2013/05/08 14:17
ゴールデンウィークが終わってすぐにNYに到着。夕方4時頃にタイムズスクエアに行くと、JRとジャン・レノが、Photo Boothのトラブルで10分動いていなくてジャン・レノの家族がポートレートを撮っているところだった。写真の奥が今朝の7時までかけて張られたビルの外壁。その時のJRのメッセージは
... just finished covering the largest billboard in Times Square with the faces of the New Yorkers and the the people that came to thepeople that came to the @insideoutproject photobooth ... you might find yourself up there:) The biggest and first billboard that's not selling anything in the heart of advertising temple "Times Square" ! All this was possible with the help of a great team, a lot of volunteers who believed art can have an Impact on people rather it s in the favelas of bresil, the trains of kenya, the jails of New York or the center of the busiest city of the United States ! Thank you all for your support along the way... this was truly a performance.
This is the only billboard of Times Square who have nothing to sell and not linked to any corporate :
... just finished covering the largest billboard in Times Square with the faces of the New Yorkers and the the people that came to thepeople that came to the @insideoutproject photobooth ... you might find yourself up there:) The biggest and first billboard that's not selling anything in the heart of advertising temple "Times Square" ! All this was possible with the help of a great team, a lot of volunteers who believed art can have an Impact on people rather it s in the favelas of bresil, the trains of kenya, the jails of New York or the center of the busiest city of the United States ! Thank you all for your support along the way... this was truly a performance.
This is the only billboard of Times Square who have nothing to sell and not linked to any corporate :