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ハンガリーで個展を通じて日本文化を紹介します。ご支援よろしくお願いします。【日程と会場:2024年11月28日〜12月13日 インターナショナル・セラミック・スタジオ | ケチケメート市 | ハンガリー】









このプロジェクトは、2024/09/15に募集を開始し、 28人の支援により 183,500円の資金を集め、 2024/10/10に募集を終了しました









このプロジェクトは、2024/09/15に募集を開始し、 28人の支援により 183,500円の資金を集め、 2024/10/10に募集を終了しました

ハンガリーで個展を通じて日本文化を紹介します。ご支援よろしくお願いします。【日程と会場:2024年11月28日〜12月13日 インターナショナル・セラミック・スタジオ | ケチケメート市 | ハンガリー】


自己紹介 Introduction


I am from Kecskemét, Hungary. I started studying ceramics at the age of 15 at the Kando Kalman High School. My first firing was at the age of 16, when I volunteered at the International Ceramic Studio in Kecskemét. Through firing the kiln, I was able to interact with ceramic artists from all over the world. There, I met a female potter and was so touched that I decided to become an artist like her. I decided that I wanted to travel to a foreign country and create ceramic works just like her.

このプロジェクトで実現したいこと What I want to achieve in this project




I got the opportunity to exhibit in the town where I started all my studies. This famous studio offered me the opportunity to have a solo exhibition in 2022, but I had to cancel it due to the high transportation costs. The name of the town is Kecskemét and the location is the International Ceramic Studio. I studied here as an apprentice when I was little. And now I have the opportunity to present the work I have achieved as a ceramic artist in Japan.

If my exhibition can help deepen the ties between Japan and Hungary, it will be worth more than the profits. And I want to help the Hungarian people not lose hope in difficult times. I would like to make this exhibition an encouraging one so that people will not be discouraged from making mistakes. That is the meaning behind it.

Through this solo exhibition, I aim to introduce Japanese ceramics and art in Hungary. During the exhibition, I will give a presentation introducing traditional Japanese ceramic techniques to high school students and local residents. I will also hold small workshops for adults and children, teaching Japanese ceramic hand-molding techniques. My goal is to bring people and cultures closer together and to build bridges between countries and peoples.

日程と会場 Dates and Venue


インターナショナル・セラミック・スタジオ | ケチケメート市 | ハンガリー

2024/11/28 - 2024/12/13 

International Ceramic Studio | Kecskemét town | Hungary

目標 Goal

ハンガリーでの個展のための作品輸送費 ¥1,000,000 を調達すること

to raise 1,000,000 Yen to cover to send my pieces for my solo exhibition in Hungary

プロジェクト立ち上げの背景 Background to the project launch


The gallery is a non-profit organization, which means they can not help me to cover the shipping. I’m also not going to have income from this exhibition, I’ll only present my works.

現在の準備状況 Current status of preparation


I am in the middle of preparing to fire the wood-fired kiln. I have been working on new pieces for the past two months, and made small Ojizo san statues as thank you gifts. I plan to fire my pottery in the wood-fired kiln in early September. I plan to send my work to an exhibition in October or early November. According to my schedule, I will travel to Hungary for an exhibition and return in January. I will send rewards to those who helped me in January and February.

リターンについて About Return



Many people ask me, "Why bother holding a solo exhibition if you don't make any income from it?"

I would like to show my gratitude to everyone who supports me in a small way. It is one of my representative works, a hand-carved statue. I bake it with love in a wood-fired kiln, and hope it brings a warm and happy atmosphere to everyone. The size of the statue will vary depending on your donation.

個展終了後について After the exhibition


I will make a report about the exhibition. I'm planning to summarize the results of this project as a bridge between Japan and Hungary, including the impressions of the Hungarian people who came to the exhibition and participated in the workshops. Please look forward to it.

スケジュール schedule

【9月】 薪窯で焼成


【11月上旬】作品を綺麗にし、出荷の準備 → 展示会の準備のためハンガリーへ移動


【12月】12月13日の展覧会終了 → ギャラリーを掃除、作品を梱包


September - We will fire the pieces in a wood-fired kiln.

October - Clean the parts and prepare them for shipping

Early November - clean the parts and prepare them for shipping. After that, we will travel to Hungary to prepare for the exhibition.

Late November - there will be slideshows and presentations on Japanese ceramics, aesthetics and crafts.

December - After the exhibition ends on December 13th, I will clean the gallery and pack up the artworks.

January to February - Postcards and return works will be sent out



  • 設備費




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    • リターン画像


      お地蔵さん一尊(約10cm)+ポストカード1枚 支援してくださる皆様に、ささやかな感謝の気持ちをお届けしたいと思っています。それは、私の代表作の一つである手びねりのお地蔵さんです。9月に薪窯で焼く予定で、皆様に温かく幸せな気持ちをもたらすことを願っています。お地蔵さんは手作りのため、全く同じものはありません。どんなお地蔵さんが届くかは、受け取ってからのお楽しみです。 1 OjizoSan (approx. 10cm) + 1 postcard Everybody who’s going to support me I’m going to send a hand shaped Ojizo san, which I’m going to fire in my wood kiln in September. With my Ojizo San I would like to bring warm atmosphere and blessing to everyone’s place who supported me. Since the OjizoSan is hand shaped, every piece is unique. It will be a surprise what the supporters receive. *写真はサンプルです。 *お地蔵さんは手作りのため、色や形に違いがあります。 *The photos are sample. *Since the OjizoSan is hand shaped, there will be differences in colors and shapes.



    • リターン画像


      お地蔵さん一尊(約10-13cm)+ポストカード1枚 支援してくださる皆様に、ささやかな感謝の気持ちをお届けしたいと思っています。それは、私の代表作の一つである手びねりのお地蔵さんです。9月に薪窯で焼く予定で、皆様に温かく幸せな気持ちをもたらすことを願っています。お地蔵さんは手作りのため、全く同じものはありません。どんなお地蔵さんが届くかは、受け取ってからのお楽しみです。 1 OjizoSan (approx. 10-13cm) + 1 postcard Everybody who’s going to support me I’m going to send a hand shaped Ojizo san, which I’m going to fire in my wood kiln in September. With my Ojizo San I would like to bring warm atmosphere and blessing to everyone’s place who supported me. Since the OjizoSan is hand shaped, every piece is unique. It will be a surprise what the supporters receive. *写真はサンプルです。 *お地蔵さんは手作りのため、色や形に違いがあります。 *The photos are sample. *Since the OjizoSan is hand shaped, there will be differences in colors and shapes.



    • リターン画像


      お地蔵さん一尊(約15cm)+ポストカード1枚 支援してくださる皆様に、ささやかな感謝の気持ちをお届けしたいと思っています。それは、私の代表作の一つである手びねりのお地蔵さんです。9月に薪窯で焼く予定で、皆様に温かく幸せな気持ちをもたらすことを願っています。お地蔵さんは手作りのため、全く同じものはありません。どんなお地蔵さんが届くかは、受け取ってからのお楽しみです。 1 OjizoSan (approx. 15cm) + 1 postcard Everybody who’s going to support me I’m going to send a hand shaped Ojizo san, which I’m going to fire in my wood kiln in September. With my Ojizo San I would like to bring warm atmosphere and blessing to everyone’s place who supported me. Since the OjizoSan is hand shaped, every piece is unique. It will be a surprise what the supporters receive. *写真はサンプルです。 *お地蔵さんは手作りのため、色や形に違いがあります。 *The photos are sample. *Since the OjizoSan is hand shaped, there will be differences in colors and shapes.

