元出雲の美しさと静けさは、僕がもがいていた時の心を平和で満たしました。 それは僕に希望を与え、その希望をできるだけ多くの人に伝えたいと思いました。
この奉納を実現するのは、長くて複雑なプロセスでした。 ゼロからのはじまりでした。
僕たちは『いのり』を設立し、スポンサーを探し始めました。 そして、できるだけ多くの人にブログを通じて私たちの想いを知らせることができるように、クラウドファンディングをすることに決めました。
今日は、このクラウドファンディングの最終日です。 今まで受けてきたご支援と愛に深く感動し、感謝しています。
The beauty and peacefulness of the Moto Izumo filled my heart with peace at a time when I was struggling. It gave me hope and I decided that I would like to spread that hope to as many people as possible.
I met many artists who also held the desire to spread hope and the message of peace and it was through this intention that our destinies got linked.
It has been a long and complicated process to make this dedication happen. We started from cero.
We created the INORI agency and started looking for sponsors. We decided to try Crowd Funding so that we could also inform as many people as possible of our intentions through the blog.
There are many great minds working together deciding on the contents of the dedication. With so many great ideas we have had to learn to listen to each other and to work together.
It has been a beautiful process.
Today is the last day of this Crowd Funding. We are deeply touched and thankful for the support and the love that we have received up until now. It gives us hope and strength.
This is only the beginning!
Braulio Alvarez