, can once again set sail on the Sea of Japan in his own boat, the town will revive again. And the festival will begin. We believed so and cooperated with this project.”
