

Information in English is provided below




各地で被害が相次ぎ、49人の死亡者、48人の安否不明者がでています。(2018年7月7日 21時09分時点)

(↑夢之丞、ハルク、ルークがハンドラーとともに出動した広島県安芸郡での捜査活動 7月12日)

ピースウィンズ・ジャパン(PWJ)は発災直後からパートナー団体のアジアパシフィックアライアンス・ジャパン(A-PADジャパン)とCivic Forceとともに合同緊急支援チームを結成しました。



まび記念病院内に取り残されていた患者のうち、避難が必要な35人をゴムボートと船で救出。同時に、ヘリコプターが病院の上へ着陸し、救急搬送が必要な患者1人を、看護師付き添いのもと、岡山大学病院へ搬送しました。これらの救出活動は、HuMA(災害人道医療支援会)/Civic Force/(A-PADジャパン)らと協力して行っています。







・支援者の方のシステム利用料 216円につきましては、支援金ではなく決済等にかかる手数料の実費となります。








※ Normally CAMPFIRE does not accept donations from overseas, but we are making an exception for our torrential rain relief/recovery project.

※ We regret to inform you, we cannot respond to inquiries in English.
※ We are sorry to tell you that we do not accept cancellation for donation from overseas.

※We explain how to donate in more detail on following page(written in English)


Because of an active seasonal rain front, record torrential rain attacked a wide area of western Japan, from Kyusyu to the Tokai area, and caused large damage. CAMPFIRE announced that it would collect emergency support funds. The donations will be delivered to local governments or to support groups, such as PEACE WINDS JAPAN.


■ Situation of damage and support

A wide area of Japan was affected and had severe damage; 49 died and 48 are still missing. (July 7, 2018, 21:09)

Immediately after the disaster, PEACE WINDS JAPAN formed a joint emergency supporting team with their partner organization, ASIA PACIFIC ALLIANCE JAPAN (A-PAD) and Civic Force. This joint emergency supporting team investigated the situation of damage with helicopters around noon on 7th July. The investigation was done mainly around Hiroshima Prefecture and Kurashiki City, Okayama, which were the most severely damaged areas. Currently, PWJ works with the Self-defense forces and sends patients who need to evacuate from Mabi Memorial Hospital in Mabi town, Kurashiki city, Okayama, to other hospitals. 35 patients who had been left in Mabi Memorial Hospital and needed to be evacuated were rescued by rubber boats and ships. One patient who required emergency transportation was sent to Okayama University Hospital by helicopter with a nurse. These rescue activities are dealt with under the combined effort of HuMA, Civic Force, A-PAD.

■ Beneficiary of this donation

・We don’t take any commission for this donation other than the payment charges.
・A system use fee (\216) is the payment charge.

■ How to donate

The minimum amount of donation to be accepted is \1,500.
We explain how to donate in more detail on following page.

■ Thank you present

We will send you a “thank you” message and a report of our activities.



※ Normally CAMPFIRE does not accept donations from overseas, but we are making an exception for our torrential rain relief/recovery project.

※ We regret to inform you, we cannot respond to inquiries in English.
※ We are sorry to tell you that we do not accept cancellation for donation from overseas.

※We explain how to donate in more detail on following page(written in English)
