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カンヌ映画祭ショートフィルムコーナー2018に選出された「Goodbye my son」の監督、 中田雄一郎がカンヌ映画祭に参加し今後日本から世界へ飛躍する映画監督として成長するための 渡航費、広告PR制作費用を調達することで世界に届く1本でも多くの自主映画を送り出すためのプロジェクトです。









このプロジェクトは、2018/04/18に募集を開始し、 59人の支援により 599,500円の資金を集め、 2018/05/30に募集を終了しました


手数料0円から実施可能。 企画からリターン配送まで、すべてお任せのプランもあります!









このプロジェクトは、2018/04/18に募集を開始し、 59人の支援により 599,500円の資金を集め、 2018/05/30に募集を終了しました

カンヌ映画祭ショートフィルムコーナー2018に選出された「Goodbye my son」の監督、 中田雄一郎がカンヌ映画祭に参加し今後日本から世界へ飛躍する映画監督として成長するための 渡航費、広告PR制作費用を調達することで世界に届く1本でも多くの自主映画を送り出すためのプロジェクトです。




Thanks for your big supports, the target amount has successfully achieved on the 12 days from the first day. For the rest of a month, I would like to ask more supports for shooting the next short or feature films which reflects on the experience at Cannes. Please keep supporting me . 

Thank you all!




This film portrays the universal theme of family about the confrontation and reconciliation between father and son. I directed, acted, produced and wrote the film by myself, recruiting the professionals in the film industry. From scratch, it took almost a year to complete the project whose process can be compared as  the one for making a bottle of wine that is brewed for a long time with the greatest care.



The intention of making

The traditional feudalistic family system is almost abandoned in Japan nowadays; nevertheless, there still exists the universal values in every generation such as emotional dependence as children towards parents or vice verse. What I wanted to describe in the film was the distortion and divisiveness generated from the relationships among families and strangers, which come from our multiple roles and faces in our societies and families such as parents, friends, and others etc. Despite the fact, I  wanted to specifically portray the parental feelings towards the children and the children’s feelings towards the parents in the film.




Despite glaucoma, Tetsuo spends his days on drawing pictures of fireworks after his wife passed away. One day, his only son, Yuji visits him. Tetsuo is not welcoming his repudiated son, but he hands out one of his drawings that contains the old memory of his family, watching the back of his son as someone.







今回このGoodbye my sonを世界中の1人でも多くの方々に鑑賞していただきたいと思いまして英語字幕をつけカンヌ映画祭のショートフィルムコーナーに応募したところ、世界から数千点集まる作品の中から見事に選定され、オンライン上映を含め現地で作品を上映する機会に幸運にも恵まれました。


What is Cannes short film corner?

I wanted more audience to watch the film "Goodbye my son" this time, so I put the English subtitle in the film, and submitted to the short film corner at Cannes film festival. As a consequence, the film was selected among thousands of films from all over the world, and it gave the opportunity to screen the film during the festival as well as online screening.

Short film corner is the one of the renowned film markets where all the professionals in film industries all over the world gather, which sets the priceless foundation for all the film makers to grow their talents to raise the future maestros by socializing with directors, actors and actresses, producers, buyers, and other film related people as well as participating various workshops.  


short film cornerのリンク

Short film corner’s link

今回この千載一遇の映画人を育てるカンヌに今年の5/12-20にかけてGoodbye my sonの父親役を演じた河合博昭とともに飛び立ちます。

With Hiroaki Kawai, the actor for father’s role in ‘"Goodbye my son", I am going to fly to Cannes between 5/12 and 5/20 this year, which offers the solid foundation for raising the distinguished  film professionals. 




2. 世界中から集まる映画人との交流を通じ、日本だけでなく海外のファンドを調達する機会を得る。それにより低予算で最低限の人数といった環境下で制作している自主映画に関わるスタッフ、また商業映画でも低予算で苦しい制作環境にいる映画人のために、製作時間と製作費においてじっくりと余裕をもって制作に取り組むめる先例と土台を作る。その結果、日本の観客だけでなく世界の観客のためにも作品として豊かな映画を発信していけるようにする。

3. 現地で作品を上映することで自分の作品がどのように世界のプロの映画人にとって受け止められるのかを確認し、そこから得たフィードバックを次回作への学びとして生かし監督として大きく飛躍する。


Why do I participate? Manifesto as a participation purpose  

In order to do that, participating Cannes gives those reasoner listed below

1 To learn direction and production methods, latest technology for shooting, and PR method in international film market. Furthermore, participate in the workshop held by maestros from all over the world and professionals in the field of movie technology. As a result, I will come back to Cannes as a feature film director later on, knowing the height of the coming hardships and obstacles to overcome for the next stage.

2  Socializing with the people from all over the world in the film industry, I will obtain the opportunity for procuring the fund not only from Japan but also from other countries. By doing so, I can set the head start foundation for raising more talented people in the film industry so that those who works in the harsh environments for making independent films and those who struggle in suppressed environments for making commercial films with extremely limited time and budget can concentrate on film making with enough time and budget. As a consequence, I am willing to distribute more content rich films quality wise not only for Japanese audience but also worldwide audience.

3  Listening and learning from the feedback about my film from all the processionals in film industry, I can learn and improve so that I can make use of the experience for shooting next film.

I am going to make most out of those three points listed above for making next film by participating in the Cannes film festival. This process will become a booster rocket to move onto the second stage to be a world wide film director with greatest challenge. However, without your heart warming supports, nothing can be fulfilled.



Why do I need your supports?

Though participating in the workshops and socializing with professionals are free of charge, the travel expenses such as cost of staying and PR resources (posters and leaflets) are unavoidable. The key element is money. All your heart warming supports are indispensable to keep producing more films to all over the world. Given the opportunities such as socializing with world famous directors, learning from various workshops, and building the professional network and rapports with a world famous film directors at Cannes film festival, I, as a film director, and Kawai, as an actor will move onto one more step further , and bring  hot energy into the Japanese film industry. Your supports and collaborations are absolutely necessary to achieve the goal.


航空券 (カタール航空 羽田発ニース行き)= 10万円
宿泊費 1泊1万円×8泊= 8万円
食費 5千円(3食)×8日= 4万円
交通費(ニース空港からアンチーブ 往復 )6 ユーロ+(アンチーブからカンヌ往復 ×8日)16ユーロ+(バス・タクシー現地での臨時の費用:1日20ユーロ×8日)160ユーロ=2万円



DCP format変換費用=15000円




How I use the fund

Cost of staying

Flight ticket (Katar airline from Haneda to Nice) =100,000yen

Hotel 10000yen/ night×8nights = 80000yen

Food 5000yen(three meals)×8nights = 40000yen


(A round-trip from Nice airport to Antibe ) 6euros+(A round-trip from Antibe to Cannes×8nights) 16 euros + (unexpected expenses for bus and taxes: 20euro/day×8nights) 160 euros = 20000 yen

*Hotel is located in Antibe, an suburban area of Cannes.

PR cost

The poster production cost (employment cost of a designer + leaflets &poster&postcard print costs) - 50000 yen

The screening cost at Cannes 120 euros = 15000 yen

DCP conversion cost = 15000 yen

(The acceptable digital film format at Cannes is DCP only.)


The commission charge for campfire 12% + clearance charge 5% +miscellaneous charge will be deducted , which will be about 80000yen.

 Therefore, the target amount is 400,000 yen.

Though only the minimum goal is achieved, I can still absorb a lot of experiences at Cannes and return, becoming much bigger as a film maker. The fund from all the supporters will be allocated to travel expenses and PR fee, but I can add more rewards such as specialties around Cannes if the fund exceeds the target amount.  

Staff Profile

監督・脚本・主演: 中田 雄一郎 






Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 


東京生まれ千葉県育ち アメリカ、カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校物理学部卒業後、ドイツ、ミュンヘン大学大学院にて天体物理学を専攻。中退後外資系メーカーや国立天文台などを経て映像の道に踏み込む。映画24区にて脚本のワークショップを受講後、自主ベースで作品を作り続けている。大の猫好きで自ら外で保護した2匹の猫と暮らしている。

Director, writer and Actor: Yuichiro Nakada

Changing from a telescope to a camera for looking into the inside of human

Nice to meet you. I am, Yuichiro Nakada, a director of the film.  After graduating from high school, I went to a language school for a year as a newspaper student, and graduated from the University of California at Santa Barbara, majoring in Physics with the aim of becoming an astronomer. Afterwards, I majored in astrophysics at Munich University graduate school in Germany.

After returning to Japan, I worked as a research assistant and engineer at the National Astronomical Observatory in Japan, JAXA, and a chemical industry, etc.  In those days, I had a chance to take the script analysis workshop for movies held by a professional script analyst from Hollywood, and learned all the behind structure of movie making. Having such experience, I decided to quit the company, and took the childhood dream path to be a worldwide film director, which I felt as if I were jumping off from the cliff as a main stage in my life. 

After that, I participated in screenwriting workshops and independent and commercial film production sites as an assistant and studied storytelling, acting and directing in the film. Currently, I am working as a writer and a translator, and movie director for promotion video of enterprises while developing the idea of next film project and writing plans and scripts for them.

Taking advantage of the unique career such as studying abroad as a physics major, I would like to deliver more unique and entertaining works to everyone as a director and an author not only by looking at the world from Japanese perspective but also by looking Japan from cosmopolitan perspective in macroscopic way.

Thank you very much.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

If you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch its cub

<Brief history> born in Tokyo raised in Chiba, After graduating from University of California at Santa Barbara as physics major,  he studied astrophysics at Munich University Graduate School in Germany. After dropping out from the graduate school, he worked for foreign manufacturing company, JAXA, and National Astronomical Observatory in Japan. He gradually stepped into the movie industries while taking a ghostwriting workshop held by Eiga 24ku. He constantly produces Independent films. As a big fun of cat, he lives with two adorable cats that he rescued from his neighborhood


主演: 河合 博昭 






Actor: Hiroaki Kawai

Searching for something good movie, the first thing that popped into my eyes was the casting call for the film making project. That whisper kindled the middle aged man's heart facing the retirement age. When I first read the script, I found the main part was the conversation between mother and son. So, I felt it was a piece of cake since father's dialogue was only a few lines. However, mother's part eventually disappeared while the script was revised over and over, the only character left behind the story were just father and son, which put heavy burden on my shoulder. 

However, when I read the script that changed one after another, I came to notice that this work is based on a true story of Mr. Nakada and his father. So, I was also trying to overlay the feeling towards my father in the film as well.  The relationship between mother and daughter is quite different from the one between  father and son.  I got advice from the director and reviewed the relationship between various fathers and sons from various books and movies. I also tried to review the thread with my dying father.

I think all those processes linked to the film. At the shooting site, I learned a lot, seeing each person make a professional movement, which is different aspect from the one for an actor. Director Nakada faced shooting with a strong will that does not bend his belief.

From now on, I would like to become an actor who can accept all the thoughts of everyone who makes movies throughout the whole body. I would like to encourage audiences to act with a wide range so that the audience can see my thoughts from images. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my family who are always amazed and warmly watching the bohemian father.

<Brief history> After graduating university as economics major, He worked for one year to save his money for travailing all over the world for three and a half years. When he returned to Japan, he got a job at a US military base where he still works as the fire brigade staff up to now. He took an acting class in 2013, and acted in some short films and tasted the unknown world. However, he realized the lack of experience as an actor, so he started to gain more experiences as an actor by participating in various workshops, musicals and the stage play . Thanks to auditions and various networks, he still continues acting in short films. He values bond and encounter. He would like to be a spicy old man who can add condiments to his work in the future.

音楽・作曲:ゼミソン ダリル





<略歴>ゼミソン・ダリル 1980年、カナダのハリファックス生まれ。オンタリオ州ウォータールーにあるウィルフリッド・ローリエ大のグレン・ビュアー氏、リンダ・ケイトリン・スミス氏のもとで最初の音楽的訓練を受ける。その後渡英、ギルドホール音楽演劇学校でダイアナ・バレル氏に師事(修士号)、ヨーク大ではニコラ・レファニュ氏のもとで研鑽を積む(博士号)。文部科学省の奨学生として来日後、東京藝術大学の近藤譲氏に作曲などを学ぶ。平成30年度から昭和音楽大学で非常勤講師。

Music・composer: Daryl Jamieson

The story is about the wide emotional distance between the father and son, so my first idea was to have that aspect of the story symbolised by two instruments from different instrument families (in the end, clarinet and guitar) playing related music, but not at the same time (at least not at the beginning). The melodic fragments feel yearning, incomplete, like they’re searching for each other in a way. The musical story is not an exact parallel with the story on screen, but makes its own musical sense and, I hope, deepens the emotional impact of the film.

We recorded in a small studio which is a converted pre-war storehouse. It has really thick walls, is tall and narrow, and it was very cold! I hit upon the idea of enhancing the sense of distance between the two instruments by having the clarinet (which is in any case the louder instrument) stand in the loft while the guitar was on the ground floor quite close to the microphones. We had fun experimenting a lot with different positions, but this setup gave the best balance and physical sense of the different musical/emotional spaces these instruments are in.

I thought the film was restrained in tone, and I liked how the characters developed so very slightly over the 14 minutes – it didn’t feel too much, unnatural or forced. The pacing seemed just right, and the mood fit my temperament very well!

This film is only my second film score, and my first in over 15 years – I have been mostly writing chamber music and operatic works for the past decade or so. It was a great experience writing and recording, and working with the Yuichiro on editing the recordings to fit the film. The open, spacious, fragmentary quality of my music precludes a second-by-second scoring, so we recorded many takes quite freely in terms of tempo, always going for the most musical interpretation of timing – the fitting of score to film came later, during the editing. This way of working allowed us to focus on the music as music first, which I think comes through in Ryuta Iwase (clr) and Gaku Yamada’s (gtr) performances. Overall, I really enjoyed it, and I look forward to scoring my next film!

<Brief history> Daryl Jamieson is a composer, sound artist, and researcher based in Kamakura, Japan. Born in 1980 in Halifax, Canada, he first studied at Wilfrid Laurier University, then moved to the UK to study at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama the University of York. He then spent a postdoctoral year in Tokyo, studying composition under Jo Kondo and Nō theatre. Daryl composes for both Japanese and western instruments. His music has been performed across Europe, Japan, and Canada by the Quatuor Bozzini, the Orchestre National de Lorraine, Satoko Inoue, and Ko Ishikawa. As a researcher, his principal interest is in contemporary music and spirituality, and the contemporary Zen philosophy of the Kyoto School. He is a co-founder of music theatre company Atelier Jaku, the mmm... trio, and the composers' collective "Music Without Borders". He is also a member of the "Hogaku 2010" Japanese traditional instrument composers' group.





Art: Atyako Watanabe

I met the director Nakada at the screenwriting workshop, and even after that I had been watching that he was working very hard without giving up his dream for many years through FB etc. At one point , I heard he would finally direct the short film, and after a while I heard the story that he needed a picture of "fireworks". I heard the pencil was used at the shooting site, though I thought "Fireworks are difficult to draw with pencils!", I read the script and I realized that what he wanted was not well drawn pictures but something which the father fiercely draws while rubbing his blurry eyes. Yes, as Director, Nakada repeatedly rewrote the scripts over and over, that was the very "fireworks" that he just engrossed in drawing.  In that case, I thought that I might be able to help something for the director, Nakada who had been working hard all the time, Having those processes, I joined in his team.

<Brief History> After graduating from Musashino Art University Oil Painting Course, she went through sound engineering and graphic design. Now she works as WEB designer mostly and Illustrator at times. After settling down her childcare, what she calls, the "second stage of life", has begun. She used to write film script, hold art therapy classes, and direct some musicals, but she happened to act and dance as an musical actress in the stage play even though she had worked in the backseat role for long. Now, she tries everything that seemed interesting. She actively involves with various performance arts with her great interest.


記録 スクリプター: 飛田龍太







<略歴>埼玉生まれ東京育ち。都立北園高校卒業後渡米。カリフォルニア サンノゼ州立大学卒業 現在ソフトウェアエンジニアとして勤務

Scripter: Ryuta Tobita

I provided the location and worked as a scripter because I was linked by fate.

Yuichiro is an old friend of mine since we both studied at California. He is rather silent but he has passionate feeling when it comes to working on what he likes. It has been almost ten years, but I have never met anyone like him who have been so persistent with what he believes in despite occasional conflicts, which I envy and admire as the person who belongs to a same generation as him.

I am not familiar with movie making at all. However, having participated in the shooting and watching the final version of the film, I was able to feel that there exists the world where only he can create. I find the possibility in his unique career which gives rise to the perspective and worldwide view.

I believe that everyone reading this message can sympathize with his worldview and his character.

 Thank you very much for your support.

<Brief history> Born in Saitama and raised in Tokyo, After graduating from Kitazono high school, he studied at San Jose state university and obtained computer science degree. Now, he works at Tokyo as software engineer. 


撮影監督 Director of Photography: Shaun NEO

Graduated from Nanyang Technological University, School of Art, Design and Media, DigitalFilmmaking, 2015
Directorial Works


2014 - Bond - Singapore-Official Selection, Finalist, Tropfest SEA 2015 (South East Asia)

2015 - Happily Ever After - Singapore Official Selection,

Singapore Paranoma, Singapore International Film Festival ,

5th Singapore Chinese Film Festival,13th Singapore Short Cuts,

Nominated Best Screenplay, National Youth Film Awards 2016

​2015 - 5 Dollar for a Passport - Malaysia/Singapore 13th Singapore Short Cuts

​2015 - She Eats an Apple - Singapore

Official Selection, EIDOLON Philosophical Film Festival 2015 (France)

Official Selection Gstaad International Film Festival 2015 (Switzerland)

Finalist, Yahoo Fast Flicks 2015 (Singapore)

​2015 - The Mystery at the Laudromat - Singapore

Nominated Best Cinematography, 48 Hour Film Project (Singapore)

​2017 - 1 Percent of Sunshine - Taiwan

Official Selection, Utah Film Festival and Awards 2018

Official Selection, London International Short Film Festival

8th China International New Media Short Film Festival

​2017 - The Man with Winged Tigers - Japan

Official Selection, In Competition, 4th New Directors Film Festival (Japan)

Official Selection, In Competition, Japan Art Center 9th Grand Prix

Official Selection, Art House Urban Film Festival 2018 (India), Grand Prix, Golden Wood Winner

Official Selection, Unrestricted View Film Festival 2018 (UK)

Home Page:



・Thank youメール

・Thank youメール

・Thank youメール

・Thank youメール






▪️3000 yen

・Thank you email
・One month limited acccess to the film

▪️6000 yen

・Thank you email
・Permanent digital copy of the film
・Digital copy of script and story board
・List your name as supporter on end-roll

▪️10000 yen 

・Thank you email
・Digital copy of the film
・Digital copy of script and story board
・List your name as special promoter on end-roll

▪️30000 yen 

・Thank you email
・Digital copy of the film
・Digital copy of script and story board
・Special gifts from Cannes film festival (only for those who purchased by 5/10)
reference page from last year:(
Please note that this year's items will be different from the one showed on the web page above.            The goods won't be something bulky and heavy such as mug and box, and the price will be less than 10 euros.
・Write short story for you
( Since it takes time to write story, the tentative deadline is set as October 2018. It may vary.)
・List your name as executive producer on end-roll




At last

None of the supports is too small for me. Though I have several part time jobs for accumulating more budget for this trip, it is very difficult to cover all the expense for travel and PR by myself for such a short period. Therefore, I need your warm supports for stepping up my career in film industry with experiences and learning obtained in Cannes film festival. I am willing to produce more and more films for you and all the other people as well. Thank you for your supports!



「支援・応援のやり方がわからない!」という人向けの申し込み手順を徹底解説 - CAMPFIRE MAGAZINE


Before supporting this project 

· In order to support this project, registering CAMPFIRE account is required.

You can check how to register and support for the project from the following URL.

For checking the detailed guideline abuot how to registe and support, please go to - CAMPFIRE MAGAZINE 

· All courses prices are tax and shipping fee included.
· Based on the specification of CAMPFIRE, you can purchase multiple courses.
However, since simultaneous settlement is not possible, please apply for individual courses each time.
· After submitting your application,  course change can not be processed.
· You can not transfer goods or rights of return to other people. Please acknowledge it beforehand.
· All the contacts regarding this project will be sent from the project owner through message on CAMPFIRE.
Please check the email as much as possible after support.





→ 住所変更、住所間違い、返信がない場合などはCAMPFIREへご登録いただいたメールアドレスへご連絡いたします。一定期間ご返信がない場合、製品をお届けできない場合があります。



Q1: Please tell me how to pay for supporting the project.
→ Credit card payment (VISA / MASTER), convenience store payment (main convenience store nationwide), bank transfer can be used.

Q2: What happens if I mistakenly assisted you?
→ We are sorry, but we do not accept any changes / cancellations / refunds of the selected return.

Q3: How can I change the address of return shipping address?
→ You can change it from "Address" → "Confirm" at "Supported Project" in the user's My page that is located in the upper right of this page. Please use the message function of CAMPFIRE to the project owner for changing the address after project is completed. Please contact us accompanying with your old address and new address.

Q4: What should I do if the return is not delivered?
→ If you do not have changed or mistaken your address or got a reply, we will contact you thorough your registered e-mail address on CAMPFIRE . If there is no reply from you for a certain period of time, products may not be delivered.

Q5: Is it possible to support from overseas?

→ We will contact you to the registered e-mail address on CAMPFIRE after the project is completed. So, please enter your e-mail address that we can check. 





  • Goodbye my sonのサポーターの皆様へ、(English is below JP)長らくご無沙汰しております。この度、私の短編作品である「Goodbye my son」と「Gift」の上映に関する喜ばしいお知らせがあり、皆様と共有したいと思います。先日、Goodbye my sonが第1回日本デンマーク映画祭の短編コンペティション部門に選出され、今月末にデンマークでの上映が決定しました。また、Giftもドイツのフランクフルト市で開催予定のNippon Connectionでの上映が同時期に予定されています。こうした機会はヨーロッパのプロデューサーとのつながりや日本映画関係者の交流にとって非常に貴重です。今回の海外上映に伴い、渡航費のサポートを必要としています。ヨーロッパ市場の開拓と次回作の長編制作に向けての準備を進めていますが、円安や物価高の影響で個人的費用の負担が大変厳しい状況です。具体的な内訳ですと、渡航費は約15-20万円で、滞在費は5月下旬から6月初旬にかけての7-10日間程度で約10万円程度を見込んでいます。もし可能でしたら、本当に少額のご支援でも大変助かります。今回の支援が次回作の制作に向けて大きな後押しとなります。なお前回のクラウドファンディングにご支援いただいた皆様には心から感謝申し上げます。短編パイロット版の「最後の夏への扉」は1月末に撮影を終え、現在もなお編集作業中です。完成までどうか今しばらくお待ちください。上記の内容をご理解いただき、もしご支援いただける場合は、私宛に一度個別にご連絡いただけますと幸いです。どうぞよろしくお願いします。Dear Goodbye my son supporters,It has been a long time coming. I would like to share with you some delightful news regarding the screening of my short films "Goodbye my son" and "Gift". Recently, Goodbye my son was selected for the short film competition at the 1st Japan-Denmark Film Festival and will be screened in Denmark at the end of this month. Gift will also be screened at the Nippon Connection scheduled to be held in Frankfurt, Germany at the same time. These opportunities are extremely valuable for connections with European producers and for exchange among people involved in the Japanese film industry.In conjunction with this overseas screening, I am in need of support for travel expenses. I am preparing to develop the European market and produce our next feature film, but due to the weak yen and high prices, it is very difficult to cover personal expenses. As a specific breakdown, I expect to spend about 150,000-200,000 yen (960-1,300 USD) for travel expenses and about 100,000 yen(640 USD) for accommodation expenses for about 7-10 days from late May to early June.If possible, a really small amount of support would be greatly appreciated. Your support this time will be a big boost for the next production. I would like to thank everyone who supported our previous crowdfunding campaign. The short pilot version of "The Door to Last Summer" finished shooting at the end of January and is still in the editing process. Please wait for a while until the film is completed.Thank you very much for your cooperation.If you understand the above and would like to support us, please contact me individually. Thank you very much.映画祭リンク(Film Festivals' links):Nippon Connection: Denmark Film Festival: もっと見る

  • 拙作短編第2作「Gift」が今週末4/13-14、東京にてダマー国際映画祭にて上映されます。ご都合つく方は他の作品とも合わせて是非ともご鑑賞いただければと思います。Giftの上映は午後の部からになります。My second short film "Gift" will be screened at the Damah International Film Festival in Tokyo on April 13-14 this weekend.If you are able to make it, I hope you will be able to see it along with my other films.Gift will be screened in the afternoon. もっと見る

  • 親愛なるサポーターの皆様へ度々のご連絡で失礼します。拙作新作短編「最後の夏への扉」クラウドファンディングついに残り6時間を切りました。現在急激な最後の追い込みで残り後45%、88.5万円近く集める必要があります。現実的には厳しい状況であることに変わりはありません。しかし勝負は最後の数秒までわかりません。変化は正に一瞬にして起きることもあります。すでにご支援いただいた方も、今回は難しいという方も含め最後の数時間での巻き返しのために改めてどうか気持ちだけでの応援そして情報をシェアしていただくだけでも良いのでお願いします。ふと昔見た韓国映画「猟奇的な彼女」にあるこの言葉を思い出しました。「偶然とは努力する人に運命が架けてくれた橋だ」私は運命論者ではないですし、かと言って自由意思論者でもないのですし,この段階からできることも限られてはいますが、偶然を招き寄せるために、何とかギリギリまで努力できればと思います。ここまでも多くの皆様の力があって映画の道を諦めることなく進んできました。スクリーン越しからは聞こえませんが、背中越しからは多くの応援してくれている声は届いております。後は人事を尽くして天命を待つのみとなりますがどうか最後まで応援よろしくお願いします。Dear fellow supportersPlease excuse me for contacting you again and again.The crowdfunding for my new short story "The Door to Last Summer"Finally, there are less than 6hours left.It is currently in a rapid final push and need to raise 45% more, almost 885,000 yen.Realistically, it is still a tough situation.But you never know until the last few seconds. Change can happen in the blink of an eye.I am committed to making a comeback in the last few hours, including those who have already supported it and those who are not able to support it this time.Please support it again, even if it is only with your heart, and please share the information with us.I just remembered these words from a Korean movie I saw a long time ago, "My Sussy Girl"."The fate builds the bridge by chance only for the person who made an effort."I am not a fatalist, nor am I a free will theorist, andThere is only so much I can get done from this stage, though,I hope I can manage to make a last-ditch effort to invite coincidence.Thanks to the help of so many of you, I have been able to continue on the path of film without giving up.I cannot hear you through the screen, but I have heard many cheering voices from behind my back.All that remains now is "Do your best, and let God do the rest.”Please give me your support until the end. もっと見る



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    • 3,000

      ・Thank youメール ・1か月限定ストリーミング視聴権 ・Thank you email ・One month limited access to the film



    • 6,000

      ・Thank youメール ・映画デジタルデータ送付 ・カンヌに出品される作品の脚本データ/絵コンテ ・エンドクレジットにサポーターとして記名 ・Thank you email ・Digital copy of the film ・Digital copy of script and story board ・List your name as supporter on end-roll



    • 10,000

      ・Thank youメール ・映画デジタルデータ送付  ・DVD配送 ・カンヌに出品される作品の脚本データ/絵コンテ ・エンドクレジットにスペシャルプロモーターとして記名 ・Thank you email ・Digital copy of the film ・DVD ・Digital copy of script and story board ・List your name as special promoter on end-roll



    • 30,000


      ・Thank youメール ・映画デジタルデータ送付 ・DVD発送 ・カンヌに出品される作品の脚本データ/絵コンテ ・カンヌ映画祭のおみやげ(5/15までの応募のみ限定)  イメージ(  *今年の品はリンクの写真のものとは異なりますのであくまでイメージとしてご承知おきください。また商品は10ユーロ以内のもので、かつマグカップやボックスなどかさばらないタイプのものを想定しております。 ・あなたの物語を短編小説化します。 (小説は執筆に時間を要するため暫定的に2018年10月までとします。延長可能性あり) ・エンドクレジットにエグゼキュティブプロデューサーとして記名 ・Thank you email ・Digital copy of the film ・Digital copy of script and story board ・DVD ・Special gifts from Cannes film festival (only for those who purchased by 5/10) reference page from last year:( Please note that this year's items will be different from the one showed on the web page above, The goods won't be bulky and heavy as mug and box, and the price will be less than 10 euros. ・Write short story for you ( Since it takes time to write story, the tentative deadline is set as October 2018. It may vary.) ・List your name as executive producer on end-roll

