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このプロジェクトは、2022/04/01に募集を開始し、 445人の支援により 7,453,087円の資金を集め、 2022/05/31に募集を終了しました


手数料0円から実施可能。 企画からリターン配送まで、すべてお任せのプランもあります!









このプロジェクトは、2022/04/01に募集を開始し、 445人の支援により 7,453,087円の資金を集め、 2022/05/31に募集を終了しました




おはようございます、ギター文化館 池田です。本クラウドファンディング公開からもうまもなくで1ヶ月…。136名もの方から2,696,500円のご支援をいただき達成率は38%となっております。皆様本当にありがとうございます。ご支援のみならず温かいお声がけやメッセージ、直接ギター文化館にお越しいただいての励ましやご支援、また引き続きあらゆるボランティアやサポートの1つ1つがありがたく、たくさんの方に愛されているこのギター文化館を何がなんでも運営し続けていくんだ、という気持ちを日に日に強く思っています。さて。そんな中にあって、本日4/26(火)の日経新聞(北関東経済版・オンライン版)に『茨城・石岡のギター文化館、運転資金などクラファン』と題して掲載いただきました。こちらも繋がりの中で記事にしていただきました。ありがたいです。このクラウドファンディングも来月5/31(火)23:59まで。最後まで皆様ご支援ご協力のほど何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます!


こんにちは、ギター文化館 池田です。本クラウドファンディング公開から2週間強で114名もの方から2,432,000円のご支援をいただき達成率は34%となっております。本当に本当に毎日感謝しかありません。皆様ありがとうございます。またご支援のみならず温かいお声がけやメッセージ、また引き続きあらゆるボランティアやサポートの1つ1つがありがたく、たくさんの方に愛されているこのギター文化館を何がなんでも運営し続けていくんだ、という気持ちを毎日再認識し続けています。さて本日は応援メッセージをいただきましたのでご紹介させていただきます。先日デュオコンサートにお越しくださった鈴木大介さんと大萩康司さんから応援メッセージをいただきましたのでご覧ください!本当にたくさんの方から愛していただいているこのギター文化館を必ずや継続維持していくために…。どうか皆様のご支援をいただければ幸いです。また大萩康司さんにつきましては、本クラウドファンディングのリターンにも”大萩康司さん独り占めコンサート”をご提供いただいております。こちら絶対にここだけでしか手に入らないものです。お見逃しなく!・あなたのためだけの大萩康司さん独り占めコンサート @12/11(日) 14:00〜17:00 / ギター文化館(〒315-0124 茨城県石岡市柴間431-35)・『クラシックギター鑑賞学入門』送付※ 一部の熱狂的なマニア向けと思われがちなクラシックギターの世界を、誰もが興味を持てるように館長池田がわかりやすく解説した新著(約100頁)。販売前に先行お渡し・お礼のメッセージ・HPにお名前/社名 掲載※ HPに掲載するお名前を備考欄にお書きください。掲載を希望されない場合は「なし」とご記入ください。


こんにちは、ギター文化館 池田です。公開後すぐに本当に多くの方からのご支援、応援のメッセージやお電話をいただき、大変嬉しく、また絶対にこのクラウドファンディングを成功させ、ギター文化館を存続させていくんだという気持ちを新たにいたしました。さて、今回のクラウドファンディングでは多種多様なリターンをご用意させていただきました。30年近く運営を続けておりますと「あの方はこういったリターンだと喜んでくださるかもしれない」「あの方はきっとこう言ってくださるだろ…」といったことが、たくさんの皆様のお顔と共に思い浮かび、ご支援をいただきつつも、少しでも何か価値を感じていただけるものをご用意しようと考えた結果、実に多くのリターンが揃いました。プロジェクトページでは詳細を書ききれませんでしたので…こちらの活動報告にて少しずつご紹介してまいります。本日は『全力応援プラン』5種です。こちらのプランはリターンをご用意しないことで、いただいたご支援を手数料等を除き全てがそのままギター文化館存続に必要な運営費に充てさせていただけます。正直に申し上げますと、今はお返しを十分にできず心苦しい気持ちもあります…しかし本当にたくさんの方から愛していただいているこのギター文化館を必ずや継続維持していくために…。どうか皆様のご支援をいただければ幸いです。① 5,000円・お礼のメッセージ・HPにお名前掲載(小)※ HPに掲載するお名前を備考欄にお書きください。掲載を希望されない場合は「なし」とご記入ください。※ いただいたご支援をそのままギター文化館存続に必要な運営費に充てさせていただきます。② 10,000円・お礼のメッセージ・HPにお名前掲載(中)※ HPに掲載するお名前を備考欄にお書きください。掲載を希望されない場合は「なし」とご記入ください。※ いただいたご支援をそのままギター文化館存続に必要な運営費に充てさせていただきます。③ 50,000円・お礼のメッセージ・HPにお名前掲載(大)※ HPに掲載するお名前を備考欄にお書きください。掲載を希望されない場合は「なし」とご記入ください。※ いただいたご支援をそのままギター文化館存続に必要な運営費に充てさせていただきます。④ 100,000円・お礼のメッセージ・HPにお名前掲載(特大)※ HPに掲載するお名前を備考欄にお書きください。掲載を希望されない場合は「なし」とご記入ください。※ いただいたご支援をそのままギター文化館存続に必要な運営費に充てさせていただきます。⑤ 500,000円・お礼のメッセージ・HPにお名前掲載(特大&ロゴ)※ HPに掲載するお名前を備考欄にお書きください。掲載を希望されない場合は「なし」とご記入ください。※ いただいたご支援をそのままギター文化館存続に必要な運営費に充てさせていただきます。


Please support the continuation of the "Sacred Place" Guitar Culture Museum.To protect and maintain a sacred place for the guitar that is in operational crisis. The Guitar Museum was built on a small hill in Ishioka, Ibaraki, in 1992 by Tokyo Rohon as the world's first "Guitar Museum.The museum exhibits a valuable collection of historical Spanish guitars and stringed instruments from all over the world, as well as many related books, sheet music, and other materials.This is a wonderful place where you can enjoy the beautiful satoyama scenery that changes from season to season, the delicious air, and a superb musical experience at the same time.The hall is loved by many people in and outside of the prefecture, as well as in and outside of Japan, as a place where people who play, create, love, and enjoy music can interact with each other, regardless of whether they are professional or amateur guitar players, and is now called a "sacred place for guitars".Once lost, it is difficult to restore it to its former glory, but we need your help to maintain it for future generations.Please support us in this endeavor.First of allHello. My name is Yuriko Ikeda, Director of the Guitar Museum. This is my first attempt at crowdfunding.This crowdfunding is not a one-time, transient request for emergency support, but rather a chance to think about how the Guitar Museum should be managed in the future. We intend to use this project as an opportunity to build a new structure that will allow us to connect with those who support the museum and whose thoughts we value and whose support we can offer.In the future, we will strengthen our ongoing relationship with you, stabilize profitability by introducing a subscription model that improves convenience, archive the performances of artists who come to Guitar Museum from Japan and abroad, utilize YouTube, which is expected to be profitable in the medium to long term, and build a system that is closer to our visitors than ever before.The Guitar Museum is such an institutionHow the Manuel Cano Collection came to be ownedThe Guitar Museum would not be complete without Manuel Cano (1925-90), the great flamenco player born in Spain.Mr. Cano was an internationally active musician who released numerous records, held a flamenco guitar course at the University of Cordoba, and was active in performing, performing, and writing about flamenco guitar.Since his first visit to Japan in 1974, he has given three concerts in Japan in 1983, 1986, and 1988 (invited by Rohon), and at each performance, many audiences were moved to tears by his artistic performances, which exuded an inner passion, and they felt his rich humanity in his playing.After his death from heart disease in January 1990, the "Manuel Cano Music Foundation" was born, which was succeeded by the "ICG (International Guitar Culture Exchange Group)," the predecessor of the Guitar Culture Museum, leading to the birth of the Guitar Culture Museum in November 1992.The museum was created as a place for guitar lovers to interact with each other, to further promote guitar culture as well as a hall of fame for the collection of 18 valuable Spanish guitars that Mr. Carnot had collected over the years and donated to Tokyo Rohon. A special hall that resonates wellThe domed ceiling of the hall is entirely covered with spruce, a type of guitar wood, making the entire building look like a musical instrument. Visitors can play and listen to guitars within guitars.Since its opening, the museum has hosted performances by famous guitarists from Japan and abroad, as well as performances at rental venues, weekend museum concerts that can be enjoyed casually, senior guitar competitions that attract enthusiasts from all over the country, private lessons, lectures, practice sessions and events, mini-concerts for preschool children that help with emotional education, and performances by promising young guitarists. We have been actively developing support activities, etc. The operation of the Guitar Museum is made possible through the dedicated efforts of volunteers and enthusiasts, including local residents.Many visitors come from within the prefecture as well as from outside the prefecture. In addition to events and concerts, visitors come to the museum on weekdays for group tours, and on weekends they stop by for a quick visit on their way home from a road trip.We sometimes receive comments such as, "I was surprised to see an amazing guitar and a wonderful hall in such a rural area. Many visitors come back to listen to our concerts after their visit.After the devastating impact of the new coronavirus infectionTo prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection that began in 2019, repeated emergency declarations were issued, each time forcing the Museum to cancel/postpone/close various activities.After the declarations were lifted, events that could be held were resumed with the limited number of participants and all possible measures taken to prevent infection, private lessons were switched to online, and guitar practice sessions for ensembles of several people and guitar-related lectures were held by moving the venue from a conventional room to a larger hall. The number of group and individual visitors dropped sharply, and most of the rental venue events were canceled or postponed.Currently, the number of visitors to the museum for events and concerts is less than half of the previous year's total, due to operations that take infection prevention measures as their priority. Most group tours have been canceled, and individual tours have been opened and closed repeatedly while monitoring the infection situation.The spread of the new coronavirus has had a severe impact on Tokyo Rohnetsu, the main body of the organization, and it is currently in a difficult situation due to the rapid deterioration of its business environment. Since the Guitar Museum has been dependent on Tokyo Labone for facility maintenance costs since its opening, if this situation continues, it will become difficult to continue the operation of the Guitar Museum.