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このプロゞェクトは、2020/05/24に募集を開始し、 336人の支揎により 3,854,621円の資金を集め、 2020/06/27に募集を終了したした









このプロゞェクトは、2020/05/24に募集を開始し、 336人の支揎により 3,854,621円の資金を集め、 2020/06/27に募集を終了したした




昚日、むンタヌネット寺院「圌岞寺(ひがんじ)」に寄皿したプロゞェクトに関する蚘事が公開されたした。以前から床々関わらせおいただいおいる、仏教をはじめずした様々な情報が芋られるずっおも枩かいむンタヌネット䞊のお寺です。ぜひ、ご䞀読ください【圌岞寺っおどんなお寺】圌岞寺は、仏教ずあなたのご瞁を結ぶ、むンタヌネット䞊のお寺です。お寺を名乗りながらも、䌜藍もなければ、お葬匏や法事を勀めるわけでもなく、坐犅をする堎でもありたせん。もしかしたら「ただのWebマガゞンではないか」ずいう声もあるかもしれたせん。でも、お寺ずは䞀䜓どんなものなのでしょうか圌岞寺は、お寺ずいうものは「無数のご瞁の集積」によっお成り立ち、同時に「誰もが自分の仏教を語り、共にできる堎」であるず考えたす。だからこそ圌岞寺はお寺を名乗っおいるのです。圌岞寺は誰もが、䞀人ひずりの仏教をのびのびず語り、共有できる、そんなお寺です。【5月27日 (22:18) 時点での進捗状況】・寄付総額787,5100円 あず2,211,990円26%・支揎者数61人・残り32日


「倧仏造立プロゞェクト」を海倖にも広げるため、プロゞェクト抂芁の英蚳版を甚意したした。もし海倖のお知り合いがいらっしゃいたしたら、こちらのペヌゞをシェアいただけたら幞いです。翻蚳は、「日本の宗教ずアヌト」を研究テヌマの䞀぀ずしおいる評論家のJeremy Woolseyゞェレミヌ・りヌルズィヌにお願いしたした。昚幎、『矎術手垖』創刊70呚幎を蚘念しお行われた「第16回芞術評論募集」で次垭に遞出されたのち、珟圚は䞀旊アメリカに戻り、ハヌバヌド倧孊にお研究を続けおいたす。「『矎術手垖」創刊70呚幎 第16回芞術評論募集」 WoolseyのWEBサむト Woolsey以䞋、本文になりたす。  “Counter-Coronavirus Daibutsu” Creation ProjectAs a prayer to revive social bonds and stop COVID-19, I want to create a “Counter-Coronavirus Daibutsu (a large statue of the Buddha)” and face the future with a positive attitude.______________________________StatementCurrently, people all over the world are stricken with fear over a virus they cannot see as well as an economic crisis with no clear end in sight. What is most scary, however, isn’t the virus itself, but the fact that people are being crushed by stress and evading and attacking even their friends and family. In such a stagnant and unstable environment, I wondered if there wasn’t some inclusive, “positive action” I could take, one that would allow people to pacify their fear and anger, and pray for the peaceful resolution of the virus. I decided to make a Daibutsu (a large statue of the Buddha) to help people face the future and as an object for prayer.In ancient Japan, massive statues of the Buddha were built as a form of prayer whenever large plagues, famines, or natural disasters occurred. During these times, a monk called a Kanjin-hijiri would go on a pilgrimage to solicit funding. Monks beginning with Gyōki and KÅ«kai contributed to not just the construction (and re-construction) of statues of the Buddha, but to public works of all kinds. I can only imagine what people’s minds were like in times of such disasters, but I think it was a similar division to what we are experiencing now. In such times, people pool their energy and cooperate in creating a Daibutsu, advancing together. I believe that the role of Buddhism in Japan is to concentrate people’s energy and convert it like a kind of prism.Summary, ScheduleI will execute three projects in stages with the goal of creating the Daibutsu.First stage: Notifications and Fundraising (From the end of May to the end of June: First round of crowdfunding).In the crowdfunding stage, I will notify people about the Daibutsu creation project, and fundraise in order to be able to implement the second, “Buddha Statue Prayer Caravan”, stage. Second Stage: (From the end of August to the beginning of September: Buddha statue prayer caravan pilgrimage all over Japan, second round of crowdfunding) I will visit temples all over Japan in a car pulling a Buddha statue. I will have people and businesses that have suffered from the coronavirus affix debris (such as flyers for events that have been canceled) and thus purify them and this disaster. Then I will perform a Buddhist memorial service for those whose have lost their lives due to the coronavirus. All the while, I will continue to fundraise and seek sponsors for the third phase—“Daibutsu creation”—of the project.Third Stage (October to the end of December: Building of the Daibutsu)As a symbol of overcoming the coronavirus crisis, I will create a Daibutsu to carry our experiences into the future. I aim to complete it by the end of December and hold a ceremony to consecrate it while pacifying this year’s disasters before the close of the year. My plan is to enshrine the temple solicitation Buddha statue from stage two inside of the completed Daibutsu.About the Executer of the Project: German Suplex Airlines“German Suplex Airlines” is an artist group that Kazama Tengshing—a Sōtō Zen priest and artist—is part of. In it, six artists gather and think about how to spread their expressions in society; the base of the group’s activities is in continuing to execute projects with the cooperation of specialists in a variety of fields. Our specialty is using art’s unique “thought” and “techniques” to create unprecedented “conceptual shifts.” And, with the capital that’s accrued inside of our expressions spreading through society, we have the physical aim of creating an “airline company.”Donations and Thank-You GiftsPlease choose a donation course from the following options and contact Kazama Tengshing, the project leader. In addition, please provide him with the necessary information for processing payment (payments will be made with a credit card). Due to the impact of the coronavirus, please understand that packages shipped overseas will be quite late in delivery.tengshing.k@gmail.comA Course: Donation amount of 1,000 yenGifts included:— A thank-you email that includes Kazama Tengshing’s Gasshō (hands pressed together in thanks) image— A “1,000 Buddy” billB Course: Donation amount of 5,000 yenGifts included:— A thank-you email that includes Kazama Tengshing’s Gasshō (hands pressed together in thanks) image— A “5,000 Buddy” bill— A mizuhiki accessorie  (mizuhiki is traditional Japanese decorative ribbons)C Course: Donation Amount of 10,000 yen— A thank-you email that includes Kazama Tengshing’s Gasshō (hands pressed together in thanks) image— A “10,000 Buddy” bill— A mizuhiki accessorie  (mizuhiki is traditional Japanese decorative ribbons)— A original Buddha statue postcardD Course: Donation Amount of 50,000 yen— A thank-you email that includes Kazama Tengshing’s Gasshō (hands pressed together in thanks) image—  “10,000 Buddy” bills— A mizuhiki accessorie  (mizuhiki is traditional Japanese decorative ribbons)— Original Buddha statue postcards (5 types)— Engraving of the donor’s name onto the completed DaibutsuE Course: Donation Amount of 100,000 yen— A thank-you email that includes Kazama Tengshing’s Gasshō (hands pressed together in thanks) image— 10 “10,000 Buddy” bills— A mizuhiki accessorie  (mizuhiki is traditional Japanese decorative ribbons)— Engraving of the donor’s name onto the completed Daibutsu— A “Goshuin-chō” (a book used to collect stamps from the temples one visits in Japan) designed by Kazama.F Course: Donation amount of 1,000,000 yen—A thank-you email that includes Kazama Tengshing’s Gasshō (hands pressed together in thanks) image— 100 “10,000 Buddy” bills— A mizuhiki accessorie  (mizuhiki is traditional Japanese decorative ribbons)—A “Goshuin-chō” (a book used to collect stamps from the temples one visits in Japan) designed by Kazama— Engraving of the donor’s name onto the completed Daibutsu— An Ebb-Ripple-910R artwork created by Kazama (Materials: wood, mizuhiki ((traditional Japanese decorative ribbons)), Size: 91 cm x 91 cm x 3 cm)Thank-You Giftsリタヌン品の英蚳説明


本日、「コロナ倧仏造立」ぞ向けた第䞀匟のクラりドファンディングを公開したした。皆様の倚倧なる応揎のお陰で、本日だけで30人から48侇3010円(20:30珟圚、達成率16%)ものご支揎をいただくこずができたした。  åƒ•ã«ãšã£ãŠã¯ã€ã“れたでになく倧きなプロゞェクトになりたす。これたで僕は䜕床も巚倧な䜜品を䜜っおきたしたが、思えば初めお巚倧な䜜品を぀くったのは、矎倧の卒業制䜜でした。ヘリりムガスを入れた倧きなバルヌンを空䞭に揚げ、その浮力によっお「塔」の圢を぀くり出すずいう䜜品でした。 䞀芋、自立しおいるように芋える巚倧な塔は、あくたでもガスの浮力ずいう自然珟象によっお「立ち䞊げられお」いたす。タむトル「stand.」に蟌めた意味は、「私たちは䜕に䟝(よ)っお立ち䞊がるこずができおいるのか」ずいう問いです。奇しくもコロナの圱響によっお、「自分がこれたで䜕によっお支えられおきたのか」を、改めお気づかされる毎日 。 今幎の月、この卒業制䜜からずっず「バルヌン制䜜ずヘリりムガスの提䟛」をお願いしおいた「バルヌン䌚瀟 T」さんが業務を終了するこずになりたした。実は数幎前からヘリりムガスの䟡栌が急激に高隰しおおり、かなり手に入りにくい状況が続いおいたした。それでも同じ業皮間の暪の連携で、なんずか工面しお、い぀も数本のガスボンベを手に入れおくれおいたした。長幎倧倉な状況が続く䞭のコロナ打撃が倧きかったのだず思いたす。 ずおもショックで、䜕か恩返しができないかを考え続けたしたが、今の僕にできるこずは䞀぀です。これたで僕の掻動に協力し僕を育おおくれた方々に察し、培ったスキルを最倧限に掻かしお曎に良いものを䜜り、䞖に還元するこず。 そんな感謝の意を心に抱きながら、これたでみなさんの力ずなり、空ぞず溶けおいっおしたった党おの存圚を䟛逊するための「勧進キャラバン」を行えたらず思っおいたす。プロゞェクト実珟に、どうかご協力ください。