結論から言いますと現在トンネルの終わりにようやく光が差してきたところです。 3年間の制作と編集を経て、ようやくフィニッシュラインに到達したと言えます。最後の仕上げを待つ85分の完全な物語が出来あがりました!現在、音楽の権利と楽譜を確保するための資金調達オプションを模索しています。その後映画の完成と最終的な配給に取り掛かれればと思っています。何卒ご理解とご支援を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。私たちの目標は、世界の状況が落ち着く事を願いつつ、まずは映画祭に作品を出展したいと思っています。この長い旅の最後の段階についてまた近況報告させて頂きます。お待ち頂いている間に是非映画の1クリップをご覧下さい。
Hello our dear donors,
It's hard to believe it's been over a year since our last update! We are truly proving the clichés about documentary filmmaking timeframes... yes these things take years.
As a (so far) purely crowdfunded project, this film has had its own slow gestation, often at the mercy of our time and finances. Though this has often been terribly frustrating, the silver lining has been the growth of a deeper understanding of our material and multi-layered story.
All this to say that there is finally some light at the end of the tunnel! After three years of developing and editing, we can finally say we are at finishing line! We have a 85 minutes of a complete story ready for some final touch! Currently we’re exploring more financing options to secure music rights and scoring, we hope to soon have support for the completion and eventual ditribtuion of the film. We truly thank you for your patience ans support along the way. Our goal is to submit the film to film festivals and secure distrution this year when the world is in a better place, we will keep you updated in this last stage of this long journey. Here’s a small clip from the film we hope you enjoy while you’re waiting.