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このプロジェクトは、2020/04/03に募集を開始し、 282人の支援により 1,253,000円の資金を集め、 2020/04/29に募集を終了しました









このプロジェクトは、2020/04/03に募集を開始し、 282人の支援により 1,253,000円の資金を集め、 2020/04/29に募集を終了しました



Dear English readers,
2020/04/05 01:41

About this Project.Dear patrons,In our family, within our capability, we have always been involved with animal-related volunteering on several occasions.  From being a puppy-walker to fund-raiser for the Guide Dog Association, searching for lost large dogs in neighbourhood and helping as a baggage-volunteer to transport dogs from airport to their carer as such.We also have passion to help cats and.  In the past, we had worked as a milk-volunteer to the kittens which were abandoned by their mothers.We have always aimed to save some small lives at the best we can, within the limits of our financial circumstances, but without affecting our own pets.Christopher aka Kuri-chan (in Japanese), the orange tabby cat, is one of the three kittens who were abandoned and saved from inside the wall three years ago.  I helped them grow until they find new foster homes.  Other two of his brothers found their new owner, but while Kuri-chan happened to stay a little longer than the others, he had a mild epileptic seizure at the age of 7-months.  That was when we stopped looking for his foster parent and adopted Kuri-chan to ourself.Kuri-chan's epileptic seizure happened only once, and ever since, he has been so healthy that he never visits the vet other than for those necessary vaccinations.  But last January, he suddenly became ill and was informed that he could die within 10 days suffering from the fatal disease, Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP).This project is a sequel to our first project that was conducted until the end of March, which was to raise a fund for Kuri-chan's medicine and his treatments but unfortunately the target budget was unreached.  You can find more about the previous project and all the posts from here: all the cost, the information on the purchase of medicine, etc.)What we want to achieve with this project:The budget is targeted mainly to cover the shortage in the previous project and the production cost of the return goods.In the previous project, the budget was the estimate of the total cost of the medicine (MUTIAN) needed for Kuri-chan.  It was based on his weight and his ongoing conditions.  The 84 days treatment was calculated to use 1.5 dose per injections, but for the last 4 weeks as he has started to gain his weight back to his normal, the amount of dosage had been increased to double.  It will stay at the same double for the next 3 weeks.The cost for the medicine is apparent from the last project and we have already purchased enough amount of MUTIAN which should last till the end of his 84 days treatment.Just to note, a 5ml bottle of MUTIAN costs $379 and 53 bottles are purchased, and on top of this, there will be everyday's vet fees for 84 days and the production cost for the return goods.Now better accurate figures in hand, together with the last balance (the funded amount and shortage), we are re-challenging to raise the fund again.The first day the vet used MUTIAN on Kuri-chan was on the 31st of January.  Ever since, he has been taking the injections at the same hour everyday.  Compare to the normal vaccine, this MUTIAN injections are very painful for him.  Our heart breaks everytime Kuri-chan screams on the vet's table at the same hour everyday.A few clips are uploaded on my YouTube channel: (please subscribe)Kuri-chan's reaction to MUTIAN injection:'s reaction to normal injection: 84-days programme should end on the 23rd of April. Kuri-chan is battling, until then, please support us, please share our story so that one day MUTIAN becomes an approved cure and affordable drug for any cat's owners around the globe.Thank you.Maiko Kyougoku


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