Hello. My name is Patty Kawasaki.
Thank you for checking this page and reading this text.
I am doing crowd funding in part to get support from all of you…
But even more than that, I want to send support and encouragement
and this message to all of you: “If I can do it, you can do it, too!”
So what is “it”? And who is “I”?
I grew up in America (Arizona, to be specific. Desert country.)
But now I live in Sekikawa in Niigata (snow country) with my husband and 5 children.
Our life is financially poor but rich in all other senses of the word.
I learned a lot from this place and the people here,
And so I wanted to do "something" in return.
That is why four years ago I started making “Sparkle,”
An English magazine designed to help people in the village, out of the village, and
across the ocean to discover and delight in the charms Sekikawa village has to offer.
The widespread positive response was surprising and inspiring.
The project has been featured in newspapers, magazines, and on television several times.
But more than that, by making this magazine,
I was also able to make countless connections with many amazing people.
Very soon, the 4th volume of Sparkle will be released.
This will also be the last volume.
From here on, I will work together with all the people I have met
To help places and people across Sekikawa village to truly “Sparkle.”
These are the projects I am in the middle of now:
● Guided tours of Sekikawa (including tours for overseas visitors),
In cooperation with the local tourist office.
● Classes and extracurricular workshops using [Sparkle]
to help students get and give a global perspective of the charms of Sekikawa village,
In cooperation with the local middle school.
● One-of-a-kind events held to bring energy to the beautiful places all over the village,
Hosted or co-hosted in cooperation with individuals and organizations across the village.
● [Furusato Manga] (Hometown manga) based on amazing stories scattered across Sekikawa,
Planned, edited, and published by myself and created
In cooperation with villagers and my alma mater, Kyoto Seika University.
● Farm and country life workshops hosted in cooperation with family and friends, and
A book of biographical essays, to share all that we have learned with as many people as possible.
In addition, I will continue researching and interviewing places and people around Sekikawa,
and posting reports of the discoveries I make on the internet.
Crowd funding contributions will go to support the costs of designing and publishing [Sparkle 4],
The first edition of [Furusato Manga], and the book of biographical essays.
All three of these works are available in one package, for supporters who choose the return called
“Live for the Future: 3 Volume Set.” Highly recommended!!
今回のクラウドファンディングは、「Sparkle 4」、「ふるさとマンガ」の第一弾、
Here are the various returns available for crowd funding supporters:
3000円 Return:
Sparkle 4 (signed) + Japanese translation (Shipped 2019/8)
関川村の魅力を発信する英文情報誌「Sparkle 4」〈メッセージ入り〉+和訳
Ancient temples, majestic mountains and more!
5000円 Return: :
Nakamuraya Kintsuba (Box of 10) /(Shipped 2019/10~)+
Sparkle 4 (signed) + Japanese translation (Shipped 2019/8~)
中村屋のきんつば(10個入り箱)+「Sparkle 4」〈メッセージ入り〉+和訳
National award-winning traditional local sweet treat! Completely free of additives and preservatives. Ships from October. Contact information (e-mail) requested in order to determine a specific shipping date.
10,000円 Return: Live for the Future: 3 Volume Set
① Sparkle 4 (signed) + Japanese translation (Shipped 2019/8~)
「Sparkle 4」〈メッセージ入り〉+和訳
② Sekikawa Furusato Manga Vol. 1 (Shipped 2020/5~)
The secret legend of Shogakuji Temple, and the inspiring story behind the founding of Kannon Park which is closely connected with that legend. Manga will be created by a promising new artist from Kyoto Seika University under the direction of famous manga artist, Keiko Takemiya. A masterpiece in the making! (Cover image subject to change.)
③ Bridging Heaven and Earth
~Lessons Learned from 10 Years of Living in Sekikawa~ (Shipped 2020/5~)
私たちの10年間の生活を伝える活き活きとした100枚以上の写真は、夫の川﨑哲也が撮ったものです。(ちなみに、Sparkleの写真はプロによるものですが、子どもたちが表紙を飾っているSparkle 2の写真だけは、夫の作品です。プロも認める確かな腕前です!)
This collection of autobiographical essays is written in both English and Japanese and covers various topics from Japan-America relations to lessons learned from child-raising, all written with a fresh perspective.
The book also features over 100 color photos of our life in Sekikawa, taken by my husband, Tetsuya Kawasaki. (By the way, his photo is on the cover of Sparkle 2, with the full approval of the pros who did the photography for the magazine!)
Bonus features include an original creation legend, “New Harmony Myth,” inspired by the combination of the belief in God I learned growing up in America and the deep love of nature I learned through my life here in Japan. Another bonus feature is a manga essay which I wrote as a student at Kyoto Seika University, explaining the relationship between Japan and America by comparing it to the relationship of a married couple.
I hope this book can be a source of comfort and inspiration to many people. (Cover image subject to change.)
30,000円 Return:
Sekikawa Open House Tour (lunch included) (Available from 2020)+
Sparkle 4 (signed) + Japanese translation (Shipped 2019/8~)
関川村おもてなし案内(昼食つき)+「Sparkle 4」〈メッセージ入り〉+和訳
National important cultural property [Watanabe Mansion] which is closely connected to the history of the whole of Sekikawa, The World Guiness Record holding straw snake from the [Great Snake Festival] which Sekikawa is famous for, the making of straw cat houses called [Neko Chigura] which are a traditional Sekikawa craft that get attention nationwide and even from overseas. This tour gives an in-depth guided tour of all three. Bonus experience included!
*Tours are available from 2020. Patrons choosing this return will be requested to share their contact information in order to schedule the tour. The return is for one participant only. Additional participants can join the tour for additional fees, which depend on the total number of participants.
30,000円 Return:
Sekikawa Backyard Tour ~Onnagawa Area~ (lunch included) (Available from 2020)+
Sparkle 4 (signed) + Japanese translation (Shipped 2019/8~)
関川村裏庭案内・女川地区(昼食つき)+「Sparkle 4」〈メッセージ入り〉+和訳
※ 案内実施は2020年からとさせていただきます。日程についての相談のために、このリターンを選んだ方に連絡情報を教えていただくことをご了承ください。リターンは1名の参加。追加の料金で人数の追加も可能です。(合計参加人数によって金額が変わります。)
[Kousagi Shrine], a small shrine which has become known nationwide thanks to the energetic activities of the charismatic priest there, [Kouchouji Temple], an ancient temple with close connections to the Legend of the Great Snake which the Great Snake Festival is based on. From the past, Buddhist beliefs and Shinto beliefs have lived in harmony in the Onnagawa area, believers of both united by their mutual respect for the same mountain, [Mt. Kousagi]. This tour will take you to see both the places and the people of this region.
*Tours are available from 2020. Patrons choosing this return will be requested to share their contact information in order to schedule the tour. The return is for one participant only. Additional participants can join the tour for additional fees, which depend on the total number of participants.
50,000円 Return:
Pair Overnight Stay Passes for Nouka Minshuku (Farmer’s B&B) Okuyama (2 meals included!) +
Sparkle 4 (signed) + Japanese translation (All shipped 2019/8~)
農家民宿おくやまのペア宿泊券(夕食・朝食つき!)+「Sparkle 4」〈メッセージ入り〉+和訳
- 宿泊券の有効期限は発行時から1年になることをご了承ください。(予定では2020年9月まで)
At this farmer’s inn you can enjoy good and good for you delicious macrobiotic meals and country life that puts you back in touch with nature. The certified moonshine made by the master of the inn is another special charm! Check out the homepage for details.
*Overnight Stay Passes expire one year from date of release. (Expected expiration date: 2020/9.)
Like countryside areas all across Japan, the population of Sekikawa is dwindling, and dwindling quickly.
Many may see this as a problem but think “There is nothing I can do.”
To these people, I say: There is surely “something.”
However small the something you can do may seem, by doing it,
You may very well start a chain reaction that leads to a bigger “something.”
I have learned this through personal experience.
When I started making [Sparkle], I did not have solid confidence, I did not have extra time or money,
And at the time, I did not have the support that I have now, either.
What I had was an idea and the courage to try it out, to do my “something.”
If I can do it, you can do it, too!
I am cheering for you!
もっと見るTreasure the Moment ~ご支援ありがとう!~
2019/08/06 13:54先日、Sparkle 4が無事に印刷やさんから届きました。取材に協力した関川村の皆さん、素晴らしい写真を撮ってくれたCreative.comさん、素敵な雑誌に仕上げてくれたデザイナーのA.I.さん、そして応援&支援してくれた皆さんのお陰です。クラウドファンディングの目標を達成することはできませんでしたが、Sparkle 4の費用だけでも、無事に集めることができました。基本は無料提供のSparkleと違って、有料で提供するつもりの「ふるさとマンガ」と「天と地のかけはし」が、元がとれるほど素敵な作品たちに仕上げなければならなくなりましたが、それでちょうどいいのかもしれません。Sparkle でやってきたことが次へつながるように、続けてがんばります。…と同時に、身近にいる家族や仲間をはじめ、支えてくれる皆さんとの縁、かけがえのない大切な時間も、焦らずに大事にしたいとも考えています。Live for the future. Treasure the moment.今後とも、よろしくお願いします! もっと見るSparkleの次が、☆新☆マンガジャンルの開発!
2019/06/20 11:09「Sparkle」をずっと応援してくださっている、京都精華大学時代の恩師でもあり、著名なマンガ家でもある竹宮惠子先生(写真左)のご協力のお陰で、4年前から見ていた夢が現実になろうとしています!Thanks to the support of my teacher from Kyoto Seika University,Takemiya Keiko (who is also a famous manga artist!)a 4 year-old dream of mine is finally on its way to coming true!その夢とは、「Sparkle」vol.1のときに取材した観音公園・松岳寺の感動的な伝説をマンガにすることです。目的は、その感動的な話をマンガにすることだけではありません。実話でもあるその伝説を甦らせて、そのストーリーがここに住む人々の記憶から消えることのないようにすること、またはその物語を知ることをきっかけにこの場所に興味を持ってもらうこと。つまり、「地域活性」を目的としたマンガです。4 years ago, when researching for Vol.1 of Sparkle,I discovered an inspiring legend that until recently was kept secret,and I dreamed of turning that legend into a manga story.The purpose of this manga is not JUST entertainment (that, too, of course),but to bring life back to the community and much deserved attentionto the place where the legend was born.この作品をきっかけに、地方に眠る伝説、知られざる歴史、昔話の素敵なストーリーたちをマンガの力で蘇らせることによって、地方をも蘇らせることを目的とした「ふるさとマンガ」という新しいジャンルを誕生させることを目指しています!In short, this manga is a new genre which I call "Fursusato manga,"manga with the specific purpose of re-energizing local areas.ちなみに、私は取材や話の構成、編集などで全面的にマンガ作成に協力しますが、子どもがわちゃわちゃいる我が家では、作品づくりに限度があります!そこで、京都精華大学のもう一人の恩師で「取材マンガ」を教えてくださっている小川聡先生(写真右から2番目)からご紹介いただいた、才能あふれる後輩(写真右)がマンガを描いてくれることになっています。I am highly involved in the research, planning, and editing for this project,but my house is too full of little kids for me to draw the manga!That job will be taken over by my very talented underclassman, currently a student at Kyoto Seika University (photo right).先日3人で取材に関川村までいらっした際に、竹宮先生が「Sparkle」vol.3のクラウドファンディングのリターンとして注文した「関川村おもてなし案内」(30,000円のリターン)を実施しました。これが好評だったらしくて、先生が今回も同じリターンを選んでくださっています!光栄です。☆☆☆。This photo was taken when everyone came for research for the manga.At this time, I also gave Takemiya-sensei the tour which she ordered,and liked so much she ordered it again this time!密接な取材にもとづき、竹宮先生の監修のもと「ふるさとマンガ」の第一号として松岳寺の秘伝と観音公園設立の裏話がマンガになります!そのマンガが「次へつながる3冊セット」(10,000円のリターン)に含まれています。これが、一押しのリターンです!ぜひ選んでみてください♡The first issue of Furusato manga, featuring the legend of Shougakuji Temple and its fascinating connection with the founding of Kannon Park, is included in the return, Live for the future:3 volume set.Check it out! もっと見る