もしオーダーや製品についてトラブルや質問がある場合は、info@levergear.com まで英語でお問い合わせください。喜んでサポートいたします。
※ 英語が得意でない場合はgoolge翻訳(https://translate.google.co.jp/?hl=ja )やその他のツール、またはmachi-yaの事務局にご相談ください。
- The Lever Gear Team
Hi Backers,
Thank you for your waiting.
Shipment of all orders including the silver model which was delayed has been completed by last week. There is a possibility that the arrival date may be around depending on the situation of the shipping company, but we think you will be able to get it in 1 - 2 weeks.
If you have any questions or any trouble about your order or your gear, please reach out to us at info@levergear.com in English, and we will happily assist.
*If you are not good at English, please use google translate(https://translate.google.co.jp/?hl=ja ) or other tool or contact the support team of machi-ya.
Thank you.
Lever Gear