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キャンプファイヤー 寄付型のバッヂ










このプロジェクトは、2020/07/14に募集を開始し、 11人の支援により 105,000円の資金を集め、 2020/07/31に募集を終了しました


キャンプファイヤー 寄付型のバッヂ








このプロジェクトは、2020/07/14に募集を開始し、 11人の支援により 105,000円の資金を集め、 2020/07/31に募集を終了しました



The Ashinaga International Students Association (AISA) members are the students under the Ashinaga Africa Initiative program. Ashinaga established the Ashinaga Africa Initiative(AAI) program in 2014 with the aim of contributing to Sub-Saharan Africa’s long-term development by empowering a generation of future leaders. The students receive an international university education, comprehensive support throughout their studies, and the means to return home and be agents of positive change.

AISA creates a welcoming environment for the new AAI students arriving in Japan. AISA also organizes online networking events, mobilize scholars to carry out activities such as the annual Ashinaga fundraising, community engagement activities and international conferences such as Tsudoi, which focuses on leadership, career development, and entrepreneurship.

However, due to the impact of the new coronavirus, street fundraising has been canceled this time. Besides the Japanese students, AISA members who are far away from their home countries and study with high aspirations are worried about continuing their studies. Most of the AISA members are been negatively affected to the extent of canceling their opportunities related to internships, part-time jobs, volunteer work to mention but a few. As such, we have launched this crowdfunding page to improve the situation.  




Amadou is a first-year student from Senegal studying global business at Kanagawa Prefecture.

 “I dream of changing people's lives in rural areas of Africa by creating businesses that will enable them to get employed. The main target will be women and young people who kept on moving from rural areas to the capital cities. I feel like it would make less opportunity cost in case we implement businesses in rural areas of Africa.”

He is an alumnus of the African Leadership Academy. Like many other alumni, he took the initiative to run entrepreneurial leadership camps in his home country, focusing on leadership development through applied learning. The program model aims to strengthen Africa’s youth-level entrepreneurial ecosystem by igniting an entrepreneurial mind-set among youth and facilitating concrete opportunities for first-hand experience designing and leading social or business ventures (read more about BUILD-in-a-Box)

As the organizer and leader of the program, Amadou had to use French, English, and Japanese to facilitate effective communication with all participants.  He says that as an AAI Scholar, he wanted to be able to gain skills in entrepreneurship and time management while managing groups of students from different backgrounds. He also wanted to improve his own leadership skills and gain self-confidence in public speaking.

Further about the program Amadou runs is found in the link below



アマドゥはアフリカリーダーシップアカデミーの卒業生です。 そこで学んだことを活かし、彼は母国セネガルで、リーダーシップについて学ぶ起業リーダー育成キャンプの運営に携わりました。そのプログラムでは、若者の起業家精神を奮い立たせ、ベンチャーを立ち上げるための実践的な経験の第一歩となる機会をつくり、アフリカの若い世代の起業環境を強めていく狙いがあります(詳しくはこちらから)。



Pasted Graphic.pngAAI生の1人でもある、セネガル出身のアマドゥ

Pasted Graphic 1.pngアマドゥが行うプログラム中のワークショップの様子

Pasted Graphic 2.pngダカールでのプログラムを指導するアマドゥ

Emmanuel is a second-year student from Uganda studying Global Business at Akita. His proposed project aims to redefine waste management in Kampala (Uganda) by introducing his own “GOMI Economy” model in Uganda which was inspired by Japan’s efficient recycling industry.  The GOMI Economy would contribute to two SDGs: sustainable cities and communities, and responsible consumption and production (#12).

Emmanuel was awarded a grand prize as one of the winners in the 2019 Ashinaga-AFRECO collaboration program of the TICAD 7 Innovation Award for this project.  Four experts on business in Africa judged six student pitches, with the two winners receiving fully-funded opportunities to travel to an African country of their choice to lay the foundations for their initiatives.

Emmanuel’s aim is to solve Kampala - and later East Africa’s - waste management problem by improving its recycling capacity.  He assesses Uganda’s ordinary citizens as the key to doing so, and it is through setting up a system of incentives that he plans to carry out his vision. In the proposed plan, registered households receive differently colored garbage bags with unique QR codes to encourage waste separation. In this model, when households 

properly sort out waste, they are able to earn GOMI points on their mobile app that allows them to gain discounts at partner organizations, including retail stores and restaurants. The waste is then sold to recycling companies who can dispose of it at authorized places. While still in its infancy in 2019, The GOMI Economy model already raised ten thousand dollars, piqued the interest of real estate companies, and secured 20 households as clients in Kampala. Additionally, Emmanuel was honored to present the GOMI model to the President of the Republic of Uganda, H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in August 2019.  

In 2020, Emmanuel has partnered with a rubbish collection company registered with Wakiso Town Council to engage 100 households for the pilot project. GOMI is also working with a back-end software developer to have a prototype ready by March 2020. But Emmanuel has more ambitious plans yet; Emmanuel will be using the opportunity he won through the pitch competition as an opportunity to finalize contracts with partner organizations.


エマニュエルはウガンダ出身の大学二年生で、秋田にある大学で国際ビジネスを学んでいます。彼が提案したプロジェクトは、彼が日本の効率的なリサイクルシステムから学び 考案した「ゴミ経済」のモデルをウガンダに導入し、首都カンパラにおけるゴミ処理について再検討するというものです。「ゴミ経済」モデルはSDG’sの目標の中の以下二つに当てはまります。一つ目は「住み続けられる街づくり」、そして二つ目が「作る責任、使う責任」です。彼はこのプロジェクトで、2019年に開催された第7回アフリカ開発会議のサイドイベント「イノベーションアワード」において最優秀賞を受賞しました。4人のアフリカのビジネスの専門家が学生達のプロジェクト案を審査した結果、最優秀に選ばれた2人が自分のプロジェクトをさらに進めるためにアフリカに行く機会を得ました。



Pasted Graphic 3.pngウガンダ出身のAAI生であるエマニュエル

Pasted Graphic 4.png早稲田大学でのイノベーションアワードにて(2019年)

This is a study conducted by the Ashinaga Scholarship Foundation about the average monthly income of orphaned families in Japan.



(主査・副田 義也=筑波大学名誉教授・社会学)



All donations given in this campaign will be donated to the Ashinaga Scholarship Foundation. It will be used as scholarships for orphaned students (Japan and Africa) supported by Ashinaga Scholarship Foundation.


※今回の取り組みはAshinaga Global 100 Challengeの一環であり、一般財団法人あしなが育英会と連携して取り組んでおります





It is a fundraising organization for supporting orphaned students with a history of 50 years and is run by students only. Every year in spring and autumn, there are about 200 volunteers who participate in street fund-raising activities that are carried out at about 200 locations nationwide and donate about 250 million yen annually. All of the donations are donated to the Ashinaga Scholarship Foundation and are used for the Ashinaga Scholarship Project (domestic scholarship project/AAI project).



病気や災害、自死(自殺)などで親を亡くした子どもたちや、親に障がいがあり働けない家庭の子どもたちを支えている非営利の財団法人です。国などからの補助金・助成金は受けず、全事業を寄付によって運営しています。あしなが育英会の奨学金によって、これまでに11万人以上の遺児たちが高校・大学への進学を果たしてきました。 現在、日本国内では約6,500名(高校・短大・専門学校・大学・大学院)、サブサハラ・アフリカ教育支援事業では世界各地あわせて約120名の奨学生に奨学金支援(貸与・給付)と心のケア、リーダーシップ育成プログラムを提供しています。


This is a non-profit foundation that provides financial and psychological support to students who have lost one or both of their parents due to illness, disaster, suicide among others. And also students in families who have disabilities and cannot work. We do not receive subsidies or subsidies from the national government, etc, and operate all businesses by donation. More than 110,000 orphans have been able to go on to high school/university by the scholarship of the Ashinaga Scholarship Foundation. Currently, there are about 6,500 scholarships in Japan (high schools, junior colleges, vocational schools, universities, graduate schools), and about 120 scholars around the world under the Ashinaga Africa Initiative program (AAI) providing mental care and leadership development programs.

病気や災害、自死(自殺)などで親を亡くした学生や、親に障がいがあり働けない家庭の学生たちを経済的・心理的に支援している非営利の財団法人です。国などからの補助金・助成金は受けず、全事業を寄付によって運営しています。あしなが育英会の奨学金によって、これまでに11万人以上の遺児たちが高校・大学への進学を果たしてきました。 現在、日本国内では約6,500名(高校・短大・専門学校・大学・大学院)、サブサハラ・アフリカ教育支援事業では世界各地あわせて約120名の奨学生に奨学金支援(貸与・給付)と心のケア、リーダーシップ育成プログラムを提供しています。




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