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『グラサイ(イカサマ用ダイス)』を使うボードゲームです。『複雑な算数』や『言語依存』を減らし、より多くの世代で広く楽しめるゲームです。頭脳よりもサイコロの性質を見抜く観察眼と勝負度胸を重視しており、子供と大人が対等に競えます。人数:1〜4人(拡張で最大6人)、時間:15 〜 45分、年齢:8歳〜大人









このプロジェクトは、2021/07/14に募集を開始し、 2021/09/11に募集を終了しました


手数料0円から実施可能。 企画からリターン配送まで、すべてお任せのプランもあります!









このプロジェクトは、2021/07/14に募集を開始し、 2021/09/11に募集を終了しました

『グラサイ(イカサマ用ダイス)』を使うボードゲームです。『複雑な算数』や『言語依存』を減らし、より多くの世代で広く楽しめるゲームです。頭脳よりもサイコロの性質を見抜く観察眼と勝負度胸を重視しており、子供と大人が対等に競えます。人数:1〜4人(拡張で最大6人)、時間:15 〜 45分、年齢:8歳〜大人



テーブルゲーム制作工房『石造りのヒポグリフ』のデザイナー、九城司(くじょう つかさ)と申します。

「『断国の騎士』をお買い上げ頂いた方」、「『デリンクエンテ』のテストプレイにご協力された方」「今現在『20Dシステム』のオンラインセッションに参加されている方」、「noteにて『ラスト任侠』をご覧になられた方」、いつもお世話になっております! 感謝しております。




New Board Game Production

It's nice to meet you.
My name is Tsukasa Q-joe, and I'm the designer of the table game production studio "Stone Hippogrifo".

I'd like to thank all of you who have purchased "Knights of Borderguard", who helped me test-play "Delinquente", who are currently participating in the online session of "20D-System", and who have read "Last Ninkyo" in the notes. I am grateful.

In order to realize my dreams and goals in life, I've been seriously devoting myself to making games, but now I've decided to take the next step and start crowdfunding.

Please make yourself comfortable and listen. I'd like to share a little bit of my story with you.

Tsukasa Q-joe








Projects and Game Description

This game, Gu-Ra-Sai, is a board game that uses a cheating die called a Gurasai. By emphasizing observation and technique rather than brains, the game is balanced so that adults and children can compete equally. In addition, the use of Gurasai, which should be banned in games, stimulates the Caligula Effect (the psychological urge to try things that are banned).
This is a project that will produce a completely new board game.

The player is a cheating gambler. You travel around the casino city to find the legendary gamblers who rule the city and challenge them to a duel. Win the duel and you will become a new legend!

Explore the MAP and collect dice. Dice are used and consumed for "Movement" and "Dueling".
Most of the dice used in this game are "Gurasai", which are cheating dice that have been tampered with to make certain sides come out more easily.
At first glance, these dice are indistinguishable from "precision dice" (ordinary dice in which each side has an equal chance of appearing).
When you move to a new location, you can get dice or try out the dice. By trying out the dice, you can figure out exactly which dice will give you what. The key to victory is to know exactly what dice you have in your hand and to use the right Gurasai at the right time!

This game is not a dice game dominated by luck. This game is not a dice game ruled by luck; it is a dice game based on cheating, where you use your Gurasai to deceive your opponents and even your fate!

In this game, the rules allow the use of Gurasai, an act of cheating that should normally be restricted. Enjoy the addictive and overwhelming Caligula effect (the more it's banned, the more you want to try it)!


The "ENTRANCE" square is the start of the game.
At the beginning of the game, the player has no dice.



When your turn comes, you roll X number of dice. You can choose any number of X's as long as you have enough dice in hand.
Only if you have zero dice in hand, you will be given one random dice from the box. Be sure to move on your turn.

You can only move squares by the total number of dice. You cannot stop at any square in the middle.
It is possible to jump over other players' pieces.
You lose the dice you used to move. Please return them to the box.



Multiple pieces cannot be stopped in the same square. If two or more pieces stop in the same square, a "charge" will occur.
・The first player's piece is pushed to an adjacent square. The second player can choose which square to move to.
・The first player loses X number of dice and returns them to the box, where X is the sum of the numbers on the squares they move to.
(Example: 2/4→6Dice, S3→3Dice)



When you stop at the "aisle", take a test swing and win the dice.

b:The denominator (bottom) is the number of times you try.
a:The numerator (top) is the number of dice you get.


3:Duel spots
When you enter a "Duel spots" with a character card, you stop there. You must fight the duel.
If the character card in this Duel spots is face-down, open it.

DP±0 :「パーフェクト」
DP-1 :「グレート」


The "DP (Duel Points)" of a character card is the target value. There are three levels of target values.
DP-2    :"NICE"

Roll X number of dice. You can choose any number of X's as long as you have enough dice on hand.
Dice used for dueling will be lost. Please return them to the box.



Don't roll the 3 dice, just roll them and put them back in the box. For those three, the total number of rolls is treated as [10].
Six can be accumulated as [20], nine as [30]...27 as [90], and so on. After that, you can also roll the dice normally and add up the rolls.


パーフェクト:スコア & アイテムカード3枚
グレート:スコア & アイテムカード2枚
ナイス:スコア & アイテムカード1枚

If the total number of rolls is within the target range (DP±0〜−2), you win the duel.

When you win, you get a score set for each character and a number of item cards according to your victory quality.
Perfect : Score and 3 item cards
Great : Score and 2 item cards
Nice : Score and 1 item card


If the total number of rolls is less than the target value (less than DP-2), or if you burst (exceeding DP), you lose the duel.
If you are defeated, return your pieces to "ENTRANCE".
If you lose, you don't lose anything in particular, nor are you eliminated from the game; just restart from ENTRANCE.



7:Gold Area
The boss is located in one of the dueling areas in the Gold Area. To defeat the boss, you have to move from the Silver Area to the Gold Area.

There are two ways to enter the Gold Area.
・Defeat the characters in S3 or S4 of the Duel spots, which is functioning as a barrier, and make it passable.
・Get the key and enter from the "back doors".


When the BOSS appears, take 20 dice (or all you have if you don't have enough) from the box and place them on top of the boss's card.

"The BOSS appears" means that the "Boss" card is opened by "Duel" or《Exposure》. It does not include《Betrayal》.


9:Boss time
When a boss is appearing, you must get dice from the dice on the boss, not from the box.

When there are no more dice on the boss, the boss will leave and the game will end.


10:Game ends
The game ends when any one of the following conditions is met.

・Someone defeats the boss.
・The boss leaves the area.
・Someone achieved a score of 15 points.


At the end of the game, the player with the highest score is the winner of the game.
The player who defeats the boss is not necessarily the winner.

◆ まずは、緒戦となる決闘に勝ってください。

◆ 向かうべき決闘場は?

◆ 序盤は強敵を避けましょう。

1、What do I have to do first?

◆ First of all, you need to win the first round of the duel.
You need to collect the dice faster than the other players. Depending on the DP of your dueling opponent, you may want to collect at least two, preferably six or more.

◆ What's the dueling ground we should be heading to?
If you want to see what other players are doing, S1 is a good place to go. If you want to get a head start, you can head to S3 or S4 to break the barrier.

◆ Avoid strong enemies in the beginning.
If the first opponent you encounter is a BUTLER, it's not time for a duel. It would be wise to surrender without wasting dice and head to another duel spots.






序盤でバトラーを倒せるほどのサイコロを集めているということは、さては他のプレイヤーと比べて出遅れていますね? 頑張って巻き返しましょう。


2、After defeating the first gambler

Depending on who you defeat first, your strategy will change.

If you defeat "BARON",
You can get the 《Weakness》 of the "GLAMOROUS", but it will be a long time before you can take advantage of them.You have only gained 1 points in terms of score, so challenge the gambler to a further duel for a sure win.

If you defeat "GOTHIC",
If you can get +4《Bonus Points》 , you are already in a position to win (score 15 points). Let's head to the Gold area to defeat the "ORIENTAL" as soon as possible. The pressure you will put on the people around you will not be small.

If you defeat the "BUNNY",
As you gain the《Silver Key》, you will be able to go through the "Back doors", so it would be a good idea to use your high trampling ability to go to the places where other players are targeting first to check them out.

If you get the 《Gold Key》, you can go looking for the “BOSS”.

If you defeat the "BUTLER",
If you've collected enough dice to defeat “BUTLER” in the early stages, then you're behind the rest of the players, aren't you? Do your best to get back on track.

However, if you have 《Insurance》, it's a different story. Since the wear and tear of dueling is reduced by half, you can challenge him to a duel with a light heart, thinking "I'll be lucky if I win, and even if I lose, it's Death warp. If you have 《Insurance》, you don't need a strategy. In any case, you should prioritize dueling many gamblers.


・【男爵】 → 【グラムスター】 → 【ボス】のルート
・【ゴス少女】 → 【女傑】 → 【ボス】のルート


3、Anti-BOSS strategy
There are two routes to the milestone of defeating the "BOSS", both of which involve the 《Weakness》 .

・The route of "BALON" → "GLAMOROUS" → "BOSS".
・The route of "GOTHIC" → "LADY" → "BOSS".

However, if you don't get the 《Weakness》 , it doesn't mean you can't defeat the boss. If you collect more dice, there is no such thing as an unbeatable opponent.


Solo Play Overview
In solo play, you cannot recycle dice. The game ends when all the dice are used up.
You win if you can defeat the “BOSS”or score 15 points by the end of the game.
Details to follow.


Adjacent squares
Adjacent squares are squares that are connected by a line. You can only move to adjacent squares.


Utilizing Tri-fix
The term "Tri-fix" was coined with the nuance of "fixing with three pieces". The player is a cheating gambler, and the cheating skill that embodies this is Trifix. First of all, please realize that Tri-fix is an important system that contributes the most to the comfort of playing this game.
Tri-fix is a rule where the three dice in your hand are returned to the box without rolling them, so that the total number of rolls is considered to be [10].
If you use it well, the game will run more smoothly.
・Since the sum of the rolls is added in increments of [10], it is easy to calculate the rolls. It also saves time.
・Since the rolls are fixed, you can safely consume unidentified dice. It is a way to avoid uncertainty.
・You can combine a regular dice roll with a Tri-fix, but you can't roll the dice before the Tri-fix. The timing of the dice roll is limited to after the Tri-fix.
・If you are willing to give up some privilege, "GOTHIC", "BUNNY", and "GLAMOROUS" can be defeat with just a trifix.
・The effects of Tri-fix can be applied not only to dueling, but also to movement.


Run out of dice pools
The dice pool is the box where you keep the dice before you win them.
If you run out of dice in your dice pool during a game, you will not be able to win any dice. The dice pool will not be replenished until someone uses the dice or loses the dice by Pushing.
When Pushing is used, the first player sends the number of dice for the squares pushed out to the dice pool, and then the second player gets the number of dice for the squares from the dice pool.


No dice in hand!
Only if you do not have any dice in hand at the start of your turn, you can get one dice at random from the dice pool. Be sure to make a move each turn.


Already published《Betrayal》 and《Exposure》
The benefits 《Betrayal》 and《Exposure》 are effects that check (or open) the listed duel spots card.
However, if the listed duel spots card does not exist (or has already been opened), you cannot do so. Instead, you can open the card of the duel spots chosen by the right holder of the award. this is Public Information.  When opening the card, choose a duel spots of the same color as described. If there is no color left, you cannot open it.


Unwanted Dueling
If a player is pushed out of the duel spots by another player, he or she loses dice before the duel.
1) You lose the number of dice equal to the number on the square. (Example:S1→1Dice, G4→4Dice)
2) If the card is there, the duel must take place. This is mandatory.


Surrender (Strategic retreat)
There are times when you encounter an unexpectedly strong opponent in the duel spots and it is clear that you cannot win with the number of dice you have. It is possible to surrender by rolling zero dice.
If you surrender, your pieces will be returned to ENTRANCE, but you can keep your dice.


Silver Area and Gold Area
The starting position, ENTRANCE, is located in the Silver area. While you are in the Silver Area, the game is still in its first half. When you enter the Gold Area, the game is in its second half.
The gamblers in each area are different. Other differences include the different trends in the numbers listed in the Aisle. The Silver area tends to have more trial throw the dice, while the Gold areas tend to have more dice that can be earned.
Immediately after the game starts, you do not meet the conditions to enter the Gold Area. First of all, you need to clear one of the following conditions.
・If you get the key, you can enter the gold area from the “Back doors”.
・S3 and S4 of the Dueling Grounds are the gateways to the Gold Area. Defeating the gamblers here will allow everyone to pass through.



The shortest way to win

You can get a high score from "bosses," which are strong enemies. Depending on how you win, it is possible to get the target score of 15 points with just one boss, but there is no need to force yourself to defeat it.

You can score 15 points just by defeating the two "GOTHIC" and "ORIENTAL". You can't take the 《Bonus Points》 lightly.
The success or failure of this method depends on the placement of the gamblers, and is subject to luck, but you should aim for it if you can.







What is solo play?
Solo play is when you play a game alone.
This is a mode that is required in times when it has become difficult for people to gather together to play games due to the Corona disaster.

basic rule
The rules I have explained so far are for playing with multiple players.
The rules for playing alone are basically the same as the rules for multiple players, with only some differences. The main difference is "it's your turn all the time".
Only the differences are noted below.

Dice boxes(Dice Pool)
Prepare two boxes to hold the dice. You can use the body and lid of a product box, one as the "Unused Pool" and the other as the "Used Pool" .
At the beginning of the game, put 56 dice into "Unused Pool" (84 for EASY mode). Any dice you acquire during the game will be taken from "Unused Pool" .
Dice used during the game are placed in the "Used Pool" . Dice placed in the "Used Pool" will not be used again this time.

Game Ends
As the game progresses, the number of dice in the "Unused Pool" decreases. When the number of dice in the "Unused Pool" reaches zero, you can no longer replenish the dice. If you run out of dice after this, the game will end.
As usual, the game can be completed by "defeating the boss," "the boss exits," or "achieving a score of 15 points.

Boss Counter Dice
When the boss appears, place 20 dice on the card, but take them from the "Used Pool" . If the number is not enough to reach 20, it will be made up from the "unused pool" as well.

Victory Conditions
If you can defeat the boss or achieve 15 points, you win.
If you can't defeat the boss, if you don't score enough points, or if the boss leaves the game, you lose.









How the project started

I have made a number of table games in the past, but due to financial problems, I have not been able to bring all of them into shape.
The reason why I decided to start this project was because I wanted to make as many games as possible and send them out to the world. I want to get support for that! That's the honest reason.

There are other reasons why we decided to do this project.

▷I want to propose a new type of table game that has never existed before, and even if it is a game that is too sharp for a company, I want to complete it and deliver it to as many game users as possible.

▷Table games are a tool for communication, and through crowdfunding, we hope to connect with many game users through communication.

▷We are also considering an overseas strategy for a wider user base. We would like to appeal to game users in English-speaking countries.

▷I want to increase the entertainment value of the game by combining character strategy and table games. I think this is an easy place to deliver such an appeal.

▷I am interested in the system of game production using crowdfunding, and I want to accumulate experience in order to take on larger projects in the future.



キャリアのスタートは、ゲーム会社に所属し、PlayStation、スーパーファミコン、メガドライブ などのゲームソフト開発に、主にグラフィックデザイナーとして従事。


地元 山梨県にて、テーブルゲームコミュニティを開設し、地域に密着した活動をボランティアでしていました。



Past activities of Tsukasa Q-joe

Please allow me to explain my career and activities.

He started his career at a video game company, working mainly as a graphic designer on the development of game software for PlayStation, Super Nintendo, and Mega Drive.

Moved to the advertising industry and worked for an advertising agency, and later as a freelance DTP and web designer.
At the same time, he personally developed the card TRPG "Knight of Borderguard" at the table game production studio "Stone Hippogrifo". The game was released at Comiket and Game specialty store.

I opened a table game community in my hometown in Yamanashi Prefecture, and volunteered for community-based activities.
After stepping down as the head of the community, he started to create games on his own.

The 20D System was developed as an online TRPG to meet the needs of young gamers with limited pocket money, as the Corona disaster has made it difficult to get together in real life to play TRPGs. It was developed as an online TRPG to meet the needs of young gamers with limited money.

We are also preparing to publish the TRPG "Last Ninkyo" from Gentosha.





・内容物の素材などの豪華さや部数によって料金が上がります。金銭的に折り合いがつけば、可能な限り日本国内の工場での生産(Made in Japan)にしたいと考えています。


Project Funds How to use

The four main uses of the funds are "equipment," "labor costs," "production costs," and "Campfire fees.

The dice used in this game are specially processed dice called "Gurasai", which are made by shifting the center of the dice during the manufacturing process to make it easier to get a certain side.
Since Gurasai is a special type of dice, we will not order it from a factory, but will make it ourselves using a 3D printer with optical molding method. We will need to purchase equipment for this purpose.
We will also use the 3D printer to make the pieces together with Gurasai.
We will also need consumables for the 3D printer. The 3D printer also requires consumables, such as resin (material), cleaning solution, and an internal LED light. Each set of the product game comes with 56 pieces and special dice, so even though they are small items, they are expected to consume a lot of resin.

Labor cost
Order various illustrations from professional illustrators and background designers.
Order 3D data for dice and frames from 3D designers.
Ordered writers to translate the rules text into English.
The DTP designer will be divided among myself and a few others.
A few people including myself will handle sales and contact.

Production cost
This is the cost of ordering from printing and manufacturing companies.
In order to keep the target amount of the crowdfunding low, we have estimated the cost quite low. If the target amount is significantly exceeded, the money will be used for production costs.
The price will increase depending on the number of copies and the luxury of the content materials. If we can come to an agreement financially, we would like to use a factory in Japan for production (Made in Japan) whenever possible.

This is a fee to be paid during the crowdfunding process.






The Significance of Making Table Games Now

Corona has drastically changed people's lives. It created distance between people and took away the opportunity to play table games.
Table games are a capable communication tool. It is precisely in times like these that we must not let table games die out.

The best table games for today's age are those that can be played without having to meet people outside. I can think of several ideas that meet this requirement.
a) Solo play is possible.
b) Online support
c) Can be played with family members

For this game, we chose a and c, with a particular focus on c.
For a game that can be played with the whole family, the rules need to be simple enough for children to understand, and the game needs to have a depth and appearance that can withstand the tastes of adults.
In addition, it is essential to have a game balance and gimmicks that allow children and adults to compete on equal terms.

In this game, by using Gurasai, we have achieved a balance in which even children can beat adults in terms of observation and intuition, not just brains.
This project will propose a form of table game that is less affected by corona.










  • 8月15日に、『Civetta × GuRaSai コラボイベント』を無事に開催しました。予想を超える多くの方に、立ち代わり参加して頂きまして、ご盛況を頂きました。ご参加頂いた皆様、ありがとう御座いました。▼ 会場Cafe&Wine TROLL(・配布ポストカードが無料配布されました。(額は付きません)・イベント用のオリジナルカクテルがメニューに登場しました。(夏らしくスイカが添えられたノンアルコールスムージーカクテルです)▼ ゲーム風景◆ プレイの様子・大変好評を頂きました。・ゲーム慣れしている方は、1回のプレイでルールを完全にマスターして、九城の代わりに他の参加者へのインストを行なってくださっていました。(お陰で楽ができました)・普段ゲームをされていないであろう方は、「考えるのが難しい」とはおっしゃっていましたが、駆け引きやフェイクを織り交ぜて、制作サイドが意図している様な知的な遊び方が出来ているように見受けました。・なかには何度もプレイされた方もおられ、楽しんでくださった様で、作り手としては嬉しかったです。◆ 気付いた改修点・スコアチップのサイズが小さかったように感じました。→サイズアップ、素材の変更。・序盤でボスタイムが発動した場合の早期終了。→ボスタイムの発動条件の見直し。▼ フードメニュー(一部)・パスタ料理は、キーマカレーボロネーゼです。美味しゅうございました。九城おすすめの一品。 もっと見る

  • サブカル喫茶『チベッタ』& ボードゲーム『GuRaSai』コラボイベント山梨県甲府を中心にアニメやサブカルのコミュニティーを発信している、『Civetta(チベッタ)』さんという喫茶があります。この度、ボードゲーム『GuRaSai』は、こちらの『Civetta』さんとコラボイベントを開催することになりました。サブカル喫茶『チベッタ』&ボードゲーム『GuRaSai』コラボ◆ イベント情報開催日:8月15日(日曜)時間:15時〜21時半会場:CAFE&WINE『TROLL』(一日間借り)会費:参加無料・ワンオーダー制▶︎オリジナルカクテル登場 ・むぅ店長がGuRaSaiの世界をイメージして考案したオリジナルカクテルです!▶︎GuRaSai試遊スペース・GuRaSaiの試作版を、どこよりも早く試遊出来ます!・ルールなどの案内は、ゲーム製作者の九城が行います。▶︎コラボ限定ポストカード無料配布・このイベントの為に作成した特製のポストカードをプレセント致します!▶︎チベッタ&グラサイ・フォトジェニック大賞 (NEW)・イベントの様子を写真に撮って、Twitterで投稿しよう!・エントリー方法は、写真を添付してツイート。ハッシュタグ「#チベる」「#GuRaSai」「#チベグラフォト大賞」の3つを忘れずにつけてください。・チベッタ賞とGuRaSai賞の2つの賞があり、投稿をすると2つの賞にエントリーされます。それぞれ審査員と賞品が異なります。審査基準は、審査員の独断と偏見です。★チベッタ賞:審査員「むぅ店長」、賞品「マスコットの胡桃さんグッズ」★GuRaSai賞:審査員「九城司」、賞品「GuRaSai特製セミオーダーA4ポスターシート(PP加工)」◆アクセスCAFE&WINE『TROLL』誰よりも早くGuRaSai(試作版)をプレイするチャンス!世界に一枚だけの「GuRaSai特製セミオーダーA4ポスターシート」を手に入れるチャンス!甲府でサブカル仲間を見つけるチャンス!さあ、チャンスが目白押しです!皆様のご来場を、お待ちしております! もっと見る

  • ボードゲーム『GuRaSai』、今日も開発の進捗報告です!◆進捗報告▶︎完成済みの試作版コンポーネント・ゲームボード・キャラクターカード【男爵】・キャラクターカード【バニー】・キャラクターカード【老執事】・キャラクターカード【女傑】・キャラクターカード【グラムスター】・キャラクターカード【ボス】・サイコロ(紙製)・プレイヤー駒(紙製)・スコアトークン▶︎調整中のコンポーネント・キャラクターカード【ゴス少女】・アイテムカード 各種(24枚)・スキルカード 各種(6枚)・ボックス(CAMPFIREリターン限定版)・特典(CAMPFIREリターン限定版)・製品版サイコロ(レジン製)・製品版プレイヤー駒(レジン製)・製品版スコアトークン(数未定)▶︎完成報告・キャラクターカード【花魁壺振り師】まあ、ご覧ください。すごい力作ですよね!イラスト担のさとなかさん が拘って描いてくれました!!感動しました!◆特殊仕様見ての通りですが、彼女だけは、カードが横向きだったり、背景付きだったり、特殊仕様になっています。それはゲーム内での彼女の特殊な役回りや、唯一の日本人キャラとしてのバックボーンを表現したかったからです。ゲーム内での役回りとしては、例えるならば『はぐれメタルスライム』なのです。つまりボーナスキャラですね。ゴールドエリア(後半MAP)に出現するギャンブラーとしては、もっともDPが低く勝ち易い相手ではありますが、獲得できるスコアが高いのです。規定スコアは5点で、さらに「スコアボーナス+1」と「スコアボーナス+3」のアイテムをドロップするのです。つまり、彼女からは最大でスコア9点を獲得することが可能です。(スコア9点はボスから得れる最低スコアよりも高いです)背景付きなのは、彼女の周囲は和室であり、現代ドイツの古城とは世界観が変わる様に演出したからです。つまり、ここは通常ステージではなく、『ボーナスステージ』であることを視覚的に表現したのです。現実的にも、19世紀末にはヨーロッパにジャポネスクブームがあった為、古城に豪奢な和室があっても、不思議ではない……と、九城は思っています。◆ エミ・フリーダと申します。本名は古田絵美。31歳。生粋の日本人。髪色は10代の頃から染め続けている、気合いの入ったプラチナブリーチ。元は日本の大ヤクザの一家に抱えられた、賭博の代打ちでした。『壺振り師 八代目紅蛇 吉祥』、それが彼女の異名です。または、不敗記録ともに『伝説の女壺振り師エミ』の通り名でも呼ばれていました。とにかく、博打に強かったのです。しかし、それが仇となります。ヤクザ同士の交流会としての博打の場で、相手方の代打ちに挑発をされて、調子に乗って勝ちに勝ちまくり、相手の組をノリで破産させてしまったのです。即日高跳びです。命を狙われる身になってしましました。台湾、マニラ、バリ島へと移動し、その後2年ほど、何ヵ国か渡ったところで、【ボス】レオポルドに出会い、保護されます。そして今に至ります。カジノシティーである古城にて、ボスお抱えのカジノディーラー「東洋の神秘」こと「エミ・フリーダ」、今日も花魁のコスプレで、お客さんの身ぐるみを剥ぎ取ります! もっと見る



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