Bucharest Short Cut last reportI am delighted to address that my short film ‘Goodbye my son’ was nominated for Best Actor and Best Cinematography of Bucharest Short Cut in the group of September submission. Unfortunately, there is no screening since these ended as only nominee this time. However, all my gratitude is sent to the film crews and supporters as well as film the festival staff.拙作「Goodbye my son」が9月出品部門のBucharest Short Cutにて最優秀俳優賞と最優秀撮影賞にノミネートされました。今回はノミネートのみでしたので残念ながら上映はないですが、映画クルーとサポーターそして映画祭スタッフに感謝の意を捧げます。https://www.bscfest.com/winners-nominees-september-2018
A letter from Israelイスラエル便り I am delighted to address that my short film, ‘Goodbye my son’ was selected as Semi-Finalist in the category of Student/ Debut film of Near Nazareth Festival 2018 in Israel. Unfortunately, there is no chance of screening for Semi-Finalist; however, I appreciate for all the film crews and supporters who always cheer me up as well as the selection team in the festival. 拙作Goodbye my sonが光栄にも、イスラエルのNazareth Festival 2018の学生/デビュー部門のセミファイナリストに選出されました。残念ながらセミファイナリストとしては上映の機会はございませんが、毎度ながら応援していただいております映画クルーと、サポーターの皆様、そして映画祭スタッフに感謝します。https://virtman4u.wixsite.com/nnf-19/student-debut
I have a discount code for the Sydney Lift-Off Film Festival Online that will be expired within 24 hours(till/11/20 midnight). you can watch all 88 films from different countries all over the world for a week. Please PM me if you wanna watch the films with half price, $7 instead of $14! You can vote any films including mine.11/20深夜12時までの24時間限定のSydney Lift-Off Film Festival Online のディスカウントチケットあります!世界中の88の映画を1週間ご鑑賞できます。今なら$14 が半額の$7でご鑑賞できます。ご希望の方はPMお願いします。私の映画も含め投票もできますのでよろしくお願いいたします。
A letter from Sydney!シドニー便りI am delighted to announce that my film, 'Goodbye my son', was selected in an official selection of Sydney Lift-Off Film Festival Online, which will be going live and will start accepting votes during this week, Monday 19th November 00:00 (GMT). Please come and watch online! I am grateful to all the film crews and the selection member of the festival. You can not only watch my film but also all the other 88 wonderful short films from different countries from all over the world until this Sunday拙作「Goodbye my son」がSydney Lift-Off Film Festival Onlineにてオフィシャルセレクションに選出されました。映画祭は今週19日月曜日の0時(GMT)に開催され1週間投票を開始します。是非どうぞオンライン上で見に来てください!映画クルーと映画祭メンバーに感謝!ぜひとも私の映画だけでなく世界中集った88の素晴らしい短編映画をご鑑賞ください。Vimeo.com/ondemand/sydneyliftoffshorts
Wind from Portugueseポルトガルの風I am happy to inform you that my short film, ‘Goodbye my son’ is listed as Finalist in the official selection of Lisbon Film Rendezvous, and will be screened in the festival. I am grateful for all the film crews, supporters and festival stuffs! 拙作「Goodbye my son」がLisbon Film Rendezvousにてオフィシャルセレクションのうちのファイナリストに選出され、映画祭での上映が決定しました。映画クルー、サポーターそして映画祭スタッフに感謝の意を表します。https://www.lisbonfilmrendezvous.com/