I am honored to mention that my short film ‘Goodbye my son’ has entered the monthly official selection of Rome Independent Prisma Awards at Roma in Italy. All my gratitude is dedicated to the film crews and supporters as well as film festival staff.拙作「Goodbye my son」イタリア、ローマで催されるRome Independent Prisma Awards に今月のマンスリー部門公式出品されました。毎度ながら映画クルーとサポーターと映画祭スタッフに感謝の意を表します。 https://www.romeprismafilmawards.com/
I am extremely honored to address that my short film ‘Goodbye my son’ has entered the official selection of AFIN-International Film Festival in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. All my gratitude is dedicated to the film crews and supporters as well as film festival staff.拙作「Goodbye my son」がオーストラリアのクイーンズランド州、ブリスベン市で催されるAFIN-International Fillm Festivalに公式出品され,光栄にも毎度ながら映画クルーとサポーターと映画祭スタッフに感謝の意を表します。 https://gp2events.wixsite.com/afinhttps://www.facebook.com/afinfilmfestival/
I am exaggerated to address that my short film ‘Goodbye my son’ has entered the official selection in the short drama category of the 52nd Annual WorldFest-Houston in the U.S, and it is winning the Remiaward among 1500 films in the category. (∵The official announcement will be released on 4/13) All my gratitude is dedicated to the film crews and supporters as well as film festival staff. There will be no screening this time.拙作「Goodbye my son」がアメリカのヒューストン国際映画祭の短編ドラマ部門公式出品され、同カテゴリー1500本の中からレミ賞を受賞予定のようです。(∵公式発表は4/13)毎度ながら映画クルーとサポーターと映画祭スタッフに感謝の意を表します。 なお今回は上映はありません。https://worldfest.org/
インド第4弾 なんとインド内別映画祭で2日連続上映!4th Chapter in India 2 consecutive screenings in a raw in two different film festivals in IndiaI am delighted to address that my short film ‘Goodbye my son’ has entered the official selection of AAB International Film Festival for March 2019 Edition.in India, All my gratitude is dedicated to the film crews and supporters as well as film festival staff. The screening will be on March 24. Please come and watch if you are around. the area.拙作「Goodbye my son」がインドのAAB International Film Festival March 2019Editionに公式出品されました。毎度ながら映画クルーとサポーターと映画祭スタッフに感謝の意を表します。 上映は3月24日です。お近くの方はぜひ足を運んでいただけらと思います。感謝https://www.aabfest.com/official-selection-march-2019https://www.facebook.com/aabfest
I am extremely honored to address that my short film ‘Goodbye my son’ has entered the official selection of Beyond Earth Film Festival, and won the 2nd best directorial debut award! All my gratitude is dedicated to the film crews and supporters as well as film festival staff. The screening will be on March 23. Please come and watch if you are around. the area.拙作「Goodbye my son」がインドのBeyond Earth Film Festivalに公式出品され,光栄にも初監督賞第2位を授与されました。毎度ながら映画クルーとサポーターと映画祭スタッフに感謝の意を表します。 上映は3月23日です。お近くの方はぜひ足を運んでいただけらと思います。感謝https://www.beyondearthfilmfestival.com/https://www.facebook.com/beyondearthfilmfestival/