こちら「Goodbye my son」でご支援いただいた方にも是非ご協力いただければと思いこちらに記載させていただきます。既に両プロジェクトをご支援頂いた方には重複の報告になりますがご了承ください。
皆様にはここまで金銭面でご支援いただいたことに大変感謝しております。お1人お1人、各々のご家族やお仕事などの状況や諸事情を抱えた中で、拙作のプロジェクトを応援してくれたことは私としても本当に嬉しいし感謝しても仕切れません。そこで、ここから先の奇跡の飛躍に向けて、少しだけ皆様お1人お1人のお力をいただけますでしょうか? 1人の力では行けるところは限られますが皆の力を合わせることでより遠くまでいくことができると私は信じています。
カールテオドアドライヤー監督の 「奇跡」という映画があります。
―― マザー・テレサ(カトリック教会の聖人、修道女(ノーベル平和賞受賞))
Dear fellow supporters
The following is a quote from the crowdfunding activity report of my short film "The Door to Last Summer".I hope that those who supported "Goodbye my son" will also be able to support this project. Please understand that this is a duplicate report for those who have already supported both projects.
Thanks to the generous support of each and every one of you, it has been managed to surpass 600,000 yen with 15 days left, almost two weeks to go, and has been reached 30% of our minimum goal of 2 million yen. However, it still has almost 1.4 million yen left to reach our goal, and I am really struggling to figure out how to make up the difference from here. Up to this point, I have personally sent messages to many of you one by one, and have been able to reach this point with a very gradual slope like a parallel line (I really appreciate some of you who supported us in the early stages and later without DMs). However, without miraculously creating a needle-steep spike for the last spurt period of the last two weeks from here, it is predicted that it will probably be impossible to break through the goal for sure at this rate.
Therefore, I have a favor to ask of each and every one of you.
I would appreciate it if each and every one of you who might support this project would do your part to push this project to your friends, acquaintances, people and communities who have a strong interest in the arts, by spreading the word through your own voice as much as possible by DM and social networking. (I appreciate those who have already shared this on Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
Since this project is my personal idea, many of you have supported this project so far because of that connection. However, from this point forward, we are entering a stage where we will go beyond my connections and multiply the power of each and every one of you to make a giant leap forward and jump over as a great leverage (principle of leverage). In order to achieve this goal, I cannot reach the current goal of 2 million yen by jumping from my own network, but the comprehensive energy of each and every one of you (like a spirit ball) who want to "make this project happen and share the same dream together through the film" will be extremely important.
I am very grateful to all of you for your financial support to this point. I am so happy and grateful that each and every one of you, with your own family, work, and other circumstances, has supported my project. So, I would like to ask each and every one of you for a little help to make the miracle leap forward from here. I believe that one person can only go so far, but together we can go much further.
One of my favorite movies is
|"Ordet" directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer.
Since I saw this movie, I have always believed that
what people really pray for and believe in will come true.
And what you pray and believe in will surely reach the will of God.
I have come to strongly believe that.
And to jump over for the final spurt,
And for the realization of this film
I would like to ask each and every one of you for your continued support.
As I write this, I am reminded of the following quote.
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
―― Mother Teresa (Saint of the Catholic Church, nun (Nobel Peace Prize winner))
Please click here to support the project!