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海賊酒場の灯を守りたい!応援PJ/Kaizoku seeks support!










このプロジェクトは、2020/10/14に募集を開始し、 44人の支援により 902,000円の資金を集め、 2020/11/22に募集を終了しました


海賊酒場の灯を守りたい!応援PJ/Kaizoku seeks support!







このプロジェクトは、2020/10/14に募集を開始し、 44人の支援により 902,000円の資金を集め、 2020/11/22に募集を終了しました





Our joint, Kaizoku sakaba (Pirate's den) open doors on November 29th, 2014. We started as a member's only dining and bar run by our family. Our motto has always been to provide delicious Japanese home cooking with unusual sake and shochu (Japenese spirits) that we select and bring over from Japan. We had 8 seats when we started and five and a half years later, we have extended 2 more private rooms and a maximum capacity of 40 pax+. We have a mix clientele of local Khmers, westerners and Japanese at about a third each, which is our strength during these tough times. Yoshi loves his drinks, and Larissa knows her taste buds...Larissa has been cooking since a young age, and started her culinary career in her mid teens, working many restaurants and local diners in Japan and in London, she gained her ideas how "precious" the regional cuisine is...She picks local ingredients and unique ingredients imported from Japan to create Kaizoku's food which is loved by many...Kaizoku also caters to vegetarians and vegans, so everyone can eat at our long table together. Growing slowly but steadily the last five and a half years until covid hit us badly...Since many Japanese and western patrons had to leave Cambodia, our sales went down by 50%, 6 months in, we're recovering but still at about 30% down comparing with previous years...During such a terrible timing, our landlord decided to sell his property and refused to renew our lease, we have been on a month to month scheme since July, which is a very unstable situation for us, but with the sales down so bad, it is very hard financially to move and renovate from scratch.
Our life is based in Phnom Penh and would love to be able to continue here,so here we seek support from our patrons and community.


私たちがお店を始めた当時のプノンペンは日本食レストランは30店舗ほど、店主は元畜産農家のため、肉料理には人一倍の思い入れとこだわりがあり、また開店してもその半分超のお店が2年以内に消えていくという厳しい状況の市場でした。おかみさんは農業(酪農・畜産)と食品加工業がバックグラウンドにあり、14歳のころから飲食店のキッチン勤務、20代前半で調理師免許を取得しました。マスターは大のお酒好きで、真のマリアージュと駄洒落は唯一無二がモットーでいろんなお酒とアテを試すのが趣味。2人で食べ歩く中であんまり落ち着くお店がないのが悩みでした。 「無けりゃ作っちゃえ」主義の本領発揮タイムです。1年かけて探した古い倉庫を4か月かけて自海賊酒場の肉料理はお客様に評判上々海賊の肉料理はお客様に評判上々!/Beef dishes@Kaizoku分達と大工1人で改装し、家族の食い扶持を稼ぐ旅路が始まりました。進出ブームも重なり3年目くらいのころには100店以上の日系レストラン/日本食(外国人経営含む)があり、淘汰の波は益々加速するようになりました。開店当時は「会員制」を謳い、仲間の予約からその友達の友達、そのまた友達へと口コミで少しずつ慎重に広げていくスタイルをとりました。正しくは完全予約制/紹介制だったのですが「会員制」の言葉が独り歩きし、プノンペンの他のお店と一線を画すようになりました。契機となったのが、とあるシンガポール在住のフードコンサルタントから、来月クライアントを連れて乗り込むからお店の特徴をあらわしたChef's menuを18人分用意してくれないか?と打診があったのが2年目。そんな客数の想定も経験もない当時、汗だくでなんとか乗り越えた一夜の熱気の中で気が付いた事は、一馬力のエアコンの微力さと、このレストランが潜在的に秘めた需要と斬新な合理性を持った可能性。そんな客数の想定も経験もない当時、汗だくでなんとか乗り越えた一夜の熱気の中で気が付いた事は、一馬力のエアコンの微力さと、このレストランが潜在的に秘めた需要と斬新な合理性を持った可能性。一日一組様限定。お客様が自由にアレンジして好きなようにデザイン出来るディナーを誰にも邪魔されず楽しめる。タイムロスフードロスゼロ。完全貸切オーダーメイド制で様々なコースを提供するスタイルへ変更。少し敷居が上がったので気軽に誰もが来店できる機会を設けようと、食べ飲み放題のイベント「おばんざいナイト」の開催を始めました。不定期で行っていましたが思いのほか人気が出たため月に3回まで増やしこちらも予約で40席が埋まるようになりました。

2018年からはふらっと立ち寄れるBar Kaizokuやお一人様Deナイト、などアラカルトでの利用もできるよう色んなニーズに試行錯誤しながら応えてきました。日本人スタッフも増え、少しずつ進化と呼べる変化を遂げてきた海賊酒場…


We decided to open our joint over 6 years ago, when we could not find a comfortable speakeasy style dining and bar to relax in, with a good balance of delicious food and a variation of drinks all at one place. If there is none, then make one, has been our motto always so we started. We had to start as a"member's only" bar since there was some business disputes in the JP community back then and there was a lot of slandering, we didn't want such negative vibes in our precious joint. 2 years in, a food lover from Singapore approached me and asked if I could prepare a "Chef's tasting menu" for a group of 18 people who would fly in for a food tour in Phnom Penh. That was Larissa's first experience catering a full course menu with Japanese food,it was a success and we thought it was a great way for our guests to experience the everyday food that is eaten around Japan, because Sushi and Tempura is not what Japanese people eat daily, if you know what I mean. We opened doors for walk in guests, started our popular "Tapas Nights" too, widening our clientele slowly, exploring and surviving at the same time in the competitive market of Japanese dining in the city. That was until COVID hit...everything changed, we rarely have tourists but our main clients had restrictions to eat out from their work. Many also left the country, some had to close their offices and businesses and return home. Although we did not have a proper lock down like many other countries, the leaving expat population hit us hard enough barely staying afloat. But, our style has been 1 group booking per night...That is what kept us going through all this.


Four months in to the outbreak of COVID-19, it was time to renew our lease, we were not able to get any discount on rent, it was a tough few months. He decided not to renew the lease 3 weeks before the end of the term. We spent 6 years here, seeding, nurturing,growing our roots deep and our branches high...Our income is down by average of 40% and we can't move financially, but we can't stay on a risky rolling contract for ever...It isn't wise to move back to Japan when the Japanese economy is hit even harder...We decided to stay and start hunting again!


【We are what we eat (drink)-私たちの肉体は私たちが摂り入れるものでできている】

We are what we eat (drink)-私たちの肉体は私たちが日々摂り入れるものでできています。海賊酒場の御節/New years's Specials普段から食事が偏りがちの単身赴任のお父さんも、たまに海賊酒場できっちり栄養補給してくれたり、こちらで産まれたお子様の大切なお食い初めに立ち会わせてもらえたり、お正月は家族総出で3日かけて手作りする御節料理で一年の願掛けをしていただいたりと、その時々、節目でたくさんの方々にご利用いただいてきました。
Larissa grew up on a n organic farm/food factory producing dairy products, Japanese tea and vegetables, she was surrounded by talented chefs and restaurateur from a very young age, she thought all restaurants served great food, until she left home and saw the reality around her. Yes, you have to search for good food and restaurants. Since she grew up on a farm and could source decent ingredients, she was surprised how hard it is to get proper quality ingredients here in Phnom Penh. For an example, she hunts through 4-5 meat suppliers to find a variation of beef cuts. It's not getting on the phone and ordering like back in Japan (and you ca return the product if you're not satisfied). Our patrons are paying for a great experience, we must do our best to find the best to meet their expectations. It makes her happy when our customers says "I can order anything from the menu and it is all delicious!!", we thought that was normal but it is very hard to do here...

In Japanese we have an expression of "HARE (special day) and KE (ordinary day)", and the culinary specialties evolve around it. At Kaizoku Sakaba, you can experience both, and we will adjust and customize to your needs individually. From an anniversary booking for 2, up to a Birthday Party of 30 people, we are very flexible and we do our best to create the vibes and prepare food with love and passion. You can get extravagant, or you can come sit at the bar alone and have a light meal and drinks, it is all up to you! A speak easy bar is all about communication with who ever is at the bar on the night, a new experience every time you visit (we hope), and we would love to keep this culture going in this city.



The money raised through this crowdfunding campaign will be used to pay for the acquisition of the new premises (with a long-term lease agreement), the renovation of the property, and the purchase of equipment and materials. We don't want to put a burden on the landlord, and we don't want to haggle with them so we can build a long-term relationship with them during such hard times. When you are able to visit our joint in the new location,  you can use the purchased pre-paid vouchers, we will host you with gratitude and our gesture of hospitality. It was a hard decision to run this campaign, and to request all o you for support and we thank all of you who have made the decision to support us.  



◆ 2ドリンク@海賊酒場-1,000円 (通常5.50USD-7.50USDのお飲み物2杯分) 
◆ 神出鬼没なバーの日@海賊酒場ご利用券、Thank you letter -1,500円(※1)
◆ 神出鬼没なバーの日@海賊酒場ご利用券10枚つづり、Thank you letter -14,000円(※1) 
◆ 2時間飲み放題券-2,000円 (ビール・焼酎・ハウスワイン・日本酒・ソフトドリンク、Thank you letter )
◆ 欲張り海賊コースお食事券(1名様分/通常、Thank you letter )-3,500円 
◆ Lavish コースお食事券(1名様分/通常、Thank you letter )-5,500円 【6枚以上同時に購入の方にはお店でキープできるKampot Passion fruit Rum または波照間島の泡波ボトル1本がリターンとなります】
◆ プライベートおばんざいパッケージ券(12名様分/2時間食べ飲み放題)-36,000円 【2020/12/31-2021/1/2引取限定、御節2名分($140相当)をリターンとします】 
◆ 応援の気持ちを届けたい券(お返しはパッションフルーツラム)→ 15,000円
◆ 応援の気持ちを届けたい券(お返しも海賊酒場の未来に託してくださる方向け、Thank you letter)→ 15,000円 
◆ 応援の気持ちを届けたい券(お返しも海賊酒場の未来に託してくださる方向け、Thank you letter )→ 30,000円 
◆ 応援の気持ちを届けたい券(お返しも海賊酒場の未来に託してくださる方向け、Thank you letter )→ 100,000円 


We have prepared several types of returns and ways to support us, some are donation based and some are a simple "Pre-Purchase tickets" you can use at our new location (we are aiming to move by early November). All the donations are based in Japanese Yen since this is a Japanese crowd funding site, you can calculate on the exchange rate, we have set it so you get a discount of some %%. We will also add more returns by demand.

◆ 2 Drinks@Kaizoku sakaba-JPY 1,000 (about $9.40) (For drinks sold at USD5.50-USD7.50)
◆ Bar Kaizoku Pre-paid ticket@Kaizoku Sakaba-JPY 1,500(※1)Delivered with a Thank you letter. 
◆ Bar Kaizoku Pre-paid tickets (10 tickets)@Kaizoku Sakaba-JPY 14,000(※1)Delivered with a Thank you letter.  
◆ 2 Hour free flow drinks ticket-JPY2,000(Beer, Shochu, House wine, Japanese sake, non alcoholic drinks)Delivered with a Thank you letter. 
◆ Greedy Pirates Course for 1 person(Regular price USD35/pax)-JPY 3,500 (minimum booking 4 pax) Delivered with a Thank you letter. 
◆ The Lavish Course for 1 person (Regular price USD55/pax)-JPY 5,500 (minimum booking 3 pax) 【A bottle of Kampot Passion fruit Rum or Awanami when using more than 6 tickets】Delivered with a Thank you letter. 
◆ Private Tapas Party package ticket for 12 people(Regular Price USD420/12pax, Free flow food and drinks for 2 hours)-JPY 36,000 【Osechi set for 2-3pax (Regular Price $140), pickup on December 31st-Jan 2nd 2021】Delivered with a Thank you letter.  
◆ An offer of support 【A】(A bottle of Kampot rum in return)→ JPY 15,000
◆ An offer of support 【B】(Thank you letter)→ JPY 15,000 
◆ An offer of support 【C】 (Thank you letter) → JPY 30,000 
◆ An offer of support 【D】 (Thank you letter) → JPY 100,000 

※All Pre-paid tickets are for people with prior reservations, you can't use them for walk-ins unless you purchase option ※1.
※ Returns of people who donated will be sent out as early as December after closing all the funding and books.
※The expiry date on the pre-paid tickets will be 2020/12/1-2021/5/31, please be sure to keep copy/digital copy.
※The pre-paid tickets will be calculated as the sum on the ticket, and there will be no change issued.


●移転先取得費用  400,000円 (デポジット/保証料等)
●移転先改装費用 1,500,000円 (現店舗を彷彿させる空間づくり)
●備品購入費用   500,000円 (厨房器材・インテリア)
Ground ZERO, Re: Birth...How we will spend the $$
【List of what needs to be done】(All will be in JPY since we're using a JPY system)
●Deposit and initial cost  JPY 400,000
●Renovations and updates JPY 1,200,000 
●Equipment upgrade JPY 500,000, Total, JPY 2,100,000 (about USD19,600)

事態が収束することはないかもしれません、でもそれでも陽は昇りまた沈みます。皆さんの憩いの場を提供できるように交流の場をこれからも守っていけたらと思います。ありとあらゆる業界で大変な状況の中、私たちへの温かい応援に心より感謝を申し上げます。また皆様と笑顔で新店舗で乾杯できる日を願って。I のある KA ZOKU, KAIZOKU。

隠れ処 海賊酒場 
St.63, トンレバサック@プノンペン (GWRG+X2 Phnom Penh
19:00-23:30 不定休

The world will be a different place from now on, post COVID will be tough especially on restaurants and entertainment industry. When a restaurant closes, it's not only the staff and the customer that gets affected, it is the suppliers, and the fisherman and the farmers, it is a long chain and many people that you didn't even think about when you sat down for a meal at your favorite place. Many have closed or is going to close, we are trying our best to stay afloat and keep doing our "thing", creating a comfortable space and serving delicious food and drinks.
We hope we can survive to be your favorite spot for the coming years, and we thank all of you for your support in the past, present and the future.
Let's have a toast at our new location everyone!!
Thank you very much, from Coro and Lari.

Kaizoku Sakaba, st.63@Phnom Penh

本プロジェクトはAll-in方式で実施します。目標金額に満たない場合も、計画を実行し、リターンをお届けします。This project will be executed on an all-in basis. If we don't meet our goal, we will still execute our plan and deliver the returns.


  • クラウドファンディングにご協力いただいた皆様へ

    2021/05/14 22:34


  • 新しい海賊酒場の上は一昔前のアパートメントです。工事が始まってから発覚したうちのユニットを通っている上階の電線たち。大家さんもその存在を知らず(カンボジアあるある)、同意のもとで移設を試みるもあえなく失敗して上階が停電すること5日、復旧と整理まで入れて二週間以上工事がストップした恨めしい相手です。当たり前ですが、どう「美しく格納するか」が最大のテーマだったのですがようやく解決して明日には格納される予定です。もう会うことがありませんように!お店の表にはナーガと、長年暮らした八重山のミンサー柄を取り入れてみました。さて、八重山ミンサーの五と四の絣柄の意味は簡単にまとめると、いつ(五)の世(四)までも、末永く。縦の糸は貴方、横の糸は私。---Wikiより引用---かつて通い婚の風習があった時代に、想いを込めて、女性から男性に対して贈ったのがこのミンサーだと言われている。柄の特徴として、五つの■が「いつの」を表し、四つの■が「世」を意味する。短い横縞を連続させる「ヤシラミ(ムカデの足)」柄は、「足しげく」にちなむ。よって「いつの世までも、足しげく私の元に通ってください」という意味があった。藍を何度も重ねて染めることから、「愛を重ねて」という意味も含まれると言われている。-----------------------------------------------------------------いつの世までも足しげく私(海賊酒場)の元に通ってくださいね♪We had a headache for a while now...The new joint is on the ground floor of an apartment, even the landlord wasn't aware that there were other unit's electric cables running through our unit. When we started the works in this place, the first thing we wanted to do was move these lines away. Our landlady agreed but (even she wasn't aware how complicated they were!) the lines were a mess and running through water pipes and so on. Our worker tried to sort them out but that was hard without blue prints (there aren't any here in KOW) and managed to lose the electricity for most of the units for over 5 days. Sorting the lines out took another good few days and the works stopped for over 2 weeks. Tomorrow, they will finally be put away for good (I hope)! We had to come up with ideas to put them away with class (obviously)...The entrance is coming together too. We decided to bring Naga (Khmer) and Yaeyama Minsa pattern (Okinawan) together for the entrance. Minsa is a design combining "五(five)" and "四(four)" and usually used for fabric or Obi (belt for kimono) historically. You can read the two Japanese characters as "Itsuno Yomademo" meaning something like, for the long time to come, and used to be a code for the loved ones. The Minsa pattern also resembles a centipede (lots of legs meaning many trips to make) and sometimes was interpreted as a love letter meaning "Come to me as often as you can for as long as you live."This is the message we send out to you all...Thank you! もっと見る

  • Step by step...

    2020/11/06 15:22

    先週より工事再開しました。内側の壁も出来上がってきました。壁ができるとイメージができてきます。個室も今までの個室より若干広く8-10名ほど寛げるスペースになります。業者にはモルタル仕上げまでお願いして通常業務の合間に家族でペンキ塗りしてますよー。今週は結構進みましたね、一安心。進んでいるといろんな資材調達もしなければならないのでとにかくプノンペン市内での移動範囲がすごいです。新しい資材屋さんの発見があったり、6年前には何もかも手作りで対応しなければならなかったものも既製品が出回るようになっていたりでだいぶ楽になりました。業者以外では結構資材や価格帯などの知識あると思いますので悩んでいる人はご相談に乗ります笑 もっと見る



投稿するには ログイン が必要です。




    • 1,500

      ◆ 神出鬼没なバーの日@海賊酒場ご利用券-1,500円-Thank you Letterと状況報告とともにご利用券をお渡しします。 Pre-paid ticket of the value of minimum charges (15USd/pax) for our bar nights on Tuesdays and Fridays. Can be used as a voucher for food or drinks only on our bar nights, regular price 15USD, on offer for1,500 JPY. Thank you letter and updates will be sent out to supporters. 有効期限:2020年1月3日〜2021年6月3日(土日祝を除く)



    • 2,000

      ◆ 2時間飲み放題券-2,000円 (ビール・焼酎・ハウスワイン・日本酒・ソフトドリンク)-Thank you Letterと梅酒1杯チケットともにお届けします。 Pre-paid ticket of 2 hours of free flow drinks (beer, wine, Japanese sake, non alcoholic drinks), regular price 20USD, on offer for 2,000 JPY. Thank you letter and a voucher for 1 glass of plum wine will be sent out to supporters. 有効期限:2020年12月1日〜2021年5月31日(土日祝を除く)



    • 3,500


      ◆ 欲張り海賊コースお食事券(1名様分/通常USD35)-Thank you Letterと状況報告とともに利用券を発行します。 Greedy pirate's course ticket for 1 person value of USD 35 on sale for 3,500JPY Thank you letter and updates will be sent out to supporters. 有効期限:2020年12月1日〜2021年5月31日(土日祝を除く)



    • 5,500


      ◆ Lavish コースお食事券(1名様分/通常USD55)-Thank you Letterと状況報告とともに利用券を発行します。 The Lavish course ticket for 1 person value of USD 55 on sale for 5,500JPY, 1-5 ticket purchase will receive a Thank you Letter, when more than 6 tickets are purchase you can choose one of the following to enjoy with your meal: Kampot Passion Fruit Rum/Chita whiskey/Awanami. 【1-5枚の場合Thank you Letterとともに利用券を発行します、6枚以上同時に購入の方にはお食事とともに楽しめるKampot Passion fruit Rum/知多ウィスキー/波照間島の泡波いずれかボトル1本がリターンとします】 有効期限:2020年12月1日〜2021年5月31日(土日祝を除く)



    • リターン画像



      カンボジアの大好きな田舎町、Kampotで醸造されるラム酒にパッションフルーツを抽出させたさわやかで飲みやすいパッションフルーツラム(700ml)。このラム酒は現在日本非売品です。 This is a 15,000JPY voucher with a return of a bottle of Kampot rum (passion fruit flavor), geared for patrons and friends who would prefer to support us with a little bit of return. 有効期限:2020年12月1日〜2021年5月31日(土日祝を除く)



    • 20,000

      ◆ 応援の気持ちを届けたい券(お返しも海賊酒場の未来に託してくださる方向け-Thank you Letter と状況報告、当店でご利用いただけるお食事券$20相当をお届けします) This is a 20,000JPY support voucher with a meal voucher worth 2,000JPY($20), geared for patrons and friends who would prefer to support us to keep our den going.(Thank you letter with updates of our renovations, meal voucher) 有効期限:2020年1月3日〜2021年6月3日(土日祝を除く)



    • 30,000


      ◆ 応援の気持ちを届けたい券(お返しも海賊酒場の未来に託してくださる方向けーThank you Letterと状況報告、日本酒720ml1本チケットをお届けします) This is a 30,000JPY support voucher with a thank you letter and a 720ml sake of your choice, along with updates from us, geared for patrons and friends who would prefer to support us to keep our den going. 有効期限:2020年12月1日〜2021年5月31日(土日祝を除く)



    • リターン画像



      ◆ プライベートおばんざいパッケージ券(12名様分/2時間食べ飲み放題) Private Tapas party (2 hour food and drinks included) ticket for 12 person value of USD420 on sale for 36,000JPY Expiry date, 18 months from date of release. 【2020/12/31-2021/1/2引取限定、御節2-3名分($140相当)をリターンとします】 有効期限:2020年12月1日〜2021年5月31日(土日祝を除く)



    • 200,000


      ◆ 応援の気持ちを届けたい券(お返しも海賊酒場の未来に託してくださる方向け-Thank you Letterと状況報告をお送りします) This is a 200,000JPY support voucher with no returns, geared for patrons and friends who would prefer to support us to keep our den going. (Thank you letter with a bottle of AWANAMI and updates of our renovations) 有効期限:2020年12月1日〜2021年5月31日(土日祝を除く)



    • 300,000


      ◆ 応援の気持ちを届けたい券(お返しも海賊酒場の未来に託してくださる方向けーThank you Letterと状況報告をお送りします) This is a 300,000JPY support voucher with no returns, geared for patrons and friends who would prefer to support us to keep our den going.(Thank you letter with a bottle of Plum Wine (1800ml) by Seifuku) 有効期限:2020年12月1日〜2021年5月31日(土日祝を除く)

