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このプロゞェクトは、2021/09/30に募集を開始し、 70人の支揎により 1,135,739円の資金を集め、 2021/11/20に募集を終了したした








このプロゞェクトは、2021/09/30に募集を開始し、 70人の支揎により 1,135,739円の資金を集め、 2021/11/20に募集を終了したした









2003幎8月末〜2004幎7月初旬たでむギリスに滞圚。修士論文を同幎8月末に完成させたした。タむトルは「Peace through Tourism」旅ず平和。翌月27日の「World Tourism Day」に劻ず結婚匏をナヌラシア倧陞最西端の地・ロカ岬ポルトガルで挙げたした。

2005幎春から初倏にかけお日本パクチヌ狂䌚を立ち䞊げるこずになり、パクチヌのスペルが難しすぎるのでphakchiもっずシンプルにしたいず週間ほど考えたした。圓時流行りかけおいた「mixi」をパクっおみたら「paxi」ずいうスペルができ、旅ず平和“pax”=ラテン語で平和、“ i ”旅人に結び付けられるこずにしたした。





 株匏䌚瀟旅ず平和 は、旅ずいう経隓の積み重ねが囜を超えた人びずの結び぀きや盞互理解を深め、䞖の䞭を楜しく、人びずを元気にするず考えたす。たた、その延長ずしお、旅が䞖界平和を維持するための倧いなる原動力ずなるずいう立堎を支持しおいたす。




その埌、起こした飲食事業パクチヌハりス東京・鳥獣giga・地球を救うカレヌラむス「bija@paxihouse」・PAXi Coworking・TACO PAXなど、コワヌキング事業PAX Coworking・鋞南゚アルポルト・PAX abcなど、シャル゜ンの普及は、すべおこの考え方を根底にしおいたす。





パクチヌがブヌムになるずは思いもしなかった笑 でも、パクチヌですら䞖の䞭を少し動かすこずができるず実䜓隓で感じたこずは僕の人生にずっお重芁なこずです。金融機関跡地にパクチヌ銀行を぀くるずいう冗談みたいなこずを実行するのは、䜓隓の積み重ねで生たれた小さな勇気があるからです。



Statement of Purpose

To learn the theory of peace studies and to acquire a broad knowledge about peace building after conflicts are my two main objectives to study at the Department of Peace Studies, Bradford University. After graduation, I intend to work at an international development organization such as UNHCR, UNDP or other related inter-governmental or non-governmental organization in order to have more experience in this area. And my long-term career goal is to contribute to peace building as a Japanese diplomat and to make my country a leader in the international society in promoting peace in the world.

Since I was a small boy, my parents often have been inviting foreign people at home as guests. So I have had much experience in communicating with people of different cultures and lifestyles. I gradually got interested in the cultural diversity that exists in the world. Our guests told me about the situation they had in their country. I got to know disparity in wealth and development, and conflicts caused by or resulted in the differences. I got more interested in those topics and more active to increase my experience related to this area after I left home and entered university.
When I was a student in Kyoto University, my major was Cultural Psychology. I learned and researched in the perceptual bias and behavioral consequences of cultural differences. And I was one of the founding members of a discussion group on international relations, where we studied about Peace-keeping Operations in Cambodia, Yugoslavia and other places. This is the beginning of my interest in peace building.
Furthermore, I have travelled around 40 countries and areas by myself, experiencing contacts with various cultures, and talking with the native people living in those places.
I was also a participant in the Ship for World Youth Programme sponsored by the Japanese Government. It involved two months of travel on board a ship together with 275 participants from different countries, where we also had seminars, lectures and discussions on various issues of global importance, besides learning about cultures of different countries. Even after five years from the completion of this programme, I continue to interact with other participants from all over the world through Internet and reunions.
After graduation from the university, I worked for a computer company for two and a half years, belonging mainly to the Personnel Division of the Telecommunication Systems Group. I chose this job because the group was producing and selling telecommunication equipment overseas including many developing countries, and researching and reporting the conditions of the countries concerned were my main responsibility. I made contacts with people in these countries and collected information in order to establish liaison offices and subsidiaries, and to help employees working there. It was really an excellent experience for me because I had to advise and help the employees with the changing international situation.
Later I worked for a start-up company dealing with recycling systems as a sales manager for one and a half years. I helped establish the organization and led several projects and oversaw trading with our customers from East Asian countries.

The cross-cultural experiences stated made it possible for me to have so many friends all over the world. Internet and e-mails enable me to communicate with them from home. Almost everyday I talk to somebody and share my thoughts and experiences.
I also travel a lot. For example, some months ago, I was in Bishkek while travelling through the Silk Road. It happened that a Chinese diplomat was shot to death very near the place I was staying. I started discussing this incident and other internal conflicts happening in the area with people from Central Asia and travellers from Europe. Our discussion continued for a few hours and it was about how conflicts can be avoided and the area can become safer. I raised the example of the Peace-keeping Operation in Cambodia and expressed the opinion that intervention by third parties can help resolve the conflicts so as to reconstruct their life politically and economically.
I think Japan can be a leading country in this area because we went through the experience of economic reconstruction after defeat in the Second World War and we have decided to renounce war in the Constitution of Japan. Our economical prosperity enables us to help the countries involved financially, and by applying the concept of our constitution to each peace building process, we can help them to demilitarize and thus create peace. And in order to take leadership effectively, Japan needs more people with a broad vision and ability to carry out such tasks. I would like to be such a person who can help my country in playing this leadership role in peace building in the world. For this purpose I would like to gain more knowledge and skills, and that is the reason for my desire to study about peace building.

The Department of Peace Studies at Bradford University seems an ideal place for me to achieve my career objective. I want to study in this department the history of Peace Studies and the latest topics of international relations especially in peace building. I would also like to interact with people from all over the world who are trying to understand the causes of the conflicts and to promote peace.
Your program is the best to enable me to connect my experiences with my objectives, whereby I can help make my country a leading country in the area of peace building and reconstruction after conflicts.

I have had discussions with a variety of people from so many countries and I have so many friends all over the world with whom I can discuss and share my thoughts. This is a great treasure for me and it will enable me to participate deeply in your seminars. And on the basis of my many experiences I believe I can make meaningful contributions and bring up different ideas of my own.
I have a strong determination and will make every effort to achieve my goal. I request you to consider my application favorably and give me the opportunity to study at your school.

With best regards,

Kyo Satani
