Our crowdfunding campaign is featured on The Nikkei! Please check it out.
And the winner of the European Capital of Culture 2026 in Slovakia will be announced on 10 Dec.!!! Three candidate cities handed in their final bid book and had the final monitoring recently. You can see the very moment of its decision, so do not miss it!
2021年12月10日 現地時間16時/日本時間11日0時
10 Dec. 2021 16:00 (CET)/ 11 Dec. 2021 0:00 (JST)
■候補都市詳細/Three candidate cities:
ニトラ/Nitra ( https://bit.ly/3pzfoW1 )
トレンチーン/Trenčín ( https://bit.ly/3pB6siS )
ジリナ/Žilina ( https://bit.ly/3ozmquH )