Goodbye my sonのサポーターの皆様へ、(English is below JP)長らくご無沙汰しております。この度、私の短編作品である「Goodbye my son」と「Gift」の上映に関する喜ばしいお知らせがあり、皆様と共有したいと思います。先日、Goodbye my sonが第1回日本デンマーク映画祭の短編コンペティション部門に選出され、今月末にデンマークでの上映が決定しました。また、Giftもドイツのフランクフルト市で開催予定のNippon Connectionでの上映が同時期に予定されています。こうした機会はヨーロッパのプロデューサーとのつながりや日本映画関係者の交流にとって非常に貴重です。今回の海外上映に伴い、渡航費のサポートを必要としています。ヨーロッパ市場の開拓と次回作の長編制作に向けての準備を進めていますが、円安や物価高の影響で個人的費用の負担が大変厳しい状況です。具体的な内訳ですと、渡航費は約15-20万円で、滞在費は5月下旬から6月初旬にかけての7-10日間程度で約10万円程度を見込んでいます。もし可能でしたら、本当に少額のご支援でも大変助かります。今回の支援が次回作の制作に向けて大きな後押しとなります。なお前回のクラウドファンディングにご支援いただいた皆様には心から感謝申し上げます。短編パイロット版の「最後の夏への扉」は1月末に撮影を終え、現在もなお編集作業中です。完成までどうか今しばらくお待ちください。上記の内容をご理解いただき、もしご支援いただける場合は、私宛に一度個別にご連絡いただけますと幸いです。どうぞよろしくお願いします。Dear Goodbye my son supporters,It has been a long time coming. I would like to share with you some delightful news regarding the screening of my short films "Goodbye my son" and "Gift". Recently, Goodbye my son was selected for the short film competition at the 1st Japan-Denmark Film Festival and will be screened in Denmark at the end of this month. Gift will also be screened at the Nippon Connection scheduled to be held in Frankfurt, Germany at the same time. These opportunities are extremely valuable for connections with European producers and for exchange among people involved in the Japanese film industry.In conjunction with this overseas screening, I am in need of support for travel expenses. I am preparing to develop the European market and produce our next feature film, but due to the weak yen and high prices, it is very difficult to cover personal expenses. As a specific breakdown, I expect to spend about 150,000-200,000 yen (960-1,300 USD) for travel expenses and about 100,000 yen(640 USD) for accommodation expenses for about 7-10 days from late May to early June.If possible, a really small amount of support would be greatly appreciated. Your support this time will be a big boost for the next production. I would like to thank everyone who supported our previous crowdfunding campaign. The short pilot version of "The Door to Last Summer" finished shooting at the end of January and is still in the editing process. Please wait for a while until the film is completed.Thank you very much for your cooperation.If you understand the above and would like to support us, please contact me individually. Thank you very much.映画祭リンク(Film Festivals' links):Nippon Connection: https://db.nipponconnection.com/ja/event/1490/nippon-shorts-crossing-bordersJapan Denmark Film Festival: https://www.jdff.dk/