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このプロジェクトは、2020/02/26に募集を開始し、 679人の支援により 2,353,140円の資金を集め、 2020/03/29に募集を終了しました








このプロジェクトは、2020/02/26に募集を開始し、 679人の支援により 2,353,140円の資金を集め、 2020/03/29に募集を終了しました




Dear all,

Here are some updates on Kuri-chan and some shipping information about the return goods.

Kuri-chan has 7 more MUTIAN injections and his 84 days treatment programme is scheduled to end on 23 April.

His blood test result showed slight improvements, but almost remains as the same as the last test. The vet reckons that Kuri-chan has enough injections since the figures are stable. However, discussing with the MUTIAN supplier, it is still recommended to give him the full treatment, at a double dose injection for the remaining period.

If Kuri-chan's blood test result is good on the last day of the treatment, there will be no more injection for him, or otherwise the treatment will extend.

Kuri-chan's reaction to the blood test:

Kuri-chan's reaction to the MUTIAN injection:

As advised by the MUTIAN supplier, we let Kuri-chan play free. This is to see whether his nerve system work correctly or not when he is in the excite mode.

On Tuesday of last week (April 7), Kuri-chan struggled badly while being in the treatment. The vet also struggled to stick the needle into Kuri-chan. As Kuri-chan suffers from many ulcers all over his back, it is harder to find the good spot for the vet to perform the injections.
The vet even stabbed himself once....out of three injections trials he had that day.

Wednesday -- Saturday treatments (8--11 April), Kuri-chan screamed enough, but on Sunday (12 April), he couldn't help himself from leaking when taking the injection.

I am aware that Kuri-chan's mental strength is weary, his back is full of itchy itchy ulcers. But somehow, he is so patient and doesn't lose his faith in us. He still loves to be pet more than ever, and he asks for cuddles all day long.

When back at home, Kuri-chan is usually at rest and nowadays uses my son's pillow to sleep with. But when he wakes, I can find that tears welled up in his eyes and runs down his face... (T_T)

We feed him every 90 to 180 mins with the a/d canned food (the prescription diet food), but his every intake is about a large spoonful at a time. He demands his second serving, but he often ends up showing some sign of purging. We leave some dried food on the side for him which he can eat them freely. He eats about 3~5 pebbles of them but he prefers the a/d canned food.

I sleep by him as much as I can, but these days, I can notice him having some nightmare about those injections, as he screams while he is in sleep, and struggles then jumps up on the bed...

Sadly, Kuri-chan now fears my son's foot steps and hide himself, even when we are not going to the vet.

We have 8 more days to commute to the vet, I am trying my best to hold myself together.

Some other good news:

On Wednesday (April 15), at the vet, we happen to meet one of the kitten that we helped as a milk volunteer in last Autumn. His foster parent uses the same vet as we do. I could see that the kitten has grown into a beautiful young boy, and is bigger than Kuri-chan already. I am so happy that the kittens have found their good owner and the safe home to live.

Lastly, just to let you know that we are in process of dispatching some of the return goods for this 1st-time crowdfunding project. We will ship out the paintings first to the respective patrons.

The end to the 2nd re-project is less than two weeks away. I often talk with Kuri-chan that we must fight together until the end. How far we have come in last three months.

We cannot thank you enough for supporting us, we are truly grateful.


Maiko Kyougoku
