京都醸造株式会社 CEO兼共同創設者
そんな彼らがクラフトビールに対する熱い想いと共に昨年始動させたブルワリー「NUDE BEER」。元々私たち京都醸造でビール造りに携わっていた上甲博之さんが「NUDE BEER」では醸造の指揮をとっています。この新進気鋭の彼らが京都におけるビール醸造に参入し、この業界を一緒に盛り上げていってくれることを大変嬉しく思います。これからの「NUDE BEER」の展開を心から楽しみにしています。
Paul Speed
CEO and Co-Founder of Kyoto Brewing Company
“When KBC first started in 2015, the breweries that did exist in the city were almost exclusively owned by sake companies and the number of venues that poured independent craft beer were countable on my 2 hands. Fast forward to 2024 and the scene is very different now. There are now more than 10 independent breweries (and growing) in operation and over 100 venues serving craft beer. Per capita, Kyoto is THE brewery city of Japan. Within that sits Kakezan group (now with 4 dedicated craft beer bars) and their brewery, Nude. They've been a regular fixture of Kyoto's craft beer community selling beer from Kyoto, Japan and the world. With Nude, we're now very happy to welcome them as beer-making peers. Joko Hiroyuki was a brewery assistant during our formative years. We really look forward to seeing what Nude has in store over the coming years." - Paul Speed, Co-Founder and CEO of Kyoto Brewing