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このプロジェクトは、2019/12/02に募集を開始し、 8人の支援により 138,000円の資金を集め、 2020/01/20に募集を終了しました









このプロジェクトは、2019/12/02に募集を開始し、 8人の支援により 138,000円の資金を集め、 2020/01/20に募集を終了しました




僕が美容師となって得たもの、それは髪を切るという技術だけではない。美容師という仕事は人を幸せにすることができる。これは今僕が確信をもって皆さまに言える。今まで髪を切らせていただいた日本でのお客様、世界一周の旅で発展途上の国に住む子供たちの髪を切ることで得たみんなの屈託のない最高の笑顔。美容師って、ただ髪を触ってハサミでカットするだけじゃない。たった1時間弱の短い時間だけれど、僕とその相手がシェアするとても大切な時間。心を通わせることができる貴重な時間。言葉の壁も文化の違いも飛び越えて、そこには夢も愛もいっぱいつまってる。美容師ってそんな仕事だって思う。日本にいると忘れがちなことがたくさんある。 この世界に『当たり前』なことなんか1つもない。両親がいること、毎日ご飯が食べられること、帰れる家がありその家に屋根があること、文字が書けること、着る服があること、靴をはいて外を歩くこと、そのひとつひとつが当たり前なんかじゃないと、僕はこの旅を通して痛感しました。どんな子供たちにも未来がある。これから来る未来は彼らが思うよりずっとずっと明るくて楽しいことで溢れてるんだと伝える手段はなにかと僕なりに考えました。人はなにかを学んだ時に必ず心が満たされる。自分が一生懸命身に付けたことは、絶対に自分を裏切らない。美容師という職業がどんなものなのか、そして美容師って夢や愛がたくさんつまった素晴らしい仕事なんだとみんなに伝えたい。彼らの将来の可能性が少しでも広がってほしい!そんな願いを込めて、今回プロジェクトの企画をプラスしました!!!!チャリティーカット    +美容師ワークショップ僕のすべてを掛けてハサミの技術を伝授していこうと思っています!!!僕がこれから訪れる予定の国は、治安の面や衛生面で少々困難な場所ばかりになります。もちろんワークショップを開くための室内のきれいな場所などはないと思われます。そこで、少々危険なエリアでの野外ワークショップを開くための道具(地面に敷くシートや生徒分の鏡、ハサミやコームなどのカット道具)を用意するために、皆様のお力添えをいただきたいです。皆で未来の美容師を産み出しましょう!これが僕のなかに見つかった新たな夢です。


2019/12/14 22:49



Nice to meet you! It is KO, World Travel Hairdresser! I started this project from the idea “I want to give back to the world as a hairdresser”. I want to give a charity haircut to people who don't have the opportunity to get haircuts!Hello everyone!I am World Travel Hairdresser KO. My name is Ko Hirano. Thank you very much for watching my project! Currently I am traveling around the world with haircuts. In May 2019, I started traveling around the world and now conquer Southeast Asia. Currently, I have returned to Japan temporarily due to visa limits. I aim to restart at the beginning of January and complete in the winter of 2021, about a year later. As I traveled in Southeast Asia in the half year of my round trip around the world, there was a big change in my heart.Then I decided to organize a crowdfunding! Project overview "Give back to the world through haircuts"I want give back to the world as much as I can by choosing a way available for me, because I want to give back to the world and do something good. "Make people smile with a charity cut"Haircuts are very valuable for orphanages, children's facilities and street children in both developing and poor countries, especially haircuts by professional hairdressers.I will travel while presenting charity cuts to children who cannot receive regular haircuts.Is it possible to really make people smile through haircuts?Later, I will introduce the possibilities and power of haircuts based on my actual experience. I present "charity cut" for the funds deposited through this crowdfundingThe money you provide is the source of a charity cut that you can give to someone around the world. Based on the funds I received, I will take responsibility for delivering charity cuts and making as many people as possible smile around the world.  I will briefly introduce my profile.What is World Travel Hairdresser KO?(@vivakooooh)I was born in Canada, returned to Japan three months after birth, and spent my childhood in a town called Nakai in the western part of Kanagawa Prefecture.I moved to France because of my father's work and it’s where I spent my teenage years, from 10 to 16 years old.After that, I returned to Japan and am still there now. I was able to become a hairdresser in Japan, which was a dream, and I think that as a hairdresser for about 10 years, I will be able to deliver smiles through haircuts to many people. By being born and raised in different countries, because of various personal values or because of the many opportunities to interact with people from different cultures, I have been immensely curious about this thing called "the world" since I was a kid. I want to be more involved with the world and with people around the world! Because of the feeling, I went with a working holiday visa to Australia in the spring of 2017, where I was able to gain experience working as a hairdresser. I came back to Japan after the working holiday period, but I want to be more involved with the world and people around the world! How can I get involved? The thought “I would like to go around the world” was the reason for this trip.I think my experience with life overseas and being a hairdresser overseas is surely driving my passion for the world.At the beginning of this trip, I performed “haircut” targeting overseas travelers, I gained new experiences by touching the hair and different types of people, and the haircut fees were used as costs for the trip.At first, everything was going well and I got a lot of experience and learned much by doing haircuts for people of various ethnicities and nationalities, and that gave me additional funds for the trip, so I felt that it was a wonderful effort while continuing my trip.However, there were two events that were great influences as I continued my journey.I decided to create this project because of these events. 1. The big power behind haircuts that was finally discovered during the trip The encounter with a girl named Princess in the Philippines made me realize the potential and power behind haircuts.She was the first child that I cut the hair on this trip. At first she was so shy that she would not look me in the eyes or open her mouth, but her mother wanted me to cut her hair.It was a drastic cut that cut long hair into a bob style with a chin line.She was quite nervous at first, but as I cut her hair, her facial expression became softer and she started to smile as if she liked it.After that, she was open to me and eventually she wanted me to give her a piggyback ride.I felt it was the moment when I opened the shutter of her heart : when the “haircut” was finished. At this time, I realized the tremendous potential hidden in a haircut and convinced me of its great power : the possibility to make people smile the same way sports or music can do.  2. Haircut is the biggest weapon that makes me smileThe second event was a charity haircut that I was part of in Cambodia.A friend introduced me to participate in a charity haircut event organized by a local salon. The event took place in an orphanage that protects children living in streets and slums. The area they live in is a very dangerous area with drugs and gambling, so it is a facility built to protect them. A lot of children arrived! As soon as I started haircutting, the children started gathering.Everyone’s eyes were shiny and they all wanted to get a haircut at the same time.I wanted to communicate with each of them, but there were so many children waiting for a haircut.It was a first time for me, I’ve done haircut for 15 children in about 3 hours, Haircut is a luxury for some people.I remember vividly how they were truly delighted.Looking at the children above all, I felt proud that the haircuts that I had spent so much time learning could make so many people and children smile.At the same time, I realized that doing haircut is my biggest weapon to make people smile. At first, the trip was just for myself, but a new feeling emerged while traveling around the world. I heard from the locals that the average monthly income in Cambodia is about 30,000 yen.I think there are some things that are pricey, but the honest impression is that "I can't believe that Japanese people are really blessed."Japan has tremendous opportunities to get good haircuts compared to developing countries.Children with charity haircuts don't have a favorable environment like the Japanese.However, even in such an environment, they lived and enjoyed the present moment.At first, this was a trip for myself : " Let's enjoy the journey itself while gaining new experience as a hairdresser .", with the techniques of hairdressers that I have learned and cultivated because of being teached in Japan. But then I started thinking “Are you making use of this technology and experience ?” and “Is there anything I can do for people and the world?” “There is an advantage that can be obtained just by being born as a Japanese. Is it okay to do nothing in regards to this?” " Is there anything I can do for people like them ? I should be able to do something ..." “I was able to see a lot of smiles of children in the last charity cut.” I have been studying technology in this industry since I became a hairdresser and entered their world.I realized that if I want to help people and give them a smile, I can only do it as a hairdresser. I want to bring smiles to as many people as possible through the haircuts I can do. Another reason to organize this crowdfunding.I want to give a little push in the back of someone who can't take one step.  There are someone who think“I want to do something but I don’t have the courage.”“I want to go abroad, but I ’m worried.”I understand those feelings because I was not brave before. I think there are many people like this. In fact, there are many people around me who are trying to do something but have no courage. Since I started using social network services such as Instagram for the first time on this trip, the opportunity to receive similar comments and consultations from followers and indirect acquaintances has increased. I want to give those people some courage through my challenges.I am very serious about this project. We Japanese are blessed with many opportunities to challenge.I want to tell you through my challenge that everything will change with only one step. Specific activitiesWhile going around the world, I will make charity cuts in each country.I will give priority to those who do not have the opportunity to have their hair cut, as much as possible (children in poor countries, homeless people around the world, etc.).Then, they take photos and videos of their haircuts and travel regularly through social networks.“For those who don't have the opportunity to do haircuts , present a charity cut and smile.”That I will continue to work with conviction.  About return"You get a charity cut."Deliver your charity cut present to someone in the world!As I wanted to help people and was wondering how to do it, I came up with the returns for this project.Cut one person in the world with one cut (support) of your cut!Depending on the amount of support from you, the number of people to cut and the returns will change.Example) Return for 3000 yen1 charity cut + a Thank you messageExample) Return for 5000 yen2 charity cuts + 1 postcard with a Thank you messageI would be very happy if you could help me with the smiles you want to see.This time, I prepared 10 packages from 3000 yen to 100,000 yen.This project is using the All-in method, and even if the amount collected is not enough, I will execute the plan and deliver the return.Schedule2020, middle of January : End of crowdfunding2020, middle of January : Resumption of my journey2020, January : Charity cuts start in North America2020, February : Charity cut returns start (Returns such as Thank you emails will also begin.)2020, from February to April : Central America - South America2020, from May to October : Africa - EuropeOctober 2020 to January 2021 : Middle East2021, January : Scheduled to complete the world round – End of charity cut2021, January : Planned return to Japan – Start of return (debriefing, dining, private haircut, etc.)  In order to change the original itinerary and bring the charity cut to the world, I will need to drop in developing countries, economically unstable countries and regions, and extend my stay.With the implementation of this project, an increase in travel expenses of about 600,000 yen is predicted and funds will become insufficient.Please help me achieve this project. Your support will be helpful!With the supportq of everyone, I will deliver smiles through haircuts to as many people as possible.Thank you for your help and support. TRANSLATION OF THE IMAGE 1) Air plane fees2) Land travel fees3) Food expenses4) Accommodation expenses5) Visa fees6) Expenses for the project movie7) Other fees8) Total PART IN THE CIRCLE : I would like to raise 600,000 yen (roughly 6000 USD). TRANSLATION FOR THE RETURNS 3000yen[Message plan]Thank you for your support! I am very pleased with your support!• For one charity cut •I will send a thank you message to your email address!* I will do everything, but if I have to suspend the trip on the way, some of the returns will not be fulfilled. In that case, please note that the support money cannot be refunded.  5000yen[Postcard plan]• For 2 charity cuts •• I will send a thank you message on a postcard from the local area.(If you like, I will communicate by e-mails and send you the postcard to the address you prefer.)• You will be invited to a private Facebook group.(This group is only for supporters and me. I will share the world's secrets, discoveries and deals. Please be friendly with each other.) * I will do everything, but if I have to suspend the trip on the way, some of the returns will not be fulfilled. In that case, please note that the support money cannot be refunded.  10000yen[Main Plan]• For 3 charity cuts • • I will send a thank you message on a postcard from the local area.(If you like, I will communicate by e-mails and send you the postcard to the address you prefer.)• You will be invited to a private Facebook group.(This group is only for supporters and me. I will share the world's secrets, discoveries and deals. Please be friendly with each other.)• Report session after returning home • You’re invited !I will communicate the experiences gained around the world.The event will be held at some point between January and March 2021 near Kanagawa. (Please pay the transportation expenses by yourself.)* If you ask for it, your name will be posted on the Special Thanks section of the project video when it will be completed.Please fill in the name of your choice in the Remarks column when sending your support.* I will do everything, but if I have to suspend the trip on the way, some of the returns will not be fulfilled. In that case, please note that the support money cannot be refunded.  20000yen[Plenty of plans]• For 5 charity cuts • • I will send a thank you message on a postcard from the local area.(If you like, I will communicate by e-mails and send you the postcard to the address you prefer.)• You will be invited to a private Facebook group.(This group is only for supporters and me. I will share the world's secrets, discoveries and deals. Please be friendly with each other.)• Report session after returning home • You’re invited !I will communicate the experiences gained around the world.The event will be held at some point between January and March 2021 near Kanagawa. (Please pay the transportation expenses by yourself.)• Invitation to a tea party.I invite you to a private tea party. Let's talk about travel, life and troubles.The event will be held at some point between January and March 2021 near Kanagawa.(Meals will be payed. Please pay the transportation expenses by yourself.)* If you ask for it, your name will be posted on the Special Thanks section of the project video when it will be completed.Please fill in the name of your choice in the Remarks column when sending your support.* I will do everything, but if I have to suspend the trip on the way, some of the returns will not be fulfilled. In that case, please note that the support money cannot be refunded.  30000yen[Private haircut plan]• For 7 charity cuts •• I will send a thank you message on a postcard from the local area.(If you like, I will communicate by e-mails and send you the postcard to the address you prefer.)• You will be invited to a private Facebook group.(This group is only for supporters and me. I will share the world's secrets, discoveries and deals. Please be friendly with each other.)• Report session after returning home • You’re invited !I will communicate the experiences gained around the world.The event will be held at some point between January and March 2021 near Kanagawa. (Please pay the transportation expenses by yourself.)• Hair cut half-day ticket.During half a day, I will provide you with a haircut along with head and shoulder massage and we spend the rest of the time relaxing and talking about travels.The period is scheduled from January to March of 2021.(I can visit anywhere in Japan. Please bear the transportation expenses in that case.)* If you ask for it, your name will be posted on the Special Thanks section of the project video when it will be completed.Please fill in the name of your choice in the Remarks column when sending your support.* I will do everything, but if I have to suspend the trip on the way, some of the returns will not be fulfilled. In that case, please note that the support money cannot be refunded.   50000yen[Luxury Plan]• Charity cuts for 10 people• I will send a thank you message on a postcard from the local area.(If you like, I will communicate by e-mails and send you the postcard to the address you prefer.)• You will be invited to a private Facebook group.(This group is only for supporters and me. I will share the world's secrets, discoveries and deals. Please be friendly with each other.)• Report session after returning home • You’re invited !I will communicate the experiences gained around the world.The event will be held at some point between January and March 2021 near Kanagawa. (Please pay the transportation expenses by yourself.)• Hair cut half-day ticket.During half a day, I will provide you with a haircut along with head and shoulder massage and we spend the rest of the time relaxing and talking about travels.The period is scheduled from January to March of 2021.(I can visit anywhere in Japan. Please bear the transportation expenses in that case.)•I will take a look at your trip.For example, see where you want to go and share information.* Although I will respond as much as possible, there are places where you cannot go, such as dangerous areas.* If you ask for it, your name will be posted on the Special Thanks section of the project video when it will be completed.Please fill in the name of your choice in the Remarks column when sending your support.* I will do everything, but if I have to suspend the trip on the way, some of the returns will not be fulfilled. In that case, please note that the support money cannot be refunded.  100000yen[Let's travel together]• 15 charity cuts •Let's travel together!Let’s go where you want to go and see what you want to see!You could even be able to do something you wouldn’t have the chance to if you were traveling alone!I will support you based on your travel experience!I promise this will be a 120% fun trip!* Please keep the period within 7 days.In that case, you will be responsible for the cost of the stay, and it would be helpful if you could also pay for me.• You will be invited to a private Facebook group.(This group is only for supporters and me. I will share the world's secrets, discoveries and deals. Please be friendly with each other.)* If you ask for it, your name will be posted on the Special Thanks section of the project video when it will be completed.Please fill in the name of your choice in the Remarks column when sending your support.* I will do everything, but if I have to suspend the trip on the way, some of the returns will not be fulfilled. In that case, please note that the support money cannot be refunded.  100000yen[Corporate plan]• Charity cuts for 15 people• Your company will be promoted with all my heart!Advertisements with Instagram and YouTube !!* If you ask for it, your name will be posted on the Special Thanks section of the project video when it will be completed.Please fill in the name of your choice in the Remarks column when sending your support.* I will do everything, but if I have to suspend the trip on the way, some of the returns will not be fulfilled. In that case, please note that the support money cannot be refunded.

2019/12/08 17:38

みなさまこんにちは!世界一周美容師のKOです!プロジェクトが開始して約一週間が経ちました。支援していただいた方々、本当にありがとうございます。最近プロジェクトについて、いくつか質問をいただいています。もしかしたらみなさまも疑問に思う部分かもしれないので、お答えします!Q : チャリティーカットならクラウドファンディングでなくてもできるのでは?A : チャリティーカットをするにあたり、いままでの旅とプラスアルファで、貧困地域だったりをまわる必要性が出てきます。そうすると移動費だったり、宿泊費がプラスでかかることが予想されます。正直に言います!チャリティーカットをするために、地域を細かくまわるだけのエネルギーはあります!ですが、費用が足りません!恐縮ですが、その部分をみなさまにご支援いただけたらと思っています!みなさまからご支援頂くことでチャリティーカットの活動の規模を広げることができます!Q : チャリティーカットはやらないといけないことなのか?A : はっきり言いますと、必ずやらなければいけないことではないと思います。ただ、僕自身がやりたいことです。「世界一周しながら誰かのためになにができるだろうか?」と考えたときに、美容師として髪を切ることしかできないと思ったからです。ですので「チャリティーカット」という形をとります!誰かにやれと言われたことではないですが、この活動をすることには大きな意味があると確信しています!その大きな意味だったり、秘めるチカラについてはプロジェクトに詳しく記載させていただきました。ぜひ閲覧くださいませ!Q : チャリティーカットが目的の世界一周なのか?A : これも正直に言いますと、「世界一周する」ということがあくまで最優先事項にあり、チャリティーカットが一番の目的ではありません。その過程をより他者のために意義があるものにするために、チャリティーカットをしながら世界一周をするという形に決めました。今回のQ&Aは以上になります。またもし質問をいただくことがあれば、定期的にお答えしていきます。どうか引き続き、ご声援とご協力をよろしくお願いいたします。