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日本の貴重な伝統、花街文化。 舞妓さんになるため中学校を卒業し親元を離れ一人で京都へ移住し、仕込みさんとして芸の修行を始め、1年後ようやく舞妓さんになります。 さらに5年以上に渡り芸を磨き晴れて一人前の芸妓さんになるのです。 舞妓さんの努力と魅力を知り舞妓さんと一緒に花街文化を楽しみましょう!









このプロジェクトは、2017/12/01に募集を開始し、 33人の支援により 822,000円の資金を集め、 2018/01/30に募集を終了しました








このプロジェクトは、2017/12/01に募集を開始し、 33人の支援により 822,000円の資金を集め、 2018/01/30に募集を終了しました

日本の貴重な伝統、花街文化。 舞妓さんになるため中学校を卒業し親元を離れ一人で京都へ移住し、仕込みさんとして芸の修行を始め、1年後ようやく舞妓さんになります。 さらに5年以上に渡り芸を磨き晴れて一人前の芸妓さんになるのです。 舞妓さんの努力と魅力を知り舞妓さんと一緒に花街文化を楽しみましょう!


手数料0円から実施可能。 企画からリターン配送まで、すべてお任せのプランもあります!










Photo 1:先笄の髪を結い黒紋付姿の「小梅さん」(2017年11月6日鬼界順 撮影)。

Photo 2:舞妓さんになりたての頃の「小梅さん」(2012年9月2日溝縁ひろし 撮影)。



  年会費:一括払い 21,600円 もしくは  月払い 2,160円 




     Photo 3:「ふく乃」さんを指名して購入した京おどりのチケットです。


Photo 4:デザインし制作した花名刺を贈呈しているところです。



撮影された写真は、芸妓さん舞妓さんがチェックし、ご自身が納得されたものだけをオープンデータ(ライセンス形態はCC BY-SA)としてネットで公開し芸舞妓さんの魅力を発信してきました。

  写真集作成はフォトグラファー鬼界 順氏が編集長としておこないます。
  記事やHPの英語への翻訳は日本文化に詳しいHeley Matthews(ヘレナ・マシューズ)氏(京都在住・ケンブリッジ大学・大学院卒業)が行います。











We will found the ‘Kyoto & Maiko Culture Fan Club’ – enjoy Kyoto’s traditional Kagai culture together with Maiko

Hanamachi, Japanese Geisha districts, are a valuable part of Japan’s traditional culture. Kyoto also has its own unique culture where Hanamachi are known as kagai, and Geisha as Geiko. Young apprentice Geiko, known as Maiko, are exclusively found in Kyoto’s kagai districts. To become Maiko, young girls leave their homes and parents shortly after graduating from middle school, and travel by themselves to Kyoto. After a year of strict training in the arts, they finally start on their journey as a Maiko. For at least another 5 years, they polish their arts in order to become a fully-fledged Geiko. Let’s learn about the young Maikos’ efforts and unique charm, and enjoy Kyoto’s Kagai culture together with Maiko!

▼First of all, a brief introduction
Currently there are said to be around 250 Maiko and Geiko in Kyoto, of which around 70 are Maiko. We believe that by improving the societal status of Maiko and Geiko and gaining recognition of these Kagai workers as a stable occupation, we can help to increase the number of girls who aim to become Maiko and further develop Kyoto’s appeal and Japan’s traditional culture.
In order to achieve this, we think it is important that people become able to encounter Maiko and Geiko anytime, and enjoy Kagai culture in a more casual and accessible way. We think this will surely result in more and more people wanting to ‘support Maiko and Geiko’.
Therefore, we decided to found the ‘Kyoto & Maiko Culture Fan Club’ where people can deeply enjoy Kyoto’s Kagai culture together with Maiko.

* Kagai culture (particularly its traditional art forms and hospitality) was selected as an Intangible Cultural Property in 2014.

▼Why we decided to undertake this project
Maiko and Kagai are a valuable part of Japan’s traditional culture. After graduating from middle school, young girls leave their homes and parents and travel by themselves to Kyoto. They live in a kataya (known as okiya outside of Kyoto), a Maiko and Geiko house, as an apprentice and start their training in the arts. After a year of strict training, they finally start their journey as a Maiko. From there, they then brush-up and perfect their arts for at least 5 more years in order to become a fully-fledged Geiko.

What were you like as a 2nd year middle school student?
In order to become Maiko, young girls decide to completely change their lives and lifestyle when they are 2nd or 3rd year Middle school students (15 or 16 years old). From watching young Maiko putting hours and hours of hard work into polishing their skills every day, we felt compelled to show the charm of these young Maiko to as many people as possible.

▼About training as a Maiko
We asked the Maiko ‘Koume’ (due to graduate and become a Geiko in November, 2017) in September, 2012 about her training as a Maiko.
- Birthplace Daizafu city, Fukuoka prefecture
- When did you decide to become a Maiko? The summer when I was a 2nd year Middle school student
- When did you start training? April 2011 (after graduating Middle school)
- When did you debut as a Maiko? 8 March, 2012
- When will you graduate to a Geiko (erigae)? 9 November, 2017

About study and practice:
- What do you study? Mai dance, musical instruments (drums, stringed instruments (koto, shamisen, kokyu), flute), traditional singing, narrative stage performance (kiyomoto), tea ceremony
- How long do you practice? Around 5 days a month for each subject, many more hours independently
- What made you want to become a Maiko? I became interested in Maiko after hearing my tea ceremony teacher talk about Kyoto and Maiko. I also liked Japanese traditional dance and wanted to do a job where I could dance
- What do you enjoy about being a Maiko? Being able to study lots of different things, meeting and having conversations with lots of different people
- What do you like to do on your days off? Going out to eat together with everyone from my kataya (Maiko and Geiko house)
- What is your next goal/dream? To become a accomplished Geiko performer

Photo 1: Maiko ‘Koume’ with special hairpin and wearing a black crested haori jacket (taken November 6, 2017 by Jun Kikai). She appears in her finest clothes just before her graduation from a Maiko to a fully-fledged Geiko.

Photo 2: ‘Koume’ as a fresh-faced new Maiko (taken September 2, 2012 by Hirosh MIzobuchi). Please compare this to the photo above and see how she has grown over 5 years!

▼What we would like to achieve through this project
Maiko are thought to exist in a far-off, unreachable world where they can’t be met without paying incredibly high sums of money. We would like to realize a world where Maiko can be casually encountered anytime so you can enjoy Kagai culture together with them, and cheer them on along with other supporters!
1)Found the ‘Kyoto & Maiko Culture Fan Club’ and carry out the following 2) - 7).
Annual membership fee: Single payment 21,600 JPY, or Monthly payment 2,160 JPY
2)Assist with activities that incur a burden on Maiko and Geiko ? help selling performance tickets, creating Hanameishi business cards etc.
Let’s go to watch the famous ‘Odori’ performances and enjoy meeting Maiko and Geiko.
3)Publish a photo collection to convey the charm and appeal of Maiko to the masses
4)Deliver information about Maiko and Geiko (in English and Japanese).
We will carry out regular interviews of Maiko and Geiko.
5)Arrange social gatherings where members can meet with other members and Maiko in a casual, fun setting.
6)Allow members to participate in social gatherings and Maiko photography sessions for a special member fee. For details about the Maiko photography sessions, please see this website
7)Recruit members from abroad and convey the charm of Maiko and Geiko to people all over the world.

*About assisting with performance ticket sales and business card production
1) All Maiko and Geiko have a quota of ticket they must sell for the annual ‘Odori’ events held in spring and autumn.
For example, at Miyagawa-cho (one of the Kagai in Kyoto), even newly-inducted Maiko have a quota of 80 tickets, each costing 4,800 JPY (around $48). The ticket quota increases as Maiko progress through their apprenticeship (80, 120, 150, 190, 240 tickets…). If Maiko do not sell all of their tickets directly to customers, they must cover the remaining cost of the tickets out of their own pocket. Leading up to the ‘Odori’, Maiko not only have to undergo intense preparation and practice their arts, but must also sell large numbers of tickets. This is really a very heavy burden for Maiko.

In order to help Maiko out with this, even a little, we will create a system where members can nominate a Maiko or Geiko and reserve tickets from their personal quota. We can prepare comparatively good seats (limited numbers) for those who book early. We hope that a large number of people will attend and enjoy these fabulous annual ‘Odori’ performances held in the Kagai! We will start with Miyagawa-cho and Gion Higashi districts, and expand this reservation system to the other Kagai in sequence.

Photo 3: a nominated ticket for Kyo-odori (the odori for Miyagawa-cho) purchased from the Maiko ‘Fukuno’.

2) We will produce Hanameishi business cards and present them to Maiko. Maiko must pay their own expenses for creating Hanameshi cards (which are then handed to customers). However, Maiko do not receive a salary as they are in training. Members with skills in design will kindly create Hanameishi using open data photographs (taken during the Maiko photography sessions) and present them to the Maiko.

Photo 4: In the process of presenting the new Hanameishi to Maiko ‘Fukuno’.

▼Our activities so far
After seeing the hard-working young Maiko, we thought ‘let’s support the growth and development of Maiko’ and started holding Maiko photography sessions.

We have been regularly inviting photography lovers from all over the world to Kyoto and holding “Maiko Photography Session ? Open source data photography” events. Photographs taken and checked personally by the Maiko and Geiko are distributed as open data (CC BY-SA license) on the internet to convey the appeal of Maiko and Geiko out into the world. We have created a stock of over 4,000 open data photos.

▼How we will use the funds raised
1)Publish a photo collection to convey the charm and appeal of Maiko to the masses.
We have been holding monthly photo shoots of Maiko ‘Fukuno’ for over a year. 8 of the photographers (including 1 participant from abroad) will put together a photo collection showing the charming ‘Fukuno’ over this year.
The photographer Jun Kikai will act as editor and create the photo collection.
2)Produce Hanameishi business cards and present them to Maiko and Geiko.
Hanameishi designed using open data photographs will be presented to and used by Maiko and Geiko.
3)Carry out regular interviews of Maiko and Geiko that convey their character and personality and send out reports to members (in English and Japanese) to create a feeling of familiarity to the far-off Kagai world. Novelist Izumi Kanchiku, who lives in Kyoto, will perform the interviews and write the reports. We will initially produce one report each month, and increase the number of monthly reports as membership grows.
4)Create a home page and reservation system for performance tickets.
Heley Matthews, a Cambridge University graduate who lives in Kyoto and is well-versed in Japanese traditional culture, will translate interview reports and the home page into English.
We will act as proxy, exclusively for members, and reserve spring and autumn ‘Odori’ performance tickets for your nominated Maiko or Geiko.
Please enjoy the fabulous annual ‘Odori’ performances held in the Kagai!

▼Commemorative party!
When the ‘Kyoto & Maiko Culture Fan Club’ has been successfully founded thanks to everyone’s support, we will hold and invite supporters to a party to commemorate the founding and publishing of the photo collection.
*Commemorative party & photography session* Saturday April 14, 2018, 18:00-21:00
Location: Kyoto Yugen
We are arranging for a total of 5 Maiko and Geiko (from each Kagai) to attend the party.
We will arrange time for photography and shots together with the Maiko and Geiko.
(*There is no participation fee for the party)

By founding the ‘Kyoto & Maiko Fan Club’, where members can enjoy Kagai culture together with Maiko, the Maiko will become a familiar presence that can be easily met anywhere. Let’s share our experiences with the Maiko and enjoy Kagai culture together!
We hope that we can share our moving experiences and time with everyone. The success of this project will become a joy that can be shared by all the members who kindly support us. We are looking forward to your kind participation and support.





  • 9月17~18日 東京国立博物館で舞妓さん撮影会――東京国立博物館の歴史や文化の魅力と京文化の魅力を体感―― 詳細はこちら  極上の贅沢、至福の癒しの時を東京国立博物館で・・・ 東京国立博物館の歴史や文化の魅力と京都花街文化の魅力を体感し、思う存分に撮影を満喫していただける少人数のプレミアム撮影会です。 9月17日(月)~18日(火)の2日間、東京国立博物館で、舞妓「ふく乃さん」、芸妓「とし夏菜さん」撮影会を開催します。 東京国立博物館には、茶室(九条館、応挙館、六窓庵、転合庵、春草盧)、庭園、本館(重要文化財)、表慶館(重要文化財)、黒門(重要文化財)などがあり、日本が世界に誇る文化財の宝庫と言えます。 この素晴らしい施設をお借りし、17日は茶室や庭園を主体に、18日は東京国立博物館の全エリアを対象に撮影会を開催します。 東京国立博物館の歴史や文化の魅力と京都花街文化の魅力を融合し、思う存分に撮影を満喫していただける少人数のプレミアム撮影会です。 また、夕食や昼食は、「応挙館(丸山応挙の障壁画)」と「九条館(狩野派による楼閣山水図)」にて歴史を感じながら愉しんでいただけます。◆東京国立博物館そのものの歴史や文化の魅力を体感  17日:茶室や庭園を中心に和文化  18日:表慶館(重要文化財)や本館(重要文化財)を中心に石造り建築の洋文化  非日常空間をさらに満喫:歴史ある素晴らしい茶室で、ランチや夕食◆京文化の魅力を体感 ◆日本文化の魅力を写真で世界に発信し、併せて芸舞妓さんの成長を応援! 日時:9月17日(月)、9月18日(火) 会場:両日ともに東京国立博物館 集合:応挙館(東京国立博物館西口よりお入りください)      各部の30分前から受付を開始します芸舞妓:芸妓「とし夏菜さん」、舞妓「ふく乃さん」    2日間とも正装(引きずり着物姿)      ●撮影会の魅力ポイント17日(月)14:00~和文化を中心に・1部:撮影エリア:茶室(九条館、応挙館、六窓庵、転合庵、春草盧)と庭園 ・夕食:茶室「応挙館(丸山応挙の障壁画)」にて(1部と2部両方への参加の方のみ)・2部:撮影エリア:庭園と茶室(九条館、応挙館)18日(火)10:30~洋・石造り建築文化を中心に ・1部:撮影エリア:本館(重要文化財)、表慶館(重要文化財)、黒門(重要文化財)など ・ランチタイム:茶室「九条館(狩野派による楼閣山水図)」にて(1部と2部両方への参加の方のみ) ・2部:撮影エリア:全エリア(茶室、庭園、表慶館など)    東京撮影会の最後なので30分延長し、撮影エリアも皆様の希望をお聞きしてすすめていきます! 撮影時間は、18日2部の撮影会のみ2時間30分、その他の各部は2時間を予定しています。 撮影後にサイン会を実施します。 ※1:18日は、休館日のため一般来場者がありません。   全エリアで撮影が可能です(但し、展示エリアを除く) ※2:茶室で食事時、アルコールは不可です。また、芸舞妓さんは同席しません。 ※3:三脚、一脚は使用できません。 ●撮影運営・撮影ナビゲーター:写真家の鬼界順(きかいじゅん)氏・撮影は2グループで:ふく乃さんG、とし夏菜さんGの2グループに分かれておこない、各グループは20名まで   もっと見る
  • 写真集の発送と、14日記念撮影会へご参加ありがとうございました。

    2018/04/18 13:25
  • 本日、私の手元に、写真集「舞妓 ふく乃 京めぐり 十五景」が届きました。クラウドファンディングでご支援いただいた皆様、ありがとうございました! 4月14日出版記念撮影会へご参加の方は会場で、そうでない方は、16日から順次発送をおこないます。   本写真集は、京都宮川町の舞妓「ふく乃さん」を8人で、何か月も追い続けた記録です。 舞妓「ふく乃さん」。日本人形のような容貌と、よく通る現代的な声。舞妓ふく乃さんの最初の印象はその2つだけだった。日を追うごとに彼女の撮影データは蓄積されていく。美しく整った横顔、微笑むとペコリと凹むエクボ、アーモンドのように形のよい瞳。撮るたびに新鮮な表情を見せてくれるふく乃さん。洛北の木々の煌めき、渉成園の水面のブルーに吸い込まれて消えてしまうような、儚げでピュアなふく乃さん。撮影のあいまに楽しいことを思い浮かべ、嬉々とする愛らしいふく乃さん……いろんなふく乃さんを、8人だけでなくもっと多くの仲間で何か月も撮り続けました。撮影会にご参加いただいた皆様、ありがとうございました。撮影会場は、京都が誇る有形文化財を中心に利用させていただきました。 堀野記念館、同志社女子大学ジェームズ館、冨田屋、渉成園(枳殻邸)、旧三井家下鴨別邸、臨池亭(渉成園)、立本寺、大船鉾、大西常、佛沙羅館、妙覚寺、花傳、高台寺、紫織庵など会場を提供していただいた皆様、会場利用にアドバイスやご助力をいただいた皆様、ありがとうございました。  今回の撮影者8名は、インドネシア、千葉、横浜、三重(2名)、岡山、大阪、京都から撮影会に参加されています。撮影会の日程に合わせての来日、東京から日帰りで新幹線に飛び乗ったり、四日市や津山から車・バスで駆けつけたりと、労力を惜しまず参加していただきました。写真集の編集と表紙&裏表紙デザインは、撮影ナビゲーターとして撮影会に加わったフォトグラファー「鬼界順(Jun Kikai)」さんに担っていただきました。翻訳者は、ケンブリッジ出身のイギリス人です。京文化とマンガに憧れ京都に住んで4年になります。写真の提供、編集・デザイン、翻訳と制作に携わっていただいた皆様、ありがとうございました。  ここに書ききれませんでしたが、多くの方々にアドバイスやご協力、励ましのお言葉など、たくさんのパワーをいただき、今回、写真集出版の運びとなりました。心より厚く御礼申し上げます。  ●写真集の販売は、以下のサイトでおこなっております・花名刺やサイン付の販売はこちらです  ・Amazonでの販売 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 写真集「舞妓 ふく乃 京めぐり 十五景」 京都フラワーツーリズム (著),鬼界 順 (編集, 写真),小森 芳行 (写真), 青木 千春 (写真), 石原 孝 Tigertakashi (写真), 土井 啓州 (写真),gaap (写真), Tatas Brotosudarmo (写真), Mait (写真),Helena Matthews (翻訳)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     もっと見る



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