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このプロジェクトは、2020/06/04に募集を開始し、 469人の支援により 4,263,580円の資金を集め、 2020/07/07に募集を終了しました









このプロジェクトは、2020/06/04に募集を開始し、 469人の支援により 4,263,580円の資金を集め、 2020/07/07に募集を終了しました




ゲストハウスみはらし亭亭主牧原です。ご支援・応援メッセージ・シェア・拡散本当にありがとうございます。Text in English follows Japanese one.東土堂シティクリーニングに参加しました。“City cleaning” on June 21st, 2020.みはらし亭は尾道市東土堂町にあります。千光寺の下の部分にあたり観光客の方も歩くエリアです。6月21日(日)町内会のシティクリーニングにNPO尾道空き家再生プロジェクトの代表豊田をはじめ5人で参加しました。東土堂町の斜面地も住人が少なくなり、さらに草刈りなどの作業ができる人が限られています。約2時間ほど、土砂をあつめて、坂の下まで下すという作業をひたすら繰り返しました。普段はなかなか会う機会のない町内会の方たちにも会え、運動にもなり、さらに坂道もきれいになりました。“City cleaning” on June 21st, 2020.Miharashi-tei is in Higashitsuchidocho, Onomichi. We are a part of a local community group for the area. It is also where Senkoji temple is located, so many tourists also walk around. Every year in June, all residents get together and clean the area, mainly weeding, digging dirt and carry them down the hill. With the NPO Exec. Director Masako Toyota along with four staff members, we worked with our neighbors for about 2 hours on June 21st. It was very tiring, but a great opportunity for us to reconnect with the residents of the area.


さらなるご支援ありがとうございます。目標額は必要経費のごく一部、引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。-------------Why are Anago No Nedoko and Miharashi-tei so important? (Part 2 of 2)Because they are a part of the NPO’s mission for community building. The following mission statements are the last two of 5 mission statements. For the first three, please see this post.プロジェクト本文にもありますが、尾道ゲストハウス「あなごの寝床」と「みはらし亭」は経営のNPO尾道空き家再生プロジェクトがの活動方針と密接にかかわっています。その活動方針の日本語版はウェブサイト5つの柱を参照してください。4. Abandoned Houses x Environment (空き家 x  環境)Contributing to environmental conservation as well as preservation of the quaint Onomichi townscape and greening of unused land - Living in old houses helps to reduce industrial waste and to preserve forests by lessening the number of trees cut. Furniture, household items and other items left behind in abandoned houses are one reason houses come to be abandoned. We are striving to preserve the old-time landscape and atmosphere of Onomichi through the reuse of such furniture and household items. Also, we will build parks and/or p-patches to make reuse of vacant hillside lots where no new homes can legally be built.5. Abandoned Houses x Art (空き家 x アート)Promoting Onomichi by reusing abandoned houses as places for artists to present their work to the world and/or as accommodations for artist-in-residence programs - Historically, artists and writers have loved Onomichi. Onomichi and art are like two sides of the same coin. In order to provide future support for artists to introduce their work from Onomichi to the world, we hope to make reuse of abandoned houses to provide accommodations, art studios, gallery spaces and seminar houses for those such as art/literature students. We also hope to continue making use of abandoned houses as spaces for long-term accommodations as well as the production and presentation of artwork through the deep-seated establishment of artist residencies in Onomichi. In such ways we hope to leverage the power of art to cast Onomichi in a more appealing light.


おかげさまで目標額の100%を届くことが出来ました!!涙。。。皆様のご支援誠にありがとうございます!!!!↑尾道名物の渡船は乗客を降ろし、また新しい乗客を乗せて、航路を折り返します。残り22日、行けるとこまで頑張ります!(あなごのねどこ 寝床長 つるけんたろう/イラストレーター)


Why are Anago No Nedoko and Miharashi-tei so important? (Part 1)Because they are a part of the NPO’s mission for community building. The following mission statements are translation of the corresponding Japanese version found on the NPO website.プロジェクト本文にもありますが、尾道ゲストハウス「あなごの寝床」と「みはらし亭」は経営のNPO尾道空き家再生プロジェクトがの活動方針と密接にかかわっています。その活動方針の日本語版はウェブサイト5つの柱を参照してください。--- First 3 of 5 missions ---1. Abandoned Houses x Architecture (空き家 × 建築)Showcasing Onomichi’s unique architecture and disappearing forms of craftsmanship - Houses in Onomichi’s former city district come in different styles, in contrast to the houses shown in location sets of period films built to represent a certain era. Within a radius of 2 km (1.2 miles) from the city center are scattered houses from various eras: machiya-style houses, dozō warehouses, a mansion with a tearoom and Japanese garden, Western-style houses and more. Some houses appear “unstructured” because they are built for the variable landscape of Onomichi in its spread from the mountains to the sea. Some are built just for the views they offer, while others simply have unusual forms due to the multiple expansions made to them. Rare three-story wooden houses are also found in the city.2. Abandoned Houses x Community (空き家 x コミュニティ)Supporting the building of community - The abandoned houses scattered across Onomichi’s hillside are coming to appear as symbols of the declining birthrate and aging population, depopulation of local cities and hollowing out of city centers.  No matter how much effort we might expend to preserve old houses, buildings and landscapes, without communities of people living there, towns will lack appeal. We hope to make continued efforts to provide assistance in locating new residents for houses that have come to be abandoned by the next generation along with advice on living in such spaces for newcomer residents, opportunities for intergenerational interaction and events using abandoned houses and vacant lots, etc.3. Abandoned Houses x Tourism (空き家 x 観光)Creating opportunities to fully experience Onomichi by providing rental homes for short stays - Though many people visit Onomichi, there is so much on offer that they end up not having enough time to fully appreciate it. To do so would require frequent visits or a long stay. For visitors who would like to stay longer or experience Onomichi living, we provide a renovated, formerly-abandoned house for short-term stays at reasonable rates. Also, for abandoned houses that cannot be renovated sufficiently to be livable, we hope to repurpose them as spaces for small businesses or artist studios so that tourists may have a more enjoyable time wandering around the hillside and exploring the narrow alleyways.